A very exciting update that includes what's kind of quests there are in the Habitat sadly the beta for the location might be pushed back a few more days or week but still what is coming sounds so cool.
We'll work through the weekend and evaluate what we have on Monday. While we're talking about a beta release, which is work in progress by definition, I think it needs more work.
Basically, the content can be split into the following categories:
- faction intro quests; their purpose is to show you the factions and introduce you to the leaders as you can't just waltz in and offer them the machine, you need to have a way in.
- the main quest, learning more about the machine, offering it to one of the leaders and getting a new party member
- leaders' personal quests, running in parallel with the main quest
- old quests: the Pit's leaders' quests, Shadow from the MC offering to help him steal the eye, Father Nico.
- side quests
- party banter and situations
- flavor (lore, inscriptions, propaganda)
The last 2 will be done last, no time for this right now at all. The first 2 are done (meaning basic implementation is done but needs some fine-turning, scripting and combat balance). Oscar's working on the leaders' quests (scripting), I'm working on the side quests (about half done).
It's important to show what we have to gather some feedback (Oscar thinks it's too dark and he isn't talking about the lighting), but at the same time we don't want to release it before it's an enjoyable experience.
Nick added new death animations; Yuri (our animator) is working on civilian animations to make the towns less static (but that's a bigger, longer project as the list is extensive), Vlad and Joao (3D art) are working on unique objects and building.
Speaking of, the basic level layout is done for all areas. Most unique objects are done too; only one's left (being textured as we speak), the rest is pure flavor. What's left is lighting and atmosphere.
Mazin did some really great portraits, only two are left (a Protectorate's spy and the monk who will overclock your implants).