I decided to do a bit of "devblogging" in regards to the work I'll start doing on the Finno-Ugric/pagan mod of mine once Pdox patches Muslims into tolerable levels. Here's some raw materials I'll be using, being the pics for events and decisions:
Search For The Sampo decision-fired "story" event chain for religious, ambitious or less-than-sane rulers.
Characters with bad blood between them might get an event where one of them decides to go ambush the other in the forest.
Mischief In The Pasture event for children with troubled family history.
A call to war event, triggers a Raid war against a random neighbour, or prestige and relations hit.
Special event for Wroth rulers, generally leading to destruction and mayhem all around.
Lehtolapsi event, the event where the ruler chooses whether a bastard child should be drowned in the swamp or not. Traits like Zealous, Kind and Just influence the decision, as does the bastard's parentage. If it is your own bastard, Legitimizing him (only option besides killing, the event also serves as a way of legitimizing pagan bastards) will result in large hit to prestige and piety.
Spread of Christianity choice event. The event will function that from 1150 onwards in pagan nations with a non-Zealous/Sceptical ruler bordering Catholic provinces, pagan characters with high Learning and no traits like Zealous will receive a conversion event that allows them to choose between conversion, gold and Prestige, or Piety and Zealous trait. The event will fire more often for Lithuanians once I get to them, if Kingdom of Lithuanity exists.
Aftermath of the Ambush event.
Death event resulting from other events.
The Wise Old Man childhood event.
Seek Shaman's Guidance decision event.
Forging Prosperity, an event that temporarily boosts tech gain (or grants a level in a tech, haven't decided), fired by having a highly skilled Steward or Shaman.
Another outcome for Seek Shaman's Guidance.