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It seems the 3 lords of cinder had contact with darkness in some way or another in their times
Don't forget Lothric and Kaathe.
It seems the 3 lords of cinder had contact with darkness in some way or another in their times
The Profaned Flame is probably some fragment/remains of the Old Chaos from DS2 (which by itself is the remains of the Chaos Flame from DS1) and thus maintain the same life-deforming, mind-corrupting properties. The clue of this is somewhere that says "the flame engulfed the Profaned capital, but only consumed the human beings". Remember what other flame consumes humanity (dark souls) in DS1 ? Yeah, exactly.
Also both of the bosses were pathetic, beat Iudex on my first try and that Boreal dude on my 2nd (because I ran in at 50%hp with no estus). And then there’s that “Pus of Man” on a rooftop that steamrolls me every time, attacks relentlessly, and is unreadable because it blocks literally the whole screen. Also got my ass wiped so far by that blue knight with glowing red eyes, but maybe it’s supposed to be a Black Knight-sort of encounter.
I reserve all the hate and vitriol for later but please tell me it’ll get even.
What do you mean? That Lothric had contact with darkness, or that he and Kaathe conspired somehow?It seems the 3 lords of cinder had contact with darkness in some way or another in their times
Don't forget Lothric and Kaathe.
The close bonfires only exist to give you fast travel points with the appropriate names. At first I thought it was weird too, but it makes sense and in no way negatively affects the flow or difficulty of the game.So I got to Dark Souls 3 with my new gaming laptop, since my previous potato with GTX 260 couldn’t handle such technology as 64 bit (Dark Souls 2 ran fine).
I so far much prefer the art direction and design to DS2, in fact I was so bored with it that I abandoned that around Drangleic Castle or that famous lava castle above the windmill. However this game is so damn strange, it’s the third time i see 2 bonfires next to each other. Also both of the bosses were pathetic, beat Iudex on my first try and that Boreal dude on my 2nd (because I ran in at 50%hp with no estus). And then there’s that “Pus of Man” on a rooftop that steamrolls me every time, attacks relentlessly, and is unreadable because it blocks literally the whole screen. Also got my ass wiped so far by that blue knight with glowing red eyes, but maybe it’s supposed to be a Black Knight-sort of encounter.
I reserve all the hate and vitriol for later but please tell me it’ll get even.
Iudex and Vordt are easy. Pontiff Sulyvahn, the Dancer, Aldrich, Lorian and Lothric, Soul of Cinder, Nameless King, Friede, Demon Prince, Midir, and Gale are all excellent bosses. As good or better than anything else in the series.
For starters, every boss should be soloed.i really cannot comprehend what people find good, interesting or even difficult about the twin princes (other than the cheap, sappy, cliched, anime-level "emushunal engagement"). similarly Aldrich is challenging because he's "different" for all the wrong reasons. he belongs in a bullet hell game (yes, hyperbole). SoC and Demon Prince are just average or slightly above, and Midir is a slog because of his huge health pool (and pointlessly long and uneventful run to him). i agree with the others, easily in the "best of" the whole series
What do you mean? That Lothric had contact with darkness, or that he and Kaathe conspired somehow?It seems the 3 lords of cinder had contact with darkness in some way or another in their times
Don't forget Lothric and Kaathe.
I think those "angel serpent" statues in Lothric castle are Kingseeker Frampt myself, who probably started the whole angelical faith in first place to nudge people into linking the fire (just like he did with the first chosen one in DS1).
For starters, every boss should be soloed.i really cannot comprehend what people find good, interesting or even difficult about the twin princes (other than the cheap, sappy, cliched, anime-level "emushunal engagement"). similarly Aldrich is challenging because he's "different" for all the wrong reasons. he belongs in a bullet hell game (yes, hyperbole). SoC and Demon Prince are just average or slightly above, and Midir is a slog because of his huge health pool (and pointlessly long and uneventful run to him). i agree with the others, easily in the "best of" the whole series
First time playing Twin Princes was great. Big attacks, constantly teleporting around the room, having to kill him repeatedly because of resurrection, dodging those light bullets... it's a good fight.
Aldrich is also fantastic for much the same reason. Avoiding his instakill arrows makes the fight frenetic. Dark Souls definitely has a big skill-based component to gameplay, so I consider this a rewarding positive. Consider summoning your difficulty slider.
Midir is a slog (unless you cheat with pestilent mist), but not a boring one. He changes up his attack timing based on your own roll patterns, so you actually have to be reactive the whole time opposed to getting stuck in a rhythym. If you're going to have a big health pool boss, this is the best way to do it. Not sure what you mean by the long run to him. You realize there's a shortcut, right? Takes about a minute and a half at the absolute maximum.
meh, and if you fuck up on the twin princes when he's doing the big fire sword attack or the massive light beam, then you're doomed. If he were a DS1 boss, you'd say he was fantastic. Assume the same kind of responses to your other criticisms. The only reason you don't like these bosses is because you had already mastered DS combat five years before DS3 came out. The gameplay can't really surprise you anymore; it ceased to be novel. Thus Seikiro.for starters, thank you captain obviousof course i was talking about soloing and not playing with summons. that's a given, but i guess 2019 noobs are
and need everything explained in detail
and nothing you described about the twin princes is interesting. the teleporting is mildly amusing but it becomes very predictable after like the 2nd time. his attacks are very predictable and he has a very limited moveset. and dodging those bullets is trivial if you have opposing thumbs and at least one functioning neuron. it's one of the bosses where i co-oped the most. for some reason people love summoning there. i guess most people think that fight is so boring they'd rather be done with it quicker as it's the one where i had the most success, by far (anecdotally. i did not keep any real statistic). in my experience, people very very rarely die there (pretty much exclusively to his ranged overhead attack after a teleport)
aldrich is boring because those arrows are the only actually threatening attack he has, and the way to avoid them is to run away. and again he has a very limited moveset with animations telegraphed by pigeons. fantastic it is not
midir most definitely doesn't change anything based on your roll patterns. don't know where you pulled out this bullshit from as it's 100% untrue. it's actually an easy boss because he is again very predictable, and being big and kinda slow his tells are again delivered to you by snail mail about a month in advance. the only "problem" is until you figure out how to reliably avoid his instakill mid-fight gojira lazer beam attack, after that (and figuring that he takes like double the damage to his head vs legs), he becomes a boring, repetitive, overlong slog (which gets what... 1 new overlong and trivially avoidable attack in phase 2?).
and what the fuck are you talking about shortcuts? there's exactly 1 way to get to him, and it's a boring uneventful "run" of nearly 2 minutes of nothingness and elevators and a long fall. that's unnecessarily shit (particularly when compared to nearly every single other difficult boss in the whole goddamned series that either has a very short run to it, or it's a longer stretch with some enemies to fight [i.e. something to do/pay attention to])
meh, and if you fuck up on the twin princes when he's doing the big fire sword attack or the massive light beam, then you're doomed. If he were a DS1 boss, you'd say he was fantastic. Assume the same kind of responses to your other criticisms. The only reason you don't like these bosses is because you had already mastered DS combat five years before DS3 came out. The gameplay can't really surprise you anymore; it ceased to be novel. Thus Seikiro.
I will do one more specific though: Midir absolutely changes his attack patterns based on when you roll. Built in rollcatch AI. Again, you just got really good at playing soulsborne by that point.
Whatever dude. Your opinion is in the minority for a reason.meh, and if you fuck up on the twin princes when he's doing the big fire sword attack or the massive light beam, then you're doomed. If he were a DS1 boss, you'd say he was fantastic. Assume the same kind of responses to your other criticisms. The only reason you don't like these bosses is because you had already mastered DS combat five years before DS3 came out. The gameplay can't really surprise you anymore; it ceased to be novel. Thus Seikiro.
dude... how the fuck can you be so fucking retarded? how?
"if you fuck up, the boss will kill you". no shit, sherlock... did you know that if you fuck up at Pinwheel he can kill you? did you know that if you fuck up at the Congregation they will kill you? it's true!
wow. just wow
I will do one more specific though: Midir absolutely changes his attack patterns based on when you roll. Built in rollcatch AI. Again, you just got really good at playing soulsborne by that point.
no he fucking doesn't. just because you don't have 2 opposing thumbs and a double digit amount of functioning, connected neurons, doesn't mean everybody else doesn't. he's mechanically one of the simplest bosses because all you have to do is wait for his overlong attack animations to finish while you mostly twiddle your thumbs or run around like a headless chicken, and then whack at his head. repeat until he kills you because you were bored out of your skull doing the same thing over and over for 20 minutes and you've just started phase 2 (hyperbole, just in case you're so braindead you cannot comprehend it)
all of his attacks have the exact same animation down to the millisecond whenever he performs them, whether you're in your fast rolling dexfag character rolling around like a cirque do soleil applicant, or you fat noroll strbro slumbering around like BROBERT. let me guess, you read this bullshit on that garbage site that is fextralie, the most inaccurate wiki page on the planet?
They're among the best bosses in the whole series.Twin Princes are one of the best bosses in souls 3.
did you know that if you fuck up at Pinwheel he can kill you?
did you know that if you fuck up at Pinwheel he can kill you?
Pics or it didn't happen.
did you know that if you fuck up at Pinwheel he can kill you?
Pics or it didn't happen.
Finally cleared out the Catacombs yesterday (well, at least all the stuff I could find, I am sure there are 50 other side tunnels I missed). After re-mastering parry, I did much better with skellies (was using a Divine Lucerne for them before), and then took out Pinwheel after only a few tries. Pretty cool fight, all his alts and the fireballs make things tense, but not too difficult. Found the undead blacksmith down there too, but not that damn sister thorolund, who the carim knight told me should be somewhere under the catacombs. No spoilers though.
Got a lot of loot down there too, Black Knight Greataxe, Scythe, Father's Mask, etc.
After that, went to New Londo Ruins again. Cleared out most of it. That one building with 400 ghosts is annoing af. If you try to draw them out in ones or twos, there's a 90% chance you will fall down into water and die, as between the targeting system and the way they move and fight, it's almost impossible not to fall off those damn walkways. If on the other hand, you run into the building, prepare to be attacked by all 40 at once, coming through the walls, which si also annoying af. I did manage to do it the second way finally, but took a lot of tries. A good 360 degree twirling weapon is essential. I was using my Divine Lucerne.