No, I'm the dick for forgettingScanner Darkly is Dick not Gibson
No, I'm the dick for forgettingScanner Darkly is Dick not Gibson
Keanu is recogniseable for an average mouth breather because of John Wick garbage. Not a single game jurno/youtuber mentioned Matrix during reveal, they were all screaming "fucking John Wick".
Matrix is a piece of shit, though. Cool journalists would've obviously mentioned Johnny Mnemonic.
Also, I've yet to hear what is supposed to happen when you run over a civilian or shoot at a crowd of people. In GTA it usually doesn't matter since the game world is static and the plot linear, but what are the consequences of killing a civilian going to be in a game like 2077?
God above, what have we done to deserve this punishment? Wait, don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question.and crafting
Anybody want to explain why that happened? Admins?Well, apparently a few pages from this thread just got memory-holed.
We shall never forget. Moment of silence, please.
I read that Keanu character was based on David Bowie. Black dude wanted to contact him way before but Bowie didn't answered lol
If they wanted a blonde rockstar performance they shoulda asked Ewan McGregor(Curt Wild), I'm finding it hard to believe Keanu was their only option.
Keanu was involved in Matrix and some stuff previously, McGregor would be good for fantasy.
Anybody want to explain why that happened? Admins?Well, apparently a few pages from this thread just got memory-holed.
We shall never forget. Moment of silence, please.
Why are they using a picture of Kiciński from 10 years ago?
Why are they using a picture of Kiciński from 10 years ago?
That's quite simple to answer.
Like combat and horse riding were stellar in witcher 3 dude, cant imagine it will be worse. Btw give link to the article I know a little of Pepik talk.A Czech journo yesterday about the closed showing on Gamescom - when it was over the general vibe in the journo crowd was disappointment and general unease. Game just doesn't reach the standard set by TW3. The gunplay is meh, driving is meh, stealth is not good at all, the dialogues are very strange. Doubts were raised if CDPR didn't bite more than they could chew.
Mods will fix it... ?Game just doesn't reach the standard set by TW3. The gunplay is meh, driving is meh, stealth is not good at all, the dialogues are very strange.
Looks like Witcher 4 will be the sauciest CD PROJEKT Red game.
Game just doesn't reach the standard set by TW3.
which means that cyberpunk 2077 is less than mediocreWhat standard did W3?Game just doesn't reach the standard set by TW3.
It's a pretty mediocre game yo.