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CKII is released.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
It's not like Poland ever achieves anything under an AI. Your ideas would just make the HRE even more bloated. At least right now it has to go keep up the facade and go around Poland in order to expand eastwards.

Overall I think that the HRE is one of the weaker aspects of this game. Even with civil wars left and right, it still looks and behaves like some homogenous block. It would be a lot better if only individual and quarelling dukes pressed their claims to neighouring counties, instead of the whole motherfucking German reich descending upon some hapless Count like the Huns.
That's generally why my own modding ideas usually involve making HRE (often into a titular title as well) with hardlocked Minimum Crown Authority and heavily penalized Vassal Levy (basically one needs maximum Feudal Levies to get any levies at all in non-defensive wars), as well as permanent Elective WITHOUT relations boost.

A more correct way to improve the situation would be through implementing some sort of voting system among electors when it comes to wars and what not. That way if you wanted to press some claim to the French crown as the Holy Roman Emperor you'd need to secure the backing of your vassals. If you couldn't muster enough supporters you'd have to go at it alone. This would really open up a new avenue of internal confilcts and struggles in the Empire, with all of the different actors vying for power amongst themselves and the Emperor trying to increase his own influence at the same time.

Hard coding the HRE into an ineffectual entity makes it work, but removes any possibility of reforming it into an actual empire through your own machinations. It still wouldn't be holy or german, but at least it'd be a start.
Personally, I think hardcoding HRE to be a failblob is the better alternative to having ANOTHER uber-blob running about at the gamestart. One thing I toyed around with was reform decisions to reduce HRE penalties, that would be based on stats AND time ruled, and which would be completely removed on ruler change.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
The whole blob thing in CKII is rather easy to solve. Make any increase in crown laws very expensive in piety, prestige and money. Give any increase in crown laws a massive hit to vassal relations. Up the chance for insurrection plots and factions. Limit powers to go to war for lieges with lower crown laws. Voila. It's even rather historical.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
With the feast bonuses, and bribes - plus letting the lords teach your sons, daughters - I find it a simple matter to do a yearly house cleaning as HRE by going on a round of Rightful Imprisonment which leads to a few dudes revolting - gets their shit revoked - or imprisoned till death. Bonus points if their rivals excommunicate them while in dungeons. Off with those heretics' head. :smug:


May 25, 2006


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I do like this cognitive dissonance they've got with the dev diaries: "We will focus on all pagans equally." Reality: 90% of the stuff they talk about is specifically for vikings.


dog that is hovering, Wastelands Interactive
Jul 8, 2010
Jordan, Minnesota
Project: Eternity


ass hater
Jun 13, 2011
Vikings can:
Call prepared invasions and get additional troops for 2 years
Use navigable rivers put in the game specifically for them
Invade any coastal province

Zoroastrians and all other pagans can:
Exist for a while (???)


ass hater
Jun 13, 2011
Actually I do like the new religious conversion system because it means that certain culture groups that always get swallowed up (Pechenegs, Finns, Lithuanians, Pomeranians) will have the chance to convert and keep their lands. This means that the culture won't disappear completely, but it also keeps the groups that generally swallow them up, Holy Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Russia, Poland, from expanding.

I wonder how exactly it will work, if Muslims can try to convert Christians and vice versa. Fingers crossed for a Muslim Holy Roman Empire.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City

A Welsh Tale

1066, Glamorgan, amidst an insignificant and disunited Wales...

For over a thousand years, Alban, also insultingly known as England, has been subjugated by foreign conquerors. First the Romans subjugated Alban for centuries, and when finally it seemed to the Celts of Alban that freedom was at hand, the Angles, the Norses and the Saxons went in conquering, plundering, razing and raping everything in their path, forcing the survivors to flee to the west, until only one stronghold of the rightful owners of the Britannia clay remained south of the Hadrian Wall: Wales. Those who stood on the other side have been fully subjugated, forced to embrace the customs and values of the Germanic tyrants. Ironically, the same Saxons now stand on the verge of defeat to William of Normandy... great, yet another foreign conqueror... the Welsh deserve better than to look from the sideway until eventually the conqueror of Albion decides to subjugate them, against which neither them or Scotland or much less Ireland would stand much of a chance.

There was only one way for the Celts to stand a chance of not having their entire culture and language wiped out. And for over one hundred years the once obscure Meredith dynasty, minor Counts of Glamorgan, fought valiantly to unite Wales, Scotland and Ireland, gloriously ascending to the rule over three kingdoms. In addition to their glorious ascent, in addition to their successful defense of Wales more than once against yet more Anglo-Saxon barbarism, through intermarriage, territories over the Holy Roman Empire ended under the suserainty of Wales. Fearing the consequences of this, considering the crown authority of the HRE was almost symbolic, and also putting in account the chances of having a shot of the Meredith dynasty becoming the Emperor in the elective monarchy of the HRE, Wales became a vassal of the Holy Roman Empire.


Because if the Basque royalty, belonging to an isolated and provincials culture that survived Latinization and to an once insignificant kingdom before their glorious role in the Reconquista, if they could get in there, why couldn't the Welsh?


King Gwilym (not to be confused with Qwinn) of Wales got very close to having the title of Holy Roman Emperor, at least for a while, as part of the glories of the Meredith dynasty. Unfortunately it didn't work like that, but the status of vassal to HRE meant safety from the Anglo-Saxon tyranny, and most importantly, once they are ready for it: no threat of retaliation for their reconquest of Alban.

Then came the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate. The latter converted to Orthodoxy and became the scourge of Islam, while the latter stuck to their heathen ways and through the next one hundred years they destroyed the Rus, Bohemia and Poland.

Not only came the yurts, kebabs and mongols to ravage Europe, but also the Black Death, which almost wiped out the Meredith dynasty, putting the thrones of Wales, Ireland and Scotland in the hands of a newborn and orphaned girl named Tangwystl. In an attempt to prevent a disaster, her regent murdered several pretenders to the throne, and somehow, managed to put the blame for such assassinations, of which several were uncovered, into the less than one year old Tangwystl that was then unjustly accused of being a kinslayer, and worse, arrested by the HRE and brought to a horrible dungeon, where she spent almost her entire childhood subjected to God knows only what kind of abuse. When she was 12 years old finally the ransom was agreed and she was returned to Wales. But this injustice left permanent scars in her mind and soul, and treasonous vassals constantly joined factions to put pretenders or themselves into the thrones of Ireland or Scotland, only to be crushed mercilessly. And so the Queen came of age trying to keep a kingdom from falling apart.

When order was restored, while the chancellor was scheming to fabricate claims over most of Alban, a Crusade was called to retake Poland from the mongols, and two kingdoms would prove themselves the most important to the outcome of such:


Wales and Denmark, both ruled by the same Welsh dynasty, except their Danish relatives have long adapted to the Danish culture. This would prove a short-lasted victory, for soon the Golden Horde would once again drive the Piast out of Poland and subjugate the potato, but it was the first time the West drove the worst mongol and worst turk back. Then started a waiting game, a waiting game for a crisis among the Anglo-Saxons that would be the beginning of the end after thousand years of oppression by foreign conquerors.


return to your precious saxony


Meanwhile, in Finland... the last of the Rurikovich speaks Finnish and feels more like a Karelian than a Russian.


The Holiest of the holy, redeemed Queen Tangwystl, remover of Saxon, Anglo, Kebab and Mongol, began, through warfare and wisdom, to forge the foundations of a rising Celtic Empire...

Welsh culture would through the 14th and 15th centuries gain dominance over the British Isles, and the English culture would gradually decline before it could bring Pakistani diversity enrichers and kebab inside through the multikult.



Queen Tangwystl The Holy's great-grandson, known during most of his reign as King Thomas The Cruel, although that one was a bit overblown, assumed the task of crushing the limeys like skulls of sheep and taking back their clay, and this glorious development was coming to a closure as Thomas grown older, dedicating his entire life to drive back the foreign conquerors, and the total conquest of Alban was merely delayed by truces at such point. It was proved that with the Scottish Highlanders, Welsh Longbowmen and Irish Gallóglaigh fighting under the same banner, in service of the dynasty that united all Celts of the isles from its humble origins in Glamorgan, the history of the British Isles has been completely changed from the course it was going through since the Roman conquest. The 15th century was marked by the end of the glories of the Meredith in Denmark, but also by the beginning of new glories by their Swedish relatives, who, with the help of Wales and on their own, despite not being the most bright relatives, were gradually pushing the Mongols back and gradually advancing towards Moskva, forging a legacy of their own that had its greatest glory under Duchess Gizella II of Smaland, despite her being an idiot, a womyn[/lyric suite] and a lesbian.


In 1423, the time finally has arrived for the Meredith to achieve their greatest glory.







His successor, Emperor Coel the Just, cared little about respecting truces, wanting instead to take back all the rightful clay of Alban and restore Celtic rule to all of Britannia. This costed him being excommunicated, but he wouldn't let that put him down. Some hitmen ensured a far more willing Pope to lift the excommunication would rule over Rome.


But the Middle Ages were coming to an end, and slowly the winds of History were blowing away from Feudalism. With Alban under total Welsh dominion, it was only a matter of time before the title of King of Alban was taken away from the leftovers of the Anglo-Saxons in Normandy.


Meanwhile in Poland...

And Smaland grew in glory as well, securing Moskva and much more, and with the potential to forge a new Empire. In any case:





*Edit: By the way, this was the first time I actually played a CKII game to the end.


Jan 10, 2011
Babang Ilalim
Now that I think of it, the Med portrait pack doesn't seem so bad. In fact, it's the only real analogue to the ugly yet endearing CK1 portraits.


Aug 30, 2008
Damn I can't wait for this. Just hope it isn't entirely a Viking wank (and if it is that than they actually get them historically correct) and Slavs, Balts, Finns, Cumans and Zoroastrians get their share of the attention.

Paradox ought to give this guy a job for his brilliant Steppe and Turk faces:




Persians and Central Asian/East European/Caucasian nomads having Arab faces and garb was completely ridiculous.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
The first thing that needs doing is going through the event files for specific pagan religions and comparing file sizes. I've got more than a vague suspicion that there'll be a notable disparity between one file and all the rest.


Arch Devil
May 25, 2009
The first thing that needs doing is going through the event files for specific pagan religions and comparing file sizes. I've got more than a vague suspicion that there'll be a notable disparity between one file and all the rest.

I just need the event where a priest gets ax-murdered at lake Köyliö.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
The first thing that needs doing is going through the event files for specific pagan religions and comparing file sizes. I've got more than a vague suspicion that there'll be a notable disparity between one file and all the rest.

I just need the event where a priest gets ax-murdered at lake Köyliö.
Yep, glorious event would be glorious.

Of course, my personal pet peeve is that they'll probably STILL have grossly inaccurate namefiles for us Finns, with Christianized or Swedish origin names all over the place, and fucking Virtanen.


Arch Devil
May 25, 2009
Of course, my personal pet peeve is that they'll probably STILL have grossly inaccurate namefiles for us Finns, with Christianized or Swedish origin names all over the place, and fucking Virtanen.

Aren't those easily edited?

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