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Diablo IV


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Overall it is pretty interesting system imho. It's multitiered system that seems to make sure that you can't specialize enough into one thing to overpower everything else in progression system (aka POE problem of ultra specialization).

Well yes and no. Once you pick the 6 skills you want to use you max them + related passive skills. There's not really any choice to make here. And if you change your mind you can respec for a little bit of gold.

Usually that means 1-2 damaging skills, 4-5 support skills.

Then you pick the right gear (legendary powers / uniques items) to improve those skills (the damaging ones) + survivability.

And then paragon add more of the same. More resources, more defense, more damage. That's it. And depending if the skills you're using there's a very clear path to take, not many choice unless you're going for a RP build.

Example of paragon rare or legendary nodes I used:
- more damage to poison enemies
- chance to poison enemies on hit

What does this change gameplay wise? Nothing.
It annoys me that we are so restricted with skill choice in so many games these days only to pander to consoletards who cannot be arsed to buy mouse and keyboard despite them being the superior choice for most games sans sidescrolling plattformers and Jump&Runs. FPS on a controller sucks donkey balls by comparison. Worse consoles are basically PCs just terribly restrictive ones with you having no say what is in it and hardly any way of upgrading. Even if you could you would void your warranty so...
By comparison, while my Sorcs could usually do with 5-7 skills, depending a little on the exact build with Frozen Orb in the old Tweaker times using the least, I had Necro builds like full Tran Oul Avatar set with Poison/Skellie Warrior hybrid that utilized 16 hotkeys, q-r , a-f, z-v and 1-4 on my Swedish keyboard layout and that almost felt cramped. It gives you the choice to utilize builds with few or a lot of skills depending on your personal preference. This shite? 6 no ifs or buffs. Theoretically you could "opt" to not choose 6 skills, one of which is a meaningless left click basic spell that becomes more and more irrelevant the easier resource management gets, but that hardly matters with buffs around that you press once and forget about them anyway. Even PoE has you let two sets of 7 skills and you can switch as you see fit, the second set of 7 often being utilized for long lasting buffs and auras. Strictly speaking you could get more if you do not mind swapping around with auras and stuff but that is tedious.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Don't you guys eat food ?
Food is for the weak!


Oct 23, 2017
- "at some point it will be cheaper to reroll new character than to respec"
Lame as fuck. You're already operating on a 3-4 month long seasonal model so why would you make someone level a whole damn character within that season just because they wanted to try one too many different builds? It was dumb and bad in Path of Exile and it's dumb and bad here too.

It's becoming increasingly obvious that Last Epoch is the only game in the aRPG genre that learned a goddamn thing from the faults of other games.


Mar 28, 2014
Lame as fuck. You're already operating on a 3-4 month long seasonal model so why would you make someone level a whole damn character within that season just because they wanted to try one too many different builds? It was dumb and bad in Path of Exile and it's dumb and bad here too.

Because if everything is on demand then there is no progression or attachment to your build.

Imho they should completely throw out respec.


Mar 16, 2015
Lame as fuck. You're already operating on a 3-4 month long seasonal model so why would you make someone level a whole damn character within that season just because they wanted to try one too many different builds? It was dumb and bad in Path of Exile and it's dumb and bad here too.

Because if everything is on demand then there is no progression or attachment to your build.

Imho they should completely throw out respec.
I think letting you respec a bit so you can fix small mistakes is OK, doing it like D3 is terrible


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
Alright so I tried out Last Epoch this morning and it's just... ugh. I kept thinking how Grim Dawn is just superior aesthetically in every way to this game. (and I know GD is a finished game and LE isn't but still) Visual style, music, presentation, everything, GD just shits on it even though it's an older game and doesn't have the same graphical prowess technically speaking. As I was faffing around with my starter character I just kept thinking 'well this isn't as good as Grim Dawn' =(

Also LE has this weird feeling aesthetically where it's like, it just feels 'counterfeit' or 'hollow', it's hard to explain but it's like that feeling that you get when you play an asset flip game. The music especially was tinkling along in the starter area and I was just like nah, this ain't it.

I know ARPGs typically start off simple and get more complex so the first 30 minutes isn't necessarily going to grab you by the balls or anything, but I never felt like that with GD, from the first minute I was hooked on the how the game felt, watching corpses fly through the air and just seeing the world, the freaking awesome soundtrack, everything was just 'yeah'.

I could also point out that it feels very derivative of D2 without seeming like its putting its own spin on it like GD does.

Anyway I refunded it so something else is going to have to scratch that itch til D4 comes out I guess. :|


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
Ok I got as far as installing Battle.net then I remembered that I don't want to play D3 at all

I thought about playing D2R but fucking hell they want £35 for it? And no discount for having D2/LoD in my account. Fucking Blizzard doesn't change do they
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Aug 17, 2006
They're sponsored by KFC, but not Mountain Dew? Wtf!? Decline of America!

*sips some Dr. Pepper*


Nov 8, 2012
On the future of ARPGs, you will need to decode Kabhalla ciphers then calculate the result through an astrologer chart and depending on the planet, you will need to read the tea leaves on a different way then plot all that on an Excel spreadsheet and after all that effort, now you can finally understand how many +x% passive damage/mitigation bonuses you need to reduce the number of left clicks you need to obliterate mobs while a Disco VFX party is blowing around you.

Of course, you could just click on a few +x passive damage/mitigation buttons during level up like Diablo II but, of course, that wouldnt be so hardcore.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
All of this just to one shot everything going at the speed of light as spell vomit spews across the screen while mobs explode causing loot to fly everywhere all at once only for you to ignore it because you have best in slot in all but one slot of which you are going to hunt for the next month.


Mar 16, 2015
On the future of ARPGs, you will need to decode Kabhalla ciphers then calculate the result through an astrologer chart and depending on the planet, you will need to read the tea leaves on a different way then plot all that on an Excel spreadsheet and after all that effort, now you can finally understand how many +x% passive damage/mitigation bonuses you need to reduce the number of left clicks you need to obliterate mobs while a Disco VFX party is blowing around you.
This is coming in PoE2.

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