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Incline Colony Ship RELEASE THREAD


Dec 6, 2021
I am torn between the church and the authority. But it looks like the authorities are trumptard kind of kuks that want to return to the good old times of worthless leaders that delivered the fuck up. If the church offers me a good jihad authoritarian rule, i am with them. The brotherhood got a death sentence the moment i saw the muh liberty shit. Not in the mood for screeching comunist liberals.
Be aware that the church requires a social character. Their gateway quest is just a straight up "persuade someone of something" with no other ways to complete it, so you can't really get anywhere with them if you aren't playing a charisma build. Kind of a bummer since I wanted to exactly what you're describing on this playthrough.


Sep 28, 2018
Be aware that the church requires a social character. Their gateway quest is just a straight up "persuade someone of something" with no other ways to complete it, so you can't really get anywhere with them if you aren't playing a charisma build.
If you did the quests for Solomon in the pit you can still get an audience with Abraham I believe.


Jul 7, 2018
Really enjoying my time, I've already put in 14 hours, which is some absolute degen shit for me, lmao.

I do think the game loses a bit of steam once you reach habitat. It's relatively linear, do a quest each for one of the factions and some minor questing and that's it. Some of quests are structured really unclear, too. "Deal with some named chick." Only way to find her is to speak to a nameless guard, who then leads you to her. It's possible that a previous dialog mentioned that I gotta talk to that specific guard, but the game really just needs a better journal. And a map.

Once I finished habitat and travel got re-unlocked, the game picked up again.


Dec 6, 2021
Be aware that the church requires a social character. Their gateway quest is just a straight up "persuade someone of something" with no other ways to complete it, so you can't really get anywhere with them if you aren't playing a charisma build.
If you did the quests for Solomon in the pit you can still get an audience with Abraham I believe.
Not if you did the combat option in his first quest, which kind of supports my point.

Pink Eye

Oct 10, 2019
Space Refrigerator
I'm very into cock and ball torture
Man I really love the ragdoll effect when you kill an enemy and they fall from the impact of the attack:

So cool. It's not as good as Exanima's physics based ragdolls but it's still satisfying to watch. Aw man I wish we had gore to go along with this. Just imagine... Limbs flying apart. Heads exploding. Death. Oh yeah. By the way, Faythe's taking a beating in order to get LP for her armor skill. Best way to grind that out is getting her to eat attacks on easy fights. This whole strategy of grinding out defense skills is only applicable in early game though, once you progress to mid game it doesn't really matter since you will be getting more than enough LP from the later encounters to keep pace.


Dec 27, 2019
It's fun boys.

My talky utility MC apparently has a huge target on his back. I usually just run him into a corner and fight with my companions.

I almost have almost fixed robot friend :D


Aug 13, 2017
There goes murderhobo solo run can't beat these (optional fight but still)
Would need to stack more grenades stasis/pulse probably
Oh well need to plan around this later if I do another solo run trying to finish this with full party playthrough now

Pink Eye

Oct 10, 2019
Space Refrigerator
I'm very into cock and ball torture
There goes murderhobo solo run can't beat these (optional fight but still)
Would need to stack more grenades stasis/pulse probably
Oh well need to plan around this later if I do another solo run trying to finish this with full party playthrough now
Oh that encounter, yeah that one is really tough. I had issues with it as well on my solo runs. The trick is to use the droid to body block the second turret from shooting at you, then pulse the first turret and kill it quickly. After that, turn attention to the robot and use the special ability 'Knockdown' from a blunt weapon to knock the robot on ground; then slowly work him to death. I've beat it a couple times as Solo, it's hard, really hard. You also don't want to waste too many pulse 'nades as you will need them later for an even tougher robot fight.

I suggest bringing someone with low neural defense to eat up the opening pulse 'nade the robot throws at you. Makes it so much easier when you're not dealing with the negative perception effect of the mandatory neural stim that you need to chug to counter panic attack.


Dec 20, 2005
Fuck sake, is everyone using the same profile picture in this shit?

Vault Dweller is there a way to put custom ones in the game?
It is a bit puzzling why is there such a limited amount of portraits in the game. NPCs keep having the same portraits as well. Portraits are such a cheap thing to make these days.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
For a game being made by a guy in his 50s, it sure feels like a zoomer game, in how you zip and zoom from quest to quest. No attention span drops here. BEEP BEEP!


Dec 6, 2021

That's a 73% chance to hit against my dodge tank character, with maxed dexterity, a +evasion upgrade chip for his motor cortex, artful dodger, the gladiator feat (I think, the melee one that gives you +dodge?), and true grit (+6 evasion when not in cover). The highest evasion it is possible to have, unless I have missed something obvious. All to bring the enemy's to-hit chance from 100% down to 73%. Not even a noteworthy enemy.
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Dec 15, 2016
Um, try only moving your eyes?

good idea I'll try it!

I recently switched from 17 to 24 inch monitor, maybe I ain't fully adapted yet/maybe I'm too close whatever but still why stare at the corner of the screen when you can just stare to the right lol, its all dedicated dialogue area anyway, just a feedback
Tell me about it, mine is 32".
"Why do you play on 21 and 16:10," they said?
"Buy a large enough monitor with 'proper' 16:9, it'll be fun," they said?
...even after 2 years, I am sometimes scared to enter the room with this thing on. I tell you that. Not to mention this new ability to move just my eyes I had to acquire and am still not much used to.

Couple hours in, still not getting used to this; its like half the game is reading the dialogue and most of the time the whole of the text isn't nearly big enough to warrant top alighment. Dialogue should be as front and centered as possible in a game like this, Disco has a good design with a similar UI placement for it, shoulda been more like that imo.


Dec 11, 2019
Syrup Land
Just bought the game. I played way back in the very first EA combat demo. I liked it, and promised to give it a shot once it released. So, here I am. I really hope this game does well, just on principle.


May 25, 2015
on the back of a T34.
There goes murderhobo solo run can't beat these (optional fight but still)
Would need to stack more grenades stasis/pulse probably
Oh well need to plan around this later if I do another solo run trying to finish this with full party playthrough now

hoard pulse grenades, and any energy ammo. a good idead if you havent already is to use a cloaking field.


Dec 6, 2021
There goes murderhobo solo run can't beat these (optional fight but still)
Would need to stack more grenades stasis/pulse probably
Oh well need to plan around this later if I do another solo run trying to finish this with full party playthrough now

hoard pulse grenades, and any energy ammo. a good idead if you havent already is to use a cloaking field.
Does energy ammo really matter there? The robot's armor is 14 ballistic 12 energy, IIRC. Seems like the penetration value of a given weapon is going to be more important than damage type.


Feb 29, 2012
Unfortunately, this game is decline.
This is not like the original Age of Decadence, or more recent games like Underrail, or what ever you might be thinking of when you hear classic RPG, or tactical turn based RPG. In those games you can get away with making a slightly sub-optimal, or even sub-optimal character. With games like Underrail it is hard to survive when you do this, but despite the brutality you can do it if you are smart and you use all the resources given to you. This game is not like that. It is very, very limited in what you can do in each section of the game; especially the start.

I can see what the developers of the game were going for, what they are trying to do. It is easy to see because they comment about it on nearly every review, and nearly every thread. More specifically, they post the builds you should use for this game. The most popular guides for this game are character builds and walkthroughs. Why? Because if you make your character even slightly poorly, even a little bit out of line with what the developers had in mind for the type of character wanted you to make, you will die, or get stuck and not be able to proceed.

It is fine to have a strong idea of how your game should be played. A good idea would be to lock off side sections of the game, extra bits full of extra stuff that you may not get into if your character does not fit just exactly right. But, this game gatekeeps... the entire game, almost from the start, if you do not make your character in line with what was envisioned for them by the devs.

I played through the game and beat it with as combat specialist that just killed things. It was boring and not fun. It was then interesting to go and check out the guides, and see how they wring every little bit of exp out of every single encounter in every single location in this game; and yet still come up short now.

The reason why I think this is because they are everywhere. In almost every review, in nearly every thread, etc. They will probably comment on this too. Normally that would be a good thing. The devs of a game giving feedback, helping people out, and communicating with players, that is fantastic! But never have I once read 'yeah, we did make that encounter a bit too hard, we will tweak it so it is a bit easier' or a 'yeah you are right, you should be able to loot those corpses there' or a 'yeah, that thing you did deserves some extra skill points as a reward.' It is always a justification of why they did things the way they did; always a double down, never a compromise. That is fine, it is their game, but honestly, I don't like this game.

I would like to say that in all of these hours of playing I had fun, but honestly, I didn't really. I was either bored out of my mind hyper focusing a killing character, or bored out of my mind hyper focusing on a talking character, or trying my best to have fun but failing and dying with everything else. If it does look like it interests you, perhaps get it on sale. But honestly, I could have done without the experience. If you are interested in this genre and type of game, best to spend your money on something like Pillars of Eternity, Kingmaker, Divinity Original Sin, or if you want something more difficult, Wasteland 2 or Underrail. These games are different from Colony Ship, in that they actually a lot of fun.


Dec 24, 2018
Because psychos in the EA exploited the skill system and grinded their evasion skill to 10 in chapter 1
You can't really grind in this game since encounters are finite and during EA there were not a lot of them. People only got to 10 for most of development if some skill was bugged and there was an exploit. Anyway, the stated goal of "you can't dodge bullets" was repeated by the devs from the very beginning. But when an actual system came up, it was just not true. By stacking evasion you would do just that. At some point you could even 'dodge' psionics lol :-D So it would get nerfed irrelevant of feedback.
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Jun 30, 2021
Too many games to play....

OK....Underrail at work (I get a lot of downtime at work)

Colony ship at home.

The other's can wait.

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