So, is this game finally worth playing after 3.5 years? Should I play it?
Few questions I would be happy to get answers for:
- is this playable without doing any shooting? I'm not talking about non-lethal playthrough, but maybe pure melee build, is it feasible? I hate shooting in games.
- any memorable moments the game offers? Stuff that makes you think about the game after you're done?
- are characters well written?
- how is side quest quality?
- how woke it is?
- can I play regular 2.0 and skip Phantom Liberty altogether, or would I be missing something important?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can feasibly do a playthrough with builds focused around katana or other bladed weapons, with throwing knives/axes (for a stealth playthrough), with fists (with Gorilla Arms) or blunt weapons. You will need
some ranged option though, even if it's just the missile launcher arms or throwing knives (or of course quickhacks).
The game has quite a few memorable moments dotted throughout. A few things will probably stay with you. Obvs it depends on how much you get into the characters and themes. If you ever wondered about the typical Cyberpunk tropes like AI, uploading, the social consequences of the kind of technology depicted, etc., the game gives a decent amount of food for thought on that level.
Some characters (including some of the minor side-characters) are well-written and memorable, others just average. There aren't any real stinkers, they're all pretty competently drawn.
Side quests are a big part of the draw of the game (both side-quests proper as the game calls them, which are attached to the main quest, and "gigs" which are just short fixer quests, but often quite good and memorable). There are also a lot of things you just stumble across (often with shards lying around describing what happened), some of which are very good, although they're just little scenarios.
It's got a fairly low woke quotient and there's very little LGBGQQ+ bs, but it's heavily multiracial.
I wouldn't skip Phantom Liberty, it has some great set pieces. That said, it's quite considerably more taxing on one's system than the main game, so watch out if you've got a potato (turns out rendering a pile of junk is quite taxing on the old polygon-pushing

I mean, basically, the gist of it is that it's not the great RPG that was promised for many years, and it never will be, but after some work on the game from CDPR (basically copying what modders had done to improve the game, although it's quite possible CDPR had similar plans anyway for some of the tweaks) it's turned out to be a fun action-adventure game in its own way. I would recommend taking advantage of the asynchronous quest delivery (e.g. if someone says "meet you at midnight at x" you can leave them hanging for all eternity and it doesn't matter) and get yourself up to a decent level by clearing Watson (of Regina's gigs and of police quests) before doing the Heist (so you've got some build toys to play with before entering the game proper), and then regularly doing bouts of breaking off from the main/side quests and just wandering around as it takes your fancy. A fair chunk of the fun of the game is just wandering around enjoying the ambience of Night City, both day and night, and coming across little fights and scenarios in the open world.