A little too late for growing a pair. Imagine being cancelled because you begged some roastie to come over, so you can lick her pussy. Absolutely cuck move and disgusting. Would you lick a pussy of a whore or a girl you just picked from the bar? Of course not. But because he is a degenerate cuck, what happened happened.
Compare him to my ex boss, an old british guy, quite rich and constantly takes trips from Dubai to seychelles to fuck models. He got booted off the company because sent a text to an employee telling her word by word : Come to my office and suck my LITERAL THIRD LEG. Now that is chad.
> be me, 67 year old businessman
> look like Prince Charles - yellowing teeth, paper-thin skin, terrible haircut, gigantic ears, model of a perfect Englishman
> haven't been able to make it to the Seychlles this week to sleep with a local child
> the old todger's in a bad way
> think, Cecil, think
> brainwave!
> decide to order a sucky-wucky from that heavyset gal who started in accounts last month
> i'll text her
> not sure how a chap is meant to speak to the gals these days, only used to dealing with the escort booking service in Dubai
> blast, this is a tricky spot altogether
> fuck it, how hard can it be
> decide to text her "Come to my office and suck my literal third leg" word by word
> about to send
> another brainwave!
> decide to text her "Come to my office and suck my LITERAL THIRD LEG" so she knows I'm serious. Still text it word by word
> bloody tart doesn't even reply
> third leg remains unsucked
> next day find out the little harlot has reported me to human resources
> somehow, instead of sacking her for her impertinence, they decide to sack me instead???
> wife finds out, i'm banned from the Shropshire estate AND the Chelsea townhouse
> can't even see the hounds, have no idea how Chauncey is doing
> son tells me he's a homosexual. unrelated to the above events, we're just english
> banned from the local automobile society, fellows at the club can't see me because their wives won't let them, can't travel abroad anymore because the wife has shredded my passport
> only person left to defend me is a fellow on some sort of Eastern European Videographic Game Appreciation website
> third leg still remains unsucked
What a fucking chad!