btw the shemale waifu reviewed the game, seems she liked it
I'm heavily dissapointed with Death Stranding and Hideo Kojima.
The game described as his magnum opus only got 10 nominations in The Game Awards...
Let that sink in.
If he actually cared about his product and it's playerbase he easily could've gotten 12.
At the end of the video he tries to jump over a cliff and fails when there's a bridge a few meters away from him. Lol.Those videos where a dude plays the game badly on purpose to make the game to look bad with things like picking a motorcycle and trying to climb a fucking mountain with it like "lololololol just look how broken this game is" definitely are not for me. You don't need to go full retarded for talk about the flaws in this game.
I'm heavily dissapointed with Death Stranding and Hideo Kojima.
The game described as his magnum opus only got 10 nominations in The Game Awards...
Let that sink in.
If he actually cared about his product and it's playerbase he easily could've gotten 12.
Bigg Boss? You know we can see you behind that alt?
I'm up to chapter 9, and weirdly enough this game is getting a response from the community in everything similar to what Metal Gear Survive got - total misinformation campaign run by youtubers, with cherry picked and manipulated clips.
90% of the game is about traversing the environment. Every rock and blade of grass effects how you move yet a mountain doesn't impede you're motorcycle. Even if you think that it's ok that they overlooked it I saw several people complain about the broken motorcycle physics.Those videos where a dude plays the game badly on purpose to make the game to look bad with things like picking a motorcycle and trying to climb a fucking mountain with it like "lololololol just look how broken this game is" definitely are not for me. You don't need to go full retarded for talk about the flaws in this game.
You deserve a medal for this. Well said.It's more than that and I feel the need to explain fully.
Once you play the game you know how it plays. You know when people are playing it poorly. If you see someone that can't use the simplest functions in the game there is a problem. Like checking how deep water is before you go trudging through it. When people are too retarded to listen to cutscenes to get the plot then there is some kind of issue with the user not the "plot holes" that don't exist.
Dunkey is viewed as a reviewer. He has even taken steps to legitimize that notion. He's also a low brow moron that probably hates RPG's due to having to read too much. Some of these guys are going in with their mind made up, playing the game as shitty as possible to get views, and taking it to the bank. Fags that are supposed to be offended by gaming "journalists" being shills and liars, are just giving it a free pass, due to it being the narrative that they want to back. It's all in good fun, right? This is usually because Kojima has a bad rap due to being such a fucking autist with horrible translators. For example the MGS V Quiet thing.
"Words and deeds"
You guys remember that? Do people realize he was referring to you being ashamed of your character treating Quiet like shit and saying they were going to kill the bitch? Due to her not talking because of the virus? Pretty sure he wan't saying the fans would be ashamed of their words and deeds. Why would deeds matter? But no 12 year old morons think that he was trying to shame us, so now they get their little egos threatened when they play a game. This game is playing weird music at me and saying new words that are in Egyptian mythology. Pretentious. Let me go play Dark Souls now and boast of the deep lore and atmosphere in this dead ass game with nothing but mobs to kill.
Then EA releases a mediocre Star Wars game which everyone blows a load over. A game with mechanics stolen from other better games with not one original fucking concept. Then people say Resident Evil 2 should win GOTY. A fucking bastardization of what the original game was, that is being lopped up just because it doesn't have roundhouse kicks and boulder punching.
Does this game deserve twenty nominations at the shill game awards? Not really. But a year from now you will see all these pricks come out and say how this game got a bad rap and you should totally go play it now instead of this other game coming out. They will say once I tried to just play the game instead of rush to beat it, it actually became FUN! Imagine that...rushing to end something is not as fun. Kinda like sex.
What was that Quiet thing? Never read about any "outrage" regarding her or that phrase? Only thing I read about was that she was almost naked... but that came from the usual Twitter suspect so didn't care about that.
Dunkey is viewed as a reviewer. He has even taken steps to legitimize that notion. He's also a low brow moron that probably hates RPG's due to having to read too much. Some of these guys are going in with their mind made up, playing the game as shitty as possible to get views, and taking it to the bank. Fags that are supposed to be offended by gaming "journalists" being shills and liars, are just giving it a free pass, due to it being the narrative that they want to back. It's all in good fun, right? This is usually because Kojima has a bad rap due to being such a fucking autist with horrible translators. For example the MGS V Quiet thing..