I like this design though, reminds me of Gunther Hermann, even if you can barely see him through all the post-processing effects they have slapped on here.
CDP is a large company. None of these girls might as well be developers. Could be editors, translation, testing, HR, management, finances etc. Though personally I don't care if they are all devs, I don't see the reasoning that only men can create good content.There are girls working in a company, so what?
It means it'll suck. That's what, nigga.
Only MEN of craven stock and derelict living conditions can create an RPG.
All is well as long as wiminz take orders and men call the shots.
Nah dude those arent even cuckservatives but closet faggots afraid of vajayjayCuckservatives at the 'dex having autism again. "wimmyn can be good only in kitchen ohhh nooo my pure gayming development ;_;;;;;"
Told ya so. Even a monkey can run that *pkg.Game is leaked bitches
King's Quest 1-7Still waiting for good RPG made by women for men. Suck Reality's horse cock and die of cope overdose, centrist midwit bitches
Game is leaked bitches Looks pretty good on piss box 4
I didnt see one leaked gameplay video where the person playing wasn't a total tard its tradition.too much moany laughing by low T zoomer bruhz. 1/10
What, a group of all females made them? Or one female unicorn queen ordered bunch of her male slaves to craft her dream rpgKing's Quest 1-7Still waiting for good RPG made by women for men. Suck Reality's horse cock and die of cope overdose, centrist midwit bitches
CDP is a large company. None of these girls might as well be developers. Could be editors, translation, testing, HR, management, finances etc. Though personally I don't care if they are all devs, I don't see the reasoning that only men can create good content.
When Risen devs replaced the writer with a woman quality of writing went up significantly. Too bad they also changed gameplay that became worse - but this is men's fault. So what? People are just different. I just blame publisher greed and lack of dev's creativity regardless of their sex.
Sure, few good female developers around, but that doesn't mean there can't be any or if there is one she needs to be shunned for having boobs.
Cuckservatives at the 'dex having autism again. "wimmyn can be good only in kitchen ohhh nooo my pure gayming development ;_;;;;;"
Maybe it's all made up, CDPR promised us some PS4 gameplay after xbone stream. Well we got some. Didn't expect Beavis and Butthead making a Netflix comeblack tho.I didnt see one leaked gameplay video where the person playing wasn't a total tard its tradition.
They nuked this video just nowMaybe it's all made up, CDPR promised us some PS4 gameplay after xbone stream. Well we got some. Didn't expect Beavis and Butthead making a Netflix comeblack tho.
ABSOLUTELY 1000% itz always some stoned loudbreatherI didnt see one leaked gameplay video where the person playing wasn't a total tard its tradition.too much moany laughing by low T zoomer bruhz. 1/10
I don't see the reasoning that only men can create good content.
Game is leaked bitches Looks pretty good on piss box 4