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Death Stranding Director's Cut - Kojima's post-apocalyptic deliveryman simulator


May 14, 2020
It deserves some flack for the long silly cut scenes and the silly names, but the actual gameplay is Unique and interesting, especially as you get more tools to play with. The codex sees all the silly cut scenes and shits on Kojima—and some of that is deserved—but he has some really fun and interesting gameplay in his games with a high level of polish.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
You just need to endure a long beginning sequance with lots of cutscenes, that can be a bit off putting. But after "orientation" part, cutscene vs gameplay ratio evens a bit.


Apr 17, 2020
I tried out this game fully expecting to think it was absolute shit. 70 something hours later I'm making the final delivery, tears in my eyes. It's not a perfect game by any means, but it's truly evocative. The world has character and scale that you feel, especially before you start building out your zipline network. Come to think of it, building my own zipline network was pretty fun - choosing optimal locations for the towers, sometimes at the top of high crags, sometimes along a ridgeline.

I'm pretty cynical about games these days but Death Stranding was an experience I haven't been able to forget.




May 14, 2020
I tried out this game fully expecting to think it was absolute shit. 70 something hours later I'm making the final delivery, tears in my eyes. It's not a perfect game by any means, but it's truly evocative. The world has character and scale that you feel, especially before you start building out your zipline network. Come to think of it, building my own zipline network was pretty fun - choosing optimal locations for the towers, sometimes at the top of high crags, sometimes along a ridgeline.

I'm pretty cynical about games these days but Death Stranding was an experience I haven't been able to forget.



The zipline building was my favorite part, and I think they give you even more tools in the director's cut. Evocative is right. It's just a really unique experience, not like anything else out there, and DEFINITELY not like anything else out there in the AAA space.


It deserves some flack for the long silly cut scenes and the silly names, but the actual gameplay is Unique and interesting, especially as you get more tools to play with. The codex sees all the silly cut scenes and shits on Kojima—and some of that is deserved—but he has some really fun and interesting gameplay in his games with a high level of polish.

I will never understand you people. You guys shit on great walking sims like SOMA and the like but when a walking simulator comes out that's literally just about fuckin walking you fall in love with it and lick it's balls.


Apr 17, 2020
It deserves some flack for the long silly cut scenes and the silly names, but the actual gameplay is Unique and interesting, especially as you get more tools to play with. The codex sees all the silly cut scenes and shits on Kojima—and some of that is deserved—but he has some really fun and interesting gameplay in his games with a high level of polish.

I will never understand you people. You guys shit on great walking sims like SOMA and the like but when a walking simulator comes out that's literally just about fuckin walking you fall in love with it and lick it's balls.
SOMA is fine, I wasn't a fan though. Not my kind of game. Saying Death Stranding "literally just about fucking walking" is like saying hiking is just about walking. It's more than that, it's soaking in the atmosphere, finding a unique experience within the given parameters of the journey. How will you traverse a given section? Etc.

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
It deserves some flack for the long silly cut scenes and the silly names, but the actual gameplay is Unique and interesting, especially as you get more tools to play with. The codex sees all the silly cut scenes and shits on Kojima—and some of that is deserved—but he has some really fun and interesting gameplay in his games with a high level of polish.

I will never understand you people. You guys shit on great walking sims like SOMA and the like but when a walking simulator comes out that's literally just about fuckin walking you fall in love with it and lick it's balls.
I will never understand how people don't understand they have a flawed view of the people and the people that like the game which also has a tainted perspective due to being a gay Kojima game. It does neat things that other games do not do. Outlast and Soma exist a lot more in various shitty horror forms which is probably all you care about, so I am not surprised you don't like a delivery man sim.


I already played the best delivery man sim. It was called Nier Gestalt. Also I'm not completely biased against Kojima. I was a big fan of MGS1-4. Of course I was only a kid at the time and didn't know any better.


Dec 13, 2019
I will never understand how people don't understand they have a flawed view of the people and the people that like the game which also has a tainted perspective due to being a gay Kojima game.
I never saw Kojima as a genius (just knew he is famous for some reason) nor played any of his other games before so I didn't go into Death Stranding with having a "tainted perspective" and I still think it's pretty damn good in its own right, not because of the hype.

Yes, it's a delivery guy simulator. Yes, it has long cutscenes people on the Codex hate. Yes, the story and the setting are batshit crazy. But each of these elements have their own strong points that make for an interesting game.

I mean, if we were talking about any other game then having to account for size and weight of what you carry (as well as balance) would be considered a sign of the Incline™ and the game would be praised. While it's a "walking simulator" there are many factors to consider when trying to get from point A to point B. Some people like stories in games, so having a fleshed out story in-between sessions (that explain what's going on) is not a bad thing. And although the universe is crazy, it is also more interesting than some usual bland copy-paste. Not mentioning that it manages to avoid the ludonarrative dissonance that is so common in video games.
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Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
The worst part of the game is the bitch that has the ghost baby and the guy that wanted his woman back. That shit was so cringy and I hate using the word cringy (it's a non word) but it just fits so perfectly. I hope they add more combat to the next one.


Dec 21, 2010
Finally finishing Death Stranding with the Director's Cut. Got burned out previously with chapter 8 deliveries.

Holy shit does the story and dialogue take a nosedive around Chapter 12. That *talk down boss* conversation with Amelie/Bridget especially. Not only is it longwinded and without substance, but just the whole tone of it after the whole revelation with Amelie manipulating everything in pretty fucked up ways and also that I've gotten BB dream scene with Bridget Amelie saying SHOOT SHOOT to Die Hardman.

They could have removed that whole *Amelie is behind everything* bit and it would probably have ended up in a more consistent story.

Edit: Sam's speech before it was also pretty bad.

Edit 2: The full backstory with his dad at the end was a lot better, but of course also just adds to the previous problem.
At least Sam being free with Lou is a nice ending.

Edit 3: But again the way Sam acts at the end is also a 180 from his speech before the final confrontation. That whole sequence is fucked.
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Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
This isn't a deliveryman sim, it's a cutscene watching sim.

With the odd delivery and running from a dolphin made out of oil scattered in between.


Jun 22, 2013
playing this on GP. I'm constantly aware of the fact that the much of the gameplay is tiresome and boring, but I am continually pushed forward by the promise of the world and story. KOJIIIIIIIIIIIIMA

I like the amount of verbs the game gives you to traverse the world (rope, anchor, the little follower crates, the armaments) but I've seldom felt motivated to do anything beyond the "main" quests.

In Ch4 now


Jun 22, 2013
Reached credits. I'm glad I stuck with this, b/c it truly is a novel game. I found it that it tapped into my stubbornness in a positive way. I loved how punishing and hands-off it is. It provides you with may verbs to traverse the world, and the feeling of camaraderie you get from seeing/using other player's offerings is fantastic.

Mission design: this game made me pine for a more focused/rogue-like 3D Spelunky. The weakest parts of the game were the bombastic chase scenes with the janky platforming. I stuck to the story missions and didn't touch the non-narrative ones. I enjoyed my time, but I won't remember the world or its level design. Would be down for a sequel.


Dec 13, 2019
I stuck to the story missions and didn't touch the non-narrative ones.
You mean the delivery missions? I like them, because they are literally what the game is about - planning how to navigate the world from point A to point B with a lot of tools available.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
It's one of the best sci fi games we got this decade. It's really hard to get into and gameplay wise it's not most gamers cup of tea but still better than most AAA shit we got today.

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