come on, nigga, even d4 is not THAT bad
We are scraping the bottom of the barrel, aren't we?
I mean, Wolcen has Mixed reviews on Steam and yet, it's more dynamic, visually impressive and has better animations. And it was about $10 on Steam.
Yeah, for one, Wolcel actually has colors, but not a whole lot of pentagrams. Not gonna lie, some backdrops were really impressive, yet still has this generic feel to it.
The devs are obviously big blizz fanboys, cause they copied a lot of everything (even the zerg aesthetic is in there at one point).
Now, I don't really want to shill for the game too much cause it's good for what it is, I also got it on a big sale and it played surprisingly well.
It's not one of those games where you pick it up as a second job, as you plumb the endless depths...and honestly, thank fuck for that.
A lot of the negative reviews, once you read into them, are about the bad release (sorry, you need to be blizzard and +10 years to get off the hook), also lots of bugs in online play.
I've played it offline and there was nothing gamebreaking. Had a waypoint glitch out on me one time (quickly fixed by going back to menu), picking up items sometimes gets buggy,
but most of the time it was jumping skills acting weird in confined areas.
The better animations is debatable. A lot of the skills replace your currently wielded weapon for an appropriate summon (made me chuckle, cause it seems blizz in a way appropriated that
as their barbarian mechanic), but I would agree that they feel just right. They already start feeling decently powerful, and you can diddle with them even further
by switching the damage type and toggling various modifiers, some of which fundamentally change how a skill works.
Lategame, you can even duplicate the same skill on the bar if you want a completely different flavor for it (or want to circumvent cooldowns).
I may be selling it short, but it's what D3's skill system should have been in the first place, and it's much more freeform.