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Diablo IV


Jun 17, 2012
I've played D4 up to level 20 and it is in no way shape or form anywhere near as shit as D3 up to that point. I can't comment on anything past that as frankly I found D3 so fucking shit that I lost all interest quite rapidly, but it is a HUGE improvement on that game in all the ways that are immediately obvious for the first 10 hours or whatever.

Graphics, atmosphere, story, presentation, music, sfx, etc, that kind of thing.

You're basically at the point right before the bottom falls out. By level 25 you've seen 99% of what the game has to offer. After level 25, how your character plays doesn't change whatsoever, end-game and all content after level 25 is just repeating what you've already seen over and over, etc. I could go on, but that's the gist of it.
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.

No diss at you Yosharian, but it's really telling when people keep saying it's an improvement over D3. It's such a meaningless comparison. Anything is better than D3.

I disagree there, but I am apparently able to better separate the game mechanics of D3 from its "aesthetic presentation" or whatever you want to call what filtered most people.

D3's biggest issue was how it didn't "feel like Diablo" in terms of worldbuilding and aesthetics. The gameplay wasn't that bad. And it had way more end-game on launch than D4 has, better itemization, etc. The character builds were also way, way more varied, without even bringing items into the mix.

I get that it's always been tricky making that argument when you'd have idiots like gaudost on here insisting that no, everything about D3 is amazing! Even the butterfly Disney villain woman!

D3 had a good gameplay foundation that needed a better story & visual presentation. D4 bettered the visual presentation, but gutted the gameplay, end-game, mechanics, itemization, and just about everything else. On top of that, it actually has LESS worldbuilding than D3, in the incidental details that make up a singleplayer experience. For example: bestiaries, notes, Deckard Cain's voice overs as you're exploring, etc. None of that stuff exists in D4, the only thing that comes close is random journals in the game world that have no real worldbuilding, just disaster stories "woe is me I died", and are not recorded anywhere. The whole game has this very disposable feeling to it where you feel like an idiot if you're trying to make something out of it.


Jul 11, 2019
I've played D4 up to level 20 and it is in no way shape or form anywhere near as shit as D3 up to that point. I can't comment on anything past that as frankly I found D3 so fucking shit that I lost all interest quite rapidly, but it is a HUGE improvement on that game in all the ways that are immediately obvious for the first 10 hours or whatever.

Graphics, atmosphere, story, presentation, music, sfx, etc, that kind of thing.

You're basically at the point right before the bottom falls out. By level 25 you've seen 99% of what the game has to offer. After level 25, how your character plays doesn't change whatsoever, end-game and all content after level 25 is just repeating what you've already seen over and over, etc. I could go on, but that's the gist of it.
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.

No diss at you Yosharian, but it's really telling when people keep saying it's an improvement over D3. It's such a meaningless comparison. Anything is better than D3.

I disagree there, but I am apparently able to better separate the game mechanics of D3 from its "aesthetic presentation" or whatever you want to call what filtered most people.

D3's biggest issue was how it didn't "feel like Diablo" in terms of worldbuilding and aesthetics. The gameplay wasn't that bad. And it had way more end-game on launch than D4 has, better itemization, etc. The character builds were also way, way more varied, without even bringing items into the mix.

I get that it's always been tricky making that argument when you'd have idiots like gaudost on here insisting that no, everything about D3 is amazing! Even the butterfly Disney villain woman!
I understand what you mean but I guess we just don't appreciate the same types of mechanics. I found almost all changes D3 made were bad in terms of itemisation (which D4 clearly is copying here) and skill 'loadouts' destroying class identity and having to make some sort of commitment to your build. The latter D4 tried to move away from but the barebones customisation of the skill "tree" and budget PoE paragon board made a joke out of build diversity.


Jun 17, 2012
I've played D4 up to level 20 and it is in no way shape or form anywhere near as shit as D3 up to that point. I can't comment on anything past that as frankly I found D3 so fucking shit that I lost all interest quite rapidly, but it is a HUGE improvement on that game in all the ways that are immediately obvious for the first 10 hours or whatever.

Graphics, atmosphere, story, presentation, music, sfx, etc, that kind of thing.

You're basically at the point right before the bottom falls out. By level 25 you've seen 99% of what the game has to offer. After level 25, how your character plays doesn't change whatsoever, end-game and all content after level 25 is just repeating what you've already seen over and over, etc. I could go on, but that's the gist of it.
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.

No diss at you Yosharian, but it's really telling when people keep saying it's an improvement over D3. It's such a meaningless comparison. Anything is better than D3.

I disagree there, but I am apparently able to better separate the game mechanics of D3 from its "aesthetic presentation" or whatever you want to call what filtered most people.

D3's biggest issue was how it didn't "feel like Diablo" in terms of worldbuilding and aesthetics. The gameplay wasn't that bad. And it had way more end-game on launch than D4 has, better itemization, etc. The character builds were also way, way more varied, without even bringing items into the mix.

I get that it's always been tricky making that argument when you'd have idiots like gaudost on here insisting that no, everything about D3 is amazing! Even the butterfly Disney villain woman!
I understand what you mean but I guess we just don't appreciate the same types of mechanics. I found almost all changes D3 made were bad in terms of itemisation (which D4 clearly is copying here) and skill 'loadouts' destroying class identity and having to make some sort of commitment to your build. The latter D4 tried to move away from but the barebones customisation of the skill "tree" and budget PoE paragon board made a joke out of build diversity.

I actually agree on that point compared to D2. But as its own thing, it was fine. And D4 does not bring back D2 or Path of Exile or Grim Dawn style builds, it just removes the build variety of runes/loadouts. I always said as far back as D3 beta/release that they should have kept the original design for runes, which would have been largely the same mechanics wise as runes were in D3, but they'd have to drop, and the best version of a rune would be an ultra-rare drop. That would have fed the item game into it, instead of making it feel like completely disposable loadouts.

I also don't think it's true they were genuinely trying to return to D2 with the D4 skilltree. I agree that's how it was marketed, but like almost everything said about D4 before release, it was intentionally misleading. You can respec your entire skilltree in D4 on a whim, it is not expensive at all. The only thing added compared to loadouts is tedium, since you can't "save" a setup.

I'm not someone who cares too much about form, though. My issue with D4 is that there are no good options. If they threw rune effects into legendaries (something they implied would be the case before release), or it was in the paragon board, or ANYWHERE, I would forgive them, but nope. They just don't exist. A single rune on a single skill in D3 adds more variety to a skill than your entire skill tree & legendary slots in D4. For example, Monk's Fist of Thunder. Teleports you to the target, chains lightning, and knocks up enemies. There are entire classes in D4 that never get anything this good, or this dramatic of a change, stacking every single skill and legendary they have. That really shows you how boring and bland the skill tree & paragon boards in D4 are, on top of legendaries. On the class I'm playing, I've seen a total of ONE aspect that is remotely as interesting as D3 legendaries. That's out of a list of dozens. Most of them are minor stat boosts or conditional buffs, not major changes to how skills work.


May 21, 2011
Fixed that for you. Having played it quite a bit and still playing it (I know I know, I'm the retard here for doing that), it is markedly worse than D3, and more than that, worse than every other Diablo title. It's actually impressive how bad it is mechanically. The only thing it has going for it is visual production values.
Give some examples maybe? Mechanics wise, maybe I think of something else.
If you mean along the lines of: "A single rune on a single skill in D3 adds more variety to a skill than your entire skill tree & legendary", totally. That is one of the things that made me think of grim dawn, how the supposed skill "choice" changes it more how it can fit in a build not how it actually behaves. A lot of "math" changes, few gameplay ones.
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Dec 4, 2021
They literally invented an entire subgenre. And PoE copied them first.

View attachment 37753
'Blizzard North' did. 'Blizzard' is an entirely different studio that had no clue on how to create a Diablo game, which is why Diablo 3 was the piece of shit that it was.
This isn't the same Blizzard that made Diablo 3. I've gone over this.

Yeah, but that's the problem. The Blizzard that made Diablo 4 is even worse and less competent than the one that made D3.
You're a fucking dipshit. You clearly haven't played D4 and if you did and you truly believe 3 is better you are a terrible fucking person and you are a decline enabling asshole piece of shit. If that is the case you need to leave this hobby forever. Never voice your opinion again and swan dive into a ceptic tank used by hundreds of people. Your post has legit disgusted me.
I liked diablo 1 for it's atmosphere.
Fighting some bosses when you had all these naked bodies, often in pieces, all around was quite something.
Diablo 2 was less atmospheric but it still held my interest enough to play to the end with two classes. Necro was very fun to play.
Diablo 3 I completed once, uninstalled and never looked back.
It's gameplay was bland, there was nothing reassembling the feel of fighting with hellish abominations like in diablo 1. It was shit. And I still regret wasting my money on it.
With Diablo 4 I didn't even bother, if the fact that it's modern day ActiBlizzard that release it, the whole ad campaign of it, feel like getting hit by big red CCCP flag by a fat landwhale that happens to have red hair and was hired as diversity commissar.

Im surprised that anyone from codex even bothered to buy it. Then again, if there is a place you can look for masochists, it's Codex.


Jun 17, 2012
Fixed that for you. Having played it quite a bit and still playing it (I know I know, I'm the retard here for doing that), it is markedly worse than D3, and more than that, worse than every other Diablo title. It's actually impressive how bad it is mechanically. The only thing it has going for it is visual production values.
Give some examples maybe? Mechanics wise, maybe I think of something else.
If you mean along the lines of: "A single rune on a single skill in D3 adds more variety to a skill than your entire skill tree & legendary", totally. That is one of the things that made me think of grim dawn, how the supposed skill "choice" changes it more how it can fit in a build not how it actually behaves. A lot of "math" changes, few gameplay ones.

Yes, that's exactly it. It's all math changes. Low effort stuff. Which I imagine is very much the point; they probably threw this thing together in a hurry to get a financial return in a quarter at the behest of suits. Every class basically has one major synergy that is baked into the tree and doesn't come from anything except the inherent skill tree. Itemization and progress past level 25 doesn't actually add anything new of this sort, it only increases the numbers on which those synergies operate. And since level scaling is in effect until level 95, your numbers are always going down relative to the mobs when you level up, so it is only if you are upgrading all of your gear constantly AND your paragon glyphs/boards effectively that you will see your strength increasing (very very slightly) relative to the enemies.

That's kind of besides the point though, since the game is very casual/easy in general. There isn't really difficult encounters, only content you can do early that you are mathematically not ready for yet (for example, doing a level 69 enemy nightmare dungeon at level 50).

I'd have to sit down and really think through the consequences of all this to dissect all the mechanical problems with the game. If people want me to do that, I'll write up a novel of a post, comparing it to D3 and D2 and D1. Otherwise I think it's simple enough to say that the game is very hollow and plays like a mobile game. (Ironically, I've heard people say Diablo Immortal is a more interesting game. Since I haven't played it, I can't comment.)


May 21, 2011
There are more synergies that come into effect later due to math and some variations of pick best performing skills fuck synergies, but yeah still math. Some skills are very well done though so the skill variety is even more saddening.


Jun 17, 2012
There are more synergies that come into effect later due to math and some variations of pick best performing skills fuck synergies, but yeah still math. Some skills are very well done though so the skill variety is even more saddening.

When I say synergies I mean emergent qualities that are not just "more damage". For example, the way all the shadow related skills of the rogue fit together to turn them into an aoe machine that explodes all over the place. That's all baked into the skill tree, and is the only build like that for the rogue, and no amount of legendaries or items really changes how it works or adds that level of synergy to other builds, the stuff you get after level 25 just increase the numbers.

Another example but far lesser would be the legendary that removes the cooldown on poison traps when you enter stealth. Most legendaries should be like that and were advertised as like that when they started development, but in actuality there are only like 1-2 things like that per class.


Jul 11, 2019
As an example, what is the fucking point of having dual wield swords or axes in the game. The only possible synergy you got is dual wield maces for a barb and even then it's subpar to just spamming WW or HOTA. What is the point of shields in the game?


May 21, 2011
Another example but far lesser would be the legendary that removes the cooldown on poison traps when you enter stealth. Most legendaries should be like that and were advertised as like that when they started development, but in actuality there are only like 1-2 things like that per class.

That's also limited. Should be more like that and as broad as possible.
There's an apparent fear of imbalance which just isn't good for these types of games.

As an example, what is the fucking point of having dual wield swords or axes in the game. The only possible synergy you got is dual wield maces for a barb and even then it's subpar to just spamming WW or HOTA. What is the point of shields in the game?
What's the point of randomly limiting the type of 1h weapons?
And the point of shields in the game is to block dmg... ???


Jun 17, 2012
As an example, what is the fucking point of having dual wield swords or axes in the game. The only possible synergy you got is dual wield maces for a barb and even then it's subpar to just spamming WW or HOTA. What is the point of shields in the game?

That's another point where it's clear the game was designed to be easy for the developers to make/balance, and not fun for the players. Every piece of armor has the same armor level, based on ilvl, there is no difference between cloth armor, leather, and plate. It feels a bit silly to argue about simulationism versus gamism in 2023 considering how badly simulationism has lost among game devs, but when they are going to rant all day about "WE ARE ALL ABOUT THE CLASS FANTASY!!!" it seems reasonable to point out they completely broke the class fantasy across the board in narrative and moment to moment gameplay mechanics. A rogue is not "sneaky" they are just as tanky as a barbarian is in metal armor. The "class fantasy" of being a barbarian or a rogue or a fucking necromancer doesn't exist in dialogue either, every character has the same lines in reply to NPCs that makes them sound like a therapist.

A coldhearted assassin just witnessed some mook die? "I'm so sorry" they say in the same tone of voice as a social worker. Same goes for a hulking barbarian or wildsman.

This is especially bizarre because they already had a standard to mildly solve this problem baked into D3 (and before that D2, and yes in its competitors like PoE this is standard too): the character largely wouldn't take place in dialogues directly, but there would be special voice files unique to each class responding to killing special bosses or entering new areas, that made each character seem to have their own identity, instead of being a generic goody two shoes. This is one of the basic things I'm talking about that D3 did minimally competent as a game made to professional standards, as opposed to D4's complete dropping of the ball even as a singleplayer experience.


Mar 16, 2015
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.
I've never seen so much ignorance and lieing in a thread before. Levels 25-30 barely qualify as a tutorial. You people are morons and liars. I hate to be an asshole but you deserve to be called out.
We understand your casual ass like to be buttfucked by casual or popamole games but there is no need to share that with us every 5 minutes


Jun 15, 2009
I've played D4 up to level 20 and it is in no way shape or form anywhere near as shit as D3 up to that point. I can't comment on anything past that as frankly I found D3 so fucking shit that I lost all interest quite rapidly, but it is a HUGE improvement on that game in all the ways that are immediately obvious for the first 10 hours or whatever.

Graphics, atmosphere, story, presentation, music, sfx, etc, that kind of thing.

You're basically at the point right before the bottom falls out. By level 25 you've seen 99% of what the game has to offer. After level 25, how your character plays doesn't change whatsoever, end-game and all content after level 25 is just repeating what you've already seen over and over, etc. I could go on, but that's the gist of it.
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.

No diss at you Yosharian, but it's really telling when people keep saying it's an improvement over D3. It's such a meaningless comparison. Anything is better than
Your build will change after level 50 once you find uniques , for exemple i found some gloves as necro making the corpse explosion skill an homing missile and 40% damage more to boost,then you can convert it to darkness damage so i respeced completely and went full darkness saccing every minions, using bone tempest , and every darkness dots possible. Each darkness hit triggering crowd controls effects, so had to change my gear to enhance both dot damage and crowd control.
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Mar 16, 2015
I've played D4 up to level 20 and it is in no way shape or form anywhere near as shit as D3 up to that point. I can't comment on anything past that as frankly I found D3 so fucking shit that I lost all interest quite rapidly, but it is a HUGE improvement on that game in all the ways that are immediately obvious for the first 10 hours or whatever.

Graphics, atmosphere, story, presentation, music, sfx, etc, that kind of thing.

You're basically at the point right before the bottom falls out. By level 25 you've seen 99% of what the game has to offer. After level 25, how your character plays doesn't change whatsoever, end-game and all content after level 25 is just repeating what you've already seen over and over, etc. I could go on, but that's the gist of it.
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.

No diss at you Yosharian, but it's really telling when people keep saying it's an improvement over D3. It's such a meaningless comparison. Anything is better than D3.

I disagree there, but I am apparently able to better separate the game mechanics of D3 from its "aesthetic presentation" or whatever you want to call what filtered most people.

D3's biggest issue was how it didn't "feel like Diablo" in terms of worldbuilding and aesthetics. The gameplay wasn't that bad. And it had way more end-game on launch than D4 has, better itemization, etc. The character builds were also way, way more varied, without even bringing items into the mix.

I get that it's always been tricky making that argument when you'd have idiots like gaudost on here insisting that no, everything about D3 is amazing! Even the butterfly Disney villain woman!
I understand what you mean but I guess we just don't appreciate the same types of mechanics. I found almost all changes D3 made were bad in terms of itemisation (which D4 clearly is copying here) and skill 'loadouts' destroying class identity and having to make some sort of commitment to your build. The latter D4 tried to move away from but the barebones customisation of the skill "tree" and budget PoE paragon board made a joke out of build diversity.

I actually agree on that point compared to D2. But as its own thing, it was fine. And D4 does not bring back D2 or Path of Exile or Grim Dawn style builds, it just removes the build variety of runes/loadouts. I always said as far back as D3 beta/release that they should have kept the original design for runes, which would have been largely the same mechanics wise as runes were in D3, but they'd have to drop, and the best version of a rune would be an ultra-rare drop. That would have fed the item game into it, instead of making it feel like completely disposable loadouts.

I also don't think it's true they were genuinely trying to return to D2 with the D4 skilltree. I agree that's how it was marketed, but like almost everything said about D4 before release, it was intentionally misleading. You can respec your entire skilltree in D4 on a whim, it is not expensive at all. The only thing added compared to loadouts is tedium, since you can't "save" a setup.

I'm not someone who cares too much about form, though. My issue with D4 is that there are no good options. If they threw rune effects into legendaries (something they implied would be the case before release), or it was in the paragon board, or ANYWHERE, I would forgive them, but nope. They just don't exist. A single rune on a single skill in D3 adds more variety to a skill than your entire skill tree & legendary slots in D4. For example, Monk's Fist of Thunder. Teleports you to the target, chains lightning, and knocks up enemies. There are entire classes in D4 that never get anything this good, or this dramatic of a change, stacking every single skill and legendary they have. That really shows you how boring and bland the skill tree & paragon boards in D4 are, on top of legendaries. On the class I'm playing, I've seen a total of ONE aspect that is remotely as interesting as D3 legendaries. That's out of a list of dozens. Most of them are minor stat boosts or conditional buffs, not major changes to how skills work.
For me biggest problem with D3 system is that I could not care one bit about my character and that made the whole game boring and pointless. There was no character planning or choice, everything just unlocked with levels and could be used with no limits or planning. Gear was equally casual and bland. By the time I killed Diablo I could not care at all to continue playing. There was nothing to play for.

D4 at least has some illusion of planning your build and having choices and is already better than D3 even if D4 is also shit.


Jul 11, 2019
I've played D4 up to level 20 and it is in no way shape or form anywhere near as shit as D3 up to that point. I can't comment on anything past that as frankly I found D3 so fucking shit that I lost all interest quite rapidly, but it is a HUGE improvement on that game in all the ways that are immediately obvious for the first 10 hours or whatever.

Graphics, atmosphere, story, presentation, music, sfx, etc, that kind of thing.

You're basically at the point right before the bottom falls out. By level 25 you've seen 99% of what the game has to offer. After level 25, how your character plays doesn't change whatsoever, end-game and all content after level 25 is just repeating what you've already seen over and over, etc. I could go on, but that's the gist of it.
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.

No diss at you Yosharian, but it's really telling when people keep saying it's an improvement over D3. It's such a meaningless comparison. Anything is better than
Your build will change after level 50 once you find uniques , for exemple i found some gloves as necro making the corpse explosion skill an homing missile and 40% damage more to boost,then you can convert it to darkness damage so i respeced completely and went full darkness saccing every minions, using bone tempest , and every darkness dots possible. Each darkness hit triggering crow controls effects, so had to change my gear to enhance both dot damage and crowd control.
ITT: people thinking items like Howl From Below or Gohr's Devestating Grips is build changing lmao.


Jun 15, 2009
I've played D4 up to level 20 and it is in no way shape or form anywhere near as shit as D3 up to that point. I can't comment on anything past that as frankly I found D3 so fucking shit that I lost all interest quite rapidly, but it is a HUGE improvement on that game in all the ways that are immediately obvious for the first 10 hours or whatever.

Graphics, atmosphere, story, presentation, music, sfx, etc, that kind of thing.

You're basically at the point right before the bottom falls out. By level 25 you've seen 99% of what the game has to offer. After level 25, how your character plays doesn't change whatsoever, end-game and all content after level 25 is just repeating what you've already seen over and over, etc. I could go on, but that's the gist of it.
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.

No diss at you Yosharian, but it's really telling when people keep saying it's an improvement over D3. It's such a meaningless comparison. Anything is better than
Your build will change after level 50 once you find uniques , for exemple i found some gloves as necro making the corpse explosion skill an homing missile and 40% damage more to boost,then you can convert it to darkness damage so i respeced completely and went full darkness saccing every minions, using bone tempest , and every darkness dots possible. Each darkness hit triggering crow controls effects, so had to change my gear to enhance both dot damage and crowd control.
ITT: people thinking items like Howl From Below or Gohr's Devestating Grips is build changing lmao.
When you get this , then a scythe exploding 4 corpses at once, and all kind of gear enhancing it, it adds up.Stack all of those dots effects in one area and every enemies dragged into it , then yes this is build changing you wont consider using corpses to make minions again.


Aug 17, 2006
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.

D2 was the same in this aspect.

The "class fantasy" of being a barbarian or a rogue or a fucking necromancer doesn't exist in dialogue either, every character has the same lines in reply to NPCs that makes them sound like a therapist

This is indeed jarring. I want my Barb to sound more mad and blood-thirsty.


Jul 11, 2019
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.

D2 was the same in this aspect.

The "class fantasy" of being a barbarian or a rogue or a fucking necromancer doesn't exist in dialogue either, every character has the same lines in reply to NPCs that makes them sound like a therapist

This is indeed jarring. I want my Barb to sound more mad and blood-thirsty.
Yeah but you see, D2 is 20 years old. One would expect an improvement.


Aug 27, 2014
Le Balkans
At around lvl 25-30 your build will effectively be the same for the rest of the game. Same skill rotation etc.
I've never seen so much ignorance and lieing in a thread before. Levels 25-30 barely qualify as a tutorial. You people are morons and liars. I hate to be an asshole but you deserve to be called out.
We understand your casual ass like to be buttfucked by casual or popamole games but there is no need to share that with us every 5 minutes

I remember similar opinions from you about Phoenix Point.
Also find it disingenious you played the beta only, watched some youtube vids and suddently are expert on the game.

KIss My Ass

Real name: SDG
Dumbfuck Shitposter
Feb 3, 2023
Aya Cash's vagina I hope
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Your build will change after level 50 once you find uniques , for exemple i found some gloves as necro making the corpse explosion skill an homing missile and 40% damage more to boost,then you can convert it to darkness damage so i respeced completely and went full darkness saccing every minions, using bone tempest , and every darkness dots possible. Each darkness hit triggering crowd controls effects, so had to change my gear to enhance both dot damage and crowd control.

This guy explains the game pretty well

People need to stop judging their experiences at prior to 50.

Some people might struggle from 1-50, but it's usually because their build is very bad. If your build is rational, it will clear your time through 1-50.

The game doesn't actually get frustrating until WT3 and definitely in WT4. The amount of rationally-constructed builds that you can make starts to shrink more and more until you just arrive at close-combat builds that take advantage of the aspect of control scaling bonuses. Nothing else seems to do very well anymore, and ranged-oriented builds like chain lightning and frozen orb are quite bad. There's no way you would know this at level 30 or 40 or 50 or even 58.

As someone who is very, very far into the game, I honestly have to say that 1-50 is just a tiny portion of your character journey. It's so tiny, it kind of doesn't matter. You're not terribly concerned with gear. You don't have to figure out the paragon board. You don't have access to unique items and new aspects that drop outside of the codex of power, you are not leveling glyphs, you're not really looking for ways to scale your damage beyond using Vulnerable, etc. There's a lot of the game you're just not getting into yet.

People need to stop thinking their character journey at level 40 or 50 will translate to the end-game at level 70+. It doesn't.

1-50 = Tutorial
50-70 = Mid-Game
70-100 = Endgame, and some would split this up from 70-90 and 90-100.

And this is why people bitching in here who only played the beta or read some random crap posted by noobs have no idea wtf they are talking about. Their opinions are useless.


Jun 15, 2009
Seems i end up with the same conclusions with my build, close combat too, crowd control but with a necro instead of a sorcerer. So i guess everything will play the same. At 70+ i start to be tired of it tbh, only the few same nightmare dungeons are launching all the time , i get tired of their mechanism, having to replace 2 stones each time, kill all the enemies to progress to next part and end up fighting an undertuned boss with very low % chance to drop anything good. It's not randomized and diversified enough to keep my interest still.Then there's all the little details, like having some stones in your shoes, the gems and nightmare aspect taking inventory space, not enough inventory space, too much walking in towns.
Cant see myself redoing it all , and cherry on the cake paying 10 euros for the priviledge of doing so.

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