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From Software Dark Souls 3


Jul 16, 2009
That's fine with bosses where you can't be two shotted within seconds if you lack insane twitch skillz. Unfortunately many of DS3 bosses are like the first few seconds of the Capra Demon fight, only extended to five minutes. When I think back to the run to Capra I have still nightmares. Five minute run and then you get borked in the first two seconds. Over and over and over and over and over again.
You could open the door near undead merchant woman. Then it's just a straight run from firelink to Capra.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
That's fine with bosses where you can't be two shotted within seconds if you lack insane twitch skillz. Unfortunately many of DS3 bosses are like the first few seconds of the Capra Demon fight, only extended to five minutes. When I think back to the run to Capra I have still nightmares. Five minute run and then you get borked in the first two seconds. Over and over and over and over and over again.
You could open the door near undead merchant woman. Then it's just a straight run from firelink to Capra.
That's the one I meant. Still takes a while considering you get dunked as soon as you enter the mist.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
At least from watching videos none of the fights I've seen are remotely bullshit like Capra demon is bullshit. Capra demon is bullshit because the ENTIRE fight is managing the cramped arena and the dogs that stagger most players around that level. It's a cheap use of mechanics. DS3 bosses seem to give you plenty of room to dodge attacks/momentarily retreat.


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Fights that would be easy if not for adds are pet peeve of mine in all action games. If you can't make the fight difficult and interesting without throwing in half a dozen rats or spiders or whatever, you need to go back to the drawing board. The only kind of multiple enemy boss fights that work are ones where each enemy has distinct moves and strategies, like Ornstein and Smough or Shadows of Yharnam.


Jul 13, 2009
I tried reinstalling Scholars of the first sin in the hopes of maybe enjoying it the nth time around, and compared to DS 3, Sotfs looks like an asian free-to-play game in all honesty. Everything about the presentation just makes it feel dull and shit.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Can anyone reliably confirm using the Black Crystal gives you penalty points? Was it the case in DS2? I've used it quite a bit, usually when i invade and it's a fight club, I'm not interested in those. Or when I invade and the host is a little bitch, whitebranching in some dark corner and I can't find him (yo From, give us a Ring of True Sight). And now I'm reading the game penalizes you for that and a lot of players have been softbanned.

Honestly if it's true it's a load of BS. Penalty points should only go to players who pull the cable during invasions or alt-F4. Using the Black Crystal is perfectly legitimate.


Apr 27, 2009
Fights that would be easy if not for adds are pet peeve of mine in all action games. If you can't make the fight difficult and interesting without throwing in half a dozen rats or spiders or whatever, you need to go back to the drawing board. The only kind of multiple enemy boss fights that work are ones where each enemy has distinct moves and strategies, like Ornstein and Smough or Shadows of Yharnam.

i (partly) agree (i think Ruin sentinels and Gargoyles in all 3 games are good fights despite them having the same moves).

and other another one: gimmick fights that entirely revolve around the gimmick, because they're not actual fights and so are only (mildly) interesting the first time and incredibly dull and shit all the others (as in BoC, Dragon God, Yhorm, Storm King, Wolnir, Wyvern, just to name a few)

Well i beat champion gndyr on 5th try with my executioner greatsword and felt like hot shit and than i see this


Fuckng bestoc.

Its still great fight probably next to ludwig and alonne my favourite but fuck co-oping him. People are so fuckng bad its not even fun anymore. Gundyr bullies casuals so hard it feels like farming sun medals at Fume Knight all over again :lol:

i used a carthus sword and beat him yesteday on my first try :P still, i think he's an excellent fight and very intense (my butt was clenched 100% of the time), i was just on top of my game :smug:. i loved how intense and aggressive he was but without spamming bullshit combos and instastabs like the pontiff, which gave you enough time to actually think instead of spamming roll. plus, the atmosphere of the whole thing is excellent. easily in my top 10 fights of the series (if not top 5). and i don't know if you were unlucky or i was lucky, but co-oping him seemed pretty easy (the only boss so far on which i have a 100% coop success rate :P)

on the other hand, Oceiros was shit (didn't even have to heal), Wyvern was shit, 2 Princes were hilariously easy (would've beaten them first try if i wasn't distracted IRL, so it took another run. btw, the final segment up to them is one of the shittiest parts in all of Souls. it's fucking retarded), Dragonslayer was really good (he reminded me of Pursuer quite a bit. it would've been even better if he got a new move or two in phase 2 instead of the random "nukes". btw wtf are those insects? [supposedly they're controlling him and are something something Butteflies? huh?]. a pity you can't have his armour, just like good ole Pursuer :( ).

now i only have the last boss and the Nameless King... considering Gundyr, i believe they'll live up to the hype. it's a great shame there are no Ascetics in DaS3, 'cause i'd love to fight some bosses again without having to go through all of NG+ or start a new character. thank you, Miyazaki :argh:


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hey guys trying a knight quality build, I have always loved the longsword because of its moveset mainly but is there any benefit on using the lothric knight's sword? It apparently has a bit more reach than the longsword and might actually scale better with dex rather than quality... Any suggestions?


Oct 12, 2006
The difference in damage is miniscule so if you can kill something in one hit with either of them you'll do the same with the other basically, but the numbers will look different(!!!1!). So it comes down to preference. I've been using the Lothric because I like the twohanded strong poke and since it has higher crit damage it gives me a reason to git gud at parry this playthrough.

Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
praetor if you liked Gundyr and Dragonslayer Armor, you'll probably like Nameless King as well. SoC I personally found very derivative and boring, but some people like it a lot so your mileage may vary obviously. The difficulty of Twin Princes is a huge shame, as it's probably the best bossfight in the game audiovisually and in terms of atmosphere, the music in particular is amazing, and they're actually quite fun to fight, with how the teleports are incorporated into their combos. It's just a pity that at this point in the game you have like 15 Estus and a boss really needs to be able put out some serious pressure to come close to killing you, which Princes simply don't do. Like I said, great pity, as they work much better as a final, climactic fight (like False King in DeS, Gwyn or O&S in DS1, Velstadt in DS2) than SoC does.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Eh c'mon, Princes aren't the the hardest boss From has ever done but they're not exactly "easy" either. I'd say it's a challenging boss, on par with the hardest bosses in previous DS (looking at the DS1 bosses now they seem pretty trivial in comparison, maybe except Manus, Kalameet and Gwyn). Only Pontiff, D.Armour, Nameless King and SoC are harder.

Plus sometimes you beat a boss first or second try because you got lucky. I'm a very average player and I almost got SoC first try, got him to like 15% HP on his second stage and I still had 7 estus left. But then it took another 20 tries.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
They are extremely random in difficulty. I've had fights where I could just outright kill the first form while he just sat there eating crystal soul spears, and other fights where he teleported behind me 3 times in quick succession with falling attacks that remove your lock-on, and constantly evaded attacks by simply vanishing at the last moment. Actually, that mostly applies to SoC as well, except for his second form; sometimes he'd spend way too much time buffing, and the curved sword was a total joke.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
They are extremely random in difficulty. I've had fights where I could just outright kill the first form while he just sat there eating crystal soul spears, and other fights where he teleported behind me 3 times in quick succession with falling attacks that remove your lock-on, and constantly evaded attacks by simply vanishing at the last moment. Actually, that mostly applies to SoC as well, except for his second form; sometimes he'd spend way too much time buffing, and the curved sword was a total joke.

Yeah, for a caster that's the case with all the "up-in-your-grille" bosses. If the algorithm lets you cast, you breeze through them. If not, you have zero chance. That's another reason I hated most of my mage playthrough. After two or three tries I got a summon for Pontiff and the Princes. I would probably got them within 20 tries, I just couldn't be bothered waiting for an auspicious roll of some hiden dice.

Interestingly I found out Dragonslayer Armour IS skill based, even for a caster. Took me about 5 tries but I got him solo. You just have to time your rolls and casts well and use the central fountain to your advantage. Also there's only one type of attack that'll let you hurt him, all the others either don't leave you enough time or you hit his shield. I had MUCH more fun with this fight than as a STR build.


Oct 12, 2006
What I've discovered is that in order to get spells off safely you kinda need to start casting out of lock-on range, this will trigger their dashes and you can lock on and release once they get close enough. I did this with Pontiff and was able to interupt him mid-dash every time. Only took like 5-6 fireballs. Whole fight felt like a joke.

Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
Eh c'mon, Princes aren't the the hardest boss From has ever done but they're not exactly "easy" either. I'd say it's a challenging boss, on par with the hardest bosses in previous DS (looking at the DS1 bosses now they seem pretty trivial in comparison, maybe except Manus, Kalameet and Gwyn). Only Pontiff, D.Armour, Nameless King and SoC are harder.

Plus sometimes you beat a boss first or second try because you got lucky. I'm a very average player and I almost got SoC first try, got him to like 15% HP on his second stage and I still had 7 estus left. But then it took another 20 tries.

Eh, in the case of Princes, it wasn't really the fact that I beat them on my first attempt, but rather the manner in which I won - constantly getting hit, flailing around, chugging Estus left and right, and still they never really threatened me. Lorian's attacks are also really predictable in terms of timing, the teleport is the only thing he has going for him when it comes to unpredictable attack patterns. I think that if I had 10 Estus instead of 15, I would've been forced to actually learn the fight somewhat, but as it was, I just bruteforced through it.

Contrast with, say, Dragonslayer Armor, who can hit for 80% of your total HP, and where the stuff shooting from the sides can easily blindside you and lead to a quick death.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Pretty sure two of lorian's attacks are basically instant death. Though they are generally pretty easy to dodge, unless he pulls off the off-screen doom beam at an angle you roll into. I do imagine doing the fight with a quality build would have been waaaay easier though- as a sorc I needed about 8 estus just to have enough spells to finish him off, and between all the hp and defense gimping in my gear, I had very little room for error when it came to using estus properly.

I can't see any of the other bosses being a problem for a sorc though- just use flashblade and play it like a melee. You even get a rather speedy roll attack with it. Nobody else is particularly resistant to magic AFAIK. Only lorian really needed the doom spears, and SoC I range blasted mostly because he was just so open to it. Pontiff got wrecked by flash sword though.


Mar 28, 2014
damn DS3 hitboxes are on point. I had on my own fair share of "dayum" moments where hitbox just worked well.

people vids:

here are mine:

here is third (another char) I i lunge at it so those bombs miss me but last one does as it is centered on torso:

edit: something weird is going on with gftcat, removed rest for now
Last edited:


Apr 27, 2009
Eh c'mon, Princes aren't the the hardest boss From has ever done but they're not exactly "easy" either. I'd say it's a challenging boss, on par with the hardest bosses in previous DS (looking at the DS1 bosses now they seem pretty trivial in comparison, maybe except Manus, Kalameet and Gwyn). Only Pontiff, D.Armour, Nameless King and SoC are harder.

Plus sometimes you beat a boss first or second try because you got lucky. I'm a very average player and I almost got SoC first try, got him to like 15% HP on his second stage and I still had 7 estus left. But then it took another 20 tries.

Eh, in the case of Princes, it wasn't really the fact that I beat them on my first attempt, but rather the manner in which I won - constantly getting hit, flailing around, chugging Estus left and right, and still they never really threatened me. Lorian's attacks are also really predictable in terms of timing, the teleport is the only thing he has going for him when it comes to unpredictable attack patterns. I think that if I had 10 Estus instead of 15, I would've been forced to actually learn the fight somewhat, but as it was, I just bruteforced through it.

Contrast with, say, Dragonslayer Armor, who can hit for 80% of your total HP, and where the stuff shooting from the sides can easily blindside you and lead to a quick death.

i don't think i would've fared worse with the 2Ps even with only 10 estus (i had 2 or 3 allocated for FP for my pyros which i didn't even touch) as i finished the fight with 5 or 6 and played very casually. as you say, they don't really have any threatening attacks except for Lorian's "white light drakesword-like powerforce sword" move which can one-shot you if it hits you with the sword as well (or deal insane amounts of damage) and is only really mildly threatening because the teleport breaks lock. i very quickly learned that pressing roll half a second after you see him teleport has a 99% chance of avoiding any attack he may do afterwards (except for his oneshot move) and that it's trivial to hug his back and avoid 90% of his attacks, which are telegraphed from the moon (and not all that damaging) and he can't do shit other than his predictable teleport so he (again, as you noted) just can't put up pressure even when he teleports in quick succession as you know he'll let up eventually and those are all trivial to doge in whichever direction (thanks to the superpowerful roll that rivals the ninjaflip from DaS1), and phase 2 adds next to nothing to the fight with the 2 projectile attacks from the little bro. plus, he seemed pretty easy to stagger so that you can riposte him (happened every single time, and when co-oping with more phantoms when he gets more HP it happens on a regular basis) for substantial damage

i always co-op every boss at least 5-10 times after i beat it to see if it was randomness, luck or whatever. with the 2P it's my go-to easy soul farming boss as it's a quick fight and pretty trivial. unlike the randomness of Dancer, he's pretty consistently easy. he can't punish, he can't pressure, has a very limited and predictable moveset, he's just a pushover

all in all, butt was absolutely never clenched, and i'd definitely rate him in the bottom half of bosses ranked by difficulty (which is a pity, considering the atmosphere and music). he's no pinwheel or dragonrider, but not all that far from it...


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Jesus Christ invading on NG+ fucking tedious. Everyone has 15 estus and matches take 10+ minutes. I booted the game half hour ago, got three invasions in a row. Every time I got a lonely host, so that's good. But after I saw him chugging for like 7th or 8th time, with no end in sight, I just suicided. Can't be bothered.

Dark Sword or Longsword are not as good on high SL. People can roll away after two hits and chug (plus the better ones can easily parry your third swing). Not sure about Estoc but I guess it's the same, only you'll get 3 hits instead of 2. Either way people will dodge and chug. After 30 seconds of circling around rinse and repeat. Fuck that. In most cases you can't even punish the chug since it's so fast.

I think I'll finally give the game a break. I don't feel like PvE anymore, the higher level NGs are utterly boring, and PvP is too stale. The fight clubs are almost exclusively populated with STR heavy hitters plus a few katanafags with their stupid running attack. I haven't seen anyone using the straight sword R1 spam anymore, due to how easy it is to parry. And invasions are an annoyance due to the chuggers.

Meh, it was a good run.
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Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Jesus Christ invading on NG+ fucking tedious. Everyone has 15 estus and matches take 10+ minutes. I booted the game a little while ago, got three invasions in a row. Every time I got a lonely host, so that's good. But after I saw him chugging for like 7th or 8th time, with no end in sight, I just suicided. Can't be bothered.

Dark Sword or Longsword are not as good on high SL. People can roll away after two hits and chug (plus the better ones can easily parry your third swing). Not sure about Estoc but I guess it's the same, only you'll get 3 hits instead of 2. Either way people will dodge and chug. After 30 seconds of circling around rinse and repeat. Fuck that. In most cases you can't even punish the chug since it's so fast.

Always bring Undead Hunter Charms. If you can get a parry/backstab then you'll have time to hit them with a charm before they can roll away.

This is why I prefer honour duels though. Much more fun than 10 minute battles of attrition in invasions.


May 5, 2012
Fuzzy Pleasure Palace
I think I'll finally give the game a break. I don't feel like PvE anymore, the higher level NGs are utterly boring, and PvP is too stale.

Yep, I quit playing after the first week. When you punish PvP players, and put no effort in to the design of the game or care in to innovation, it shows. There is just no reason to keep playing Dork Souls after your first playthrough: PvE is too boring, and From not only neutered the multiplayer, but it seems like they're now actively catering to a faggot carebear community, made evident by all of the Reddit and Steam threads where people with furry/undertale avatars yelling about "REMOVE INVASIONS YOU'RE INFRINGING ON MY EXPERIENCE!!", seem to be the majority voice.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I think I'll finally give the game a break. I don't feel like PvE anymore, the higher level NGs are utterly boring, and PvP is too stale.

Yep, I quit playing after the first week. When you punish PvP players, and put no effort in to the design of the game or care in to innovation, it shows.

I think what happened here is after DeS and DS1 Miyazaki was fed up with this IP and wanted to do something new. But DS1 was such a hit the money people demanded a sequel. So he just outsourced it thinking after DS2 people will surely have enough and leave him alone. Sadly people wanted more Dark Souls but with HIM at the helm. So again, because of business pressure, he agreed to do it but it indeed shows. Very few fresh ideas, very little innovation, almost no heart.

Unlike DS1 it's not a labour of love anymore. It's like the difference between LotR and Hobbit. Only Hobbit was utter shit whereas I did have a very good time playing DS3. But honestly, even though I love the franchise I'd rather have Miyazaki do something completely different that he truly enjoys than DS4 that's even more a product of creative burnout.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
damn DS3 hitboxes are on point. I had on my own fair share of "dayum" moments where hitbox just worked well.

people vids:

here are mine:

here is third (another char) I i lunge at it so those bombs miss me but last one does as it is centered on torso:

edit: something weird is going on with gftcat, removed rest for now

They might be a little -too- on point.. meaning larger / fatter characters are easier to hit then skinny female characters.. Kind of a balance issue for something that should be aesthetic only.

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