Umm, you do realize that this game is not an RPG, right?
If a game wants to be art
as a game, it needs to be interactive.
The story can be written as excellently as the fucking classics of high literature, but it still wouldn't be
art as a game if it's presented in linear cutscenes.
Back when I studied at uni, some dude wanted to tell me that games can be art and chose MGS as his example. All the examples from the game he put forward were cutscenes.
Cutscenes have nothing to do with the gaming medium. Indeed, cutscenes actively sabotage the very essence of games as a medium.
With this game, again, everyone claims IT'S SO ARTSY, so I want to know if that artistry is actually related to its virtues as a game, or if it's just a glorified movie.
If the gameplay itself is what makes it into a work of art, I will also accept it. But then the gameplay has to stand as something artful on its own, even if you removed the entirety of the story.
If people call a game an artistic masterpiece and use it as an example to why games can be art, then its artistic value must come from its interactivity, because that's the medium's unique feature that contrasts it with every other medium. If you removed every single cutscene from the game, and then people stop calling it a masterpiece of art, the game failed at being
game as art because its artistic elements relied on a wholly
anti-game feature such as cutscenes.