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From Software Dark Souls 3


Dec 31, 2007
What infuriates me is that great heavy soularrow, which you get very early in the game, is still the best all-round spell in the game. CSS is good against tough enemies you want to take down fast, but you just get 3 hits at most before your pool is drained, and it's just a bit faster and stronger than GHSL.

Aaaand that's it, every other spell is crap or extremely situational. The best part is trying to choose between white dragon breath and MLGS :lol: that's one hard choice. Both extremely shitty, but don't do the mistake to pick the spell folks, MLGS may be nerfed to hell, but the spell is a complete piece of shit. Don't even get me started on soul stream...

At least in the previous games there a was a point to attunement slots and you felt some kind of progression as you managed to find more copies of your favorite spell. You had to plan your resourses since it was basically a vancian spell system. Now with this "mana" crap there's no point to attunemant slots at all, all you need at most are 3 slots. So to not make the stat completely worthless they made it increase the mana pool, but it's mostly pointless since you have all those estus to use. ANd why the fuck make casting speed depend on dexterity? I guess you need to be very fast on your feet to mentally prepare and cast a spell. No to mention the increase per dex point is so miniscule you have to invest in like 30-40 dex to see some slight difference. Fucking idiots.

Oh and all the great catalysts you find as you move in the game are crap. The best catalyst in the default one, and only after 50 int another one is better, but it drains more stamina, so you may get to squeese one more spell out of the default catalyst. All the other catalysts are complete shit, with the same shitty special skill. I wish there was an animation where you could break them on your knee and throw them into the bonfire.

typical user

Nov 30, 2015
Is something wrong with me or what? I died at least 10 times to Iudex but I defeated Abyss Watchers after 4th maybe 3rd try, same with Pontiff. I used Bandit's knife for Iudex then Fire Uchigatana +5 and in Irythyll Black Blade +7. I fear that Champion Gundyr will rape me at least 50 times like he did with my first character.

I learnt to git gud the hard way, by using Artorias Greatsword until Archdragon Peak and making second char sticking to katanas and focusing on dexterity. Gosh, Greatswords are unforgivable and they lack damage compared to Dark Sword.


Jul 3, 2014
I can't believe that after a month, people still haven't figured out that grabbing a shield is easy mode for Pontiff Sulyvahn and still try to roll like mad men.

Is it? I tried it 2 times with shield and all he would do is stagger like all the other mobs in ds3. Dodgerolling was much easier

It was easy for me (I was circle strafing too), because he stopped his combos when I got behind him and gave me plenty of time for an attack. I don't remember the exact shield, it's the one with 100% physical and high fire damage absorption. Got him in my second try, when he killed me several times when I tried to roll. Roll was fine for other bosses.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Ok. I beat cursed greatwood. It wasn't a good boss fight, it wasn't even a fun boss fight. It was a giant gimmick

What the fuck is this constant complaining about "gimmick" bosses? I enjoyed all of them, except Yhorm, that one was idiotic. Gimmick bosses is a welcome change, it's variety. Sure they're trivial on NG+, once you figure out the trick, but playing new game tiers in this game is retarded overall so who cares.


Jan 17, 2008
EDIT: I will say tho, the healing is buuuuuuuulllllshit. If they kept it in for all, at least make this shit slow like in DS2 or interruptable like in BB.

Undead Hunter Charm is your friend.

Eh, these have never been anywhere near as useful as they ought to be. They're not difficult to dodge and they don't last a very long time either. Not to mention that they can chug faster than you can hit them with one. Phantoms also have the luxury of running and hiding near enemies.

I dunno, they shoulda just kept it like before IMO. Leave invaders with spell healing only, and give estus to some 1-v1 covenant. The whole system just encourages mindlessness or reliance on something like a hornet ring, or spamming a ridiculous 2-3 hit combo with drang hammers or exile curved g-sword.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
So I've been finishing my NG+ run and experimenting with builds. Some thoughts:

  • Ultra great swords are actually pretty awesome for pve. I wasn't using them properly before, but if you spam the thrust attack it tends to wreck pretty much everything. Even if it isn't a one shot, you can follow up with a stomp + R2 for a huge finisher to send them flying and probably kill. Pokes work fine for bosses too; what you lose in speed you make up for in damage, range, and stagger. Easily on par with great clubs in terms of viability. I haven't tried axes yet but I can't see them being much different from clubs tbh. Stamina is the main issue, you need to play the fights very slowly, backpedalling a ton to recover stamina between swings, and mostly waiting for your opponent to fuck up before you commit.
  • The Tears of Denial miracle is godly in pvp when everyone is wielding some fuckhuge weapon that is going to 2-3 shot you anyways, it's like having 50% more hp in that case. Crazy good, has no timer.
  • While higher tier faith spells in general are pretty garbage, I can't say I'm disappointed with my 55 faith build- I've been using the lothric knight great sword (the one with innate lightning damage) and using lightning sword. Hits around 800 AR with the buff, very deadly. Except vs dragonslayer armour. Stupid lightning resistant cunt. Haven't tried emit force yet. Doubt it'll be any good though.
  • The dark weapon buff is utterly worthless, since there are no dark element weapons in the game you can stack it onto. So at best you're adding a very tiny bit of damage after absorption is taken into account. Wtf. Seems like an oversight or they just added in the dark weapon buff even though it's crap because they had the assets made anyways.
  • Elemental infusions seem like mostly crap since you can't buff on top of them. They'll do passable damage for pve if you cranked the right stats to scale them, but if you did that your actual buffs will be strong anyways so why bother with a shitty infusion?
  • While NG+ has no new enemies, it does seem to have some new gear (+1 rings and such) scattered around in places that were empty before, so it makes it worthwhile to explore everything again- if you're not a walkthrough robot anyways.
  • The way pvp is balanced is frustrating. The host has nothing to gain from the invasions except shitty amounts of souls, so he has a pretty good excuse to be a cunt and abuse all his advantages. And he has a lot. Double the estus, more max hp, more allies, prep time, and even the monsters will be on his side if he's spamming seeds. But you need to invade those cunts to get tongues/embers, because you get none for defending or from summoning or being summoned for proper duels.
  • The new dragon form is the worst incarnation yet. The powered up versions are actually even worse because of their huge delay, totally worthless garbage. Takes longer to breath fire than it does to charge up a kamehameha sorcery. And even if it hits it does like 150 damage per second. Lulz. Oh yeah and it totally fucks your armour.
  • Sorcery definitely needs some buffs to matter at all in pvp. Flash sword is kind of viable but not really once the enemy starts chugging estus or tagging out with his gank squad. Not sure if magic weapon buffs are viable on anything yet, but even if they were faith would get you the same buff, so it would be a better option unless you need the int for scaling.
  • Corollary to the last point: using hidden body and spook together can set you up for some bullshit ambushes that can one shot people. This is more of a gimmick than proper pvp though.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
  • The dark weapon buff is utterly worthless, since there are no dark element weapons in the game you can stack it onto.

I think buffing works differently from DS2 - for example if you have a split damage fire sword then the Carthus Flame doesn't enhance its fire damage. I think it simply adds flat AR to the weapon. So you don't really need a dark infused weapon to fully utilise a dark buff.

It also means you don't really need the Lothric greatsword to use the lightning buff. You'd probably be better off with a non-split-damage weapon but the Lothric sword has a fantastic stomp moveset, I give you that.


Oct 20, 2015
That's not actually how the elemental buffs worked in DS2 anyway - you just got a chunk of elemental damage proportional to the (total) attack rating of the weapon + any scaling. It had nothing to do with e.g. buffing a dark infused weapon with the dark weapon buff - you could just as well have given a fire weapon that dark buff and if it had the same AR as the dark weapon the boost of dark damage would be the same. It's no shame to be incorrect about that because the entire DS community endlessly repeated wrong shit like it always does for years until some turbonerd actually tested it within like the last nine months.

The big difference is that in the DS2 defense system it didn't matter that you were doing both fire and dark instead of stacking them up into one source of damage because elemental defense was completely % based with no damage thresholding.

But Registrations is right in this case because DS3 has (apparently) gone back to DS1 DT for defense, meaning split damage eats a dong again. A "naked" little extra dab of dark damage should get eaten by a modest amount of DT.
Last edited:


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
DS2 was an abortion so they've made Dark Souls great again with a glorious return to DS1 mechanics.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Pontiff's eye is pretty much what it says on the tin, just constantly attack and you'll build up bonus damage until you stop. The healing thing is a bit weirder- it only triggers the healing on killshots AFAICT, but it seems to have a chance to critically heal if you get enough hits in at once. You need a ton of hits for that though, I got it once by hitting like 3 guys at once with the L2 combo of drang spears. Must have been like 12 hits in a few seconds. It scales somewhat with weapon type as well, so you need fewer hits with an axe than you would with a dagger, but faster weapons are still better at building the effect, generally speaking.


Apr 14, 2009
After finishing the game, Im considering buying a PS4 just to play Bloodborne. Just saying

Do it.


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