Concerning the TB combat, minor annoyances on targeting, mob animations often make it difficult to target a mob, as you have to hover over it just the right way to be able to attack it, and it going up and down makes that harder in some cases, spells like that earth AOE damage spell with the boulder are prone to targeting problems, often not detecting enemies that are right next to each other and forcing you to play pixel hunt minigame to find just the right spot on the map to target it for AOE effect.
These might be down to the gridless approach taken by Larian.
omigosh u don't understand Larian is a small companyConcerning the TB combat, minor annoyances on targeting, mob animations often make it difficult to target a mob, as you have to hover over it just the right way to be able to attack it, and it going up and down makes that harder in some cases, spells like that earth AOE damage spell with the boulder are prone to targeting problems, often not detecting enemies that are right next to each other and forcing you to play pixel hunt minigame to find just the right spot on the map to target it for AOE effect.
These might be down to the gridless approach taken by Larian.
Bro I think they can fix it simply by allowing us to target those portraits on the initiative indicator.
Why they didn't do that is mind boggling. I also never bothered targeting the char model for friendly spell, I click on their char portraits on the left.
I want to post in Larian forum but I fear I might hyperventilate.
Concerning the TB combat, minor annoyances on targeting, mob animations often make it difficult to target a mob, as you have to hover over it just the right way to be able to attack it, and it going up and down makes that harder in some cases, spells like that earth AOE damage spell with the boulder are prone to targeting problems, often not detecting enemies that are right next to each other and forcing you to play pixel hunt minigame to find just the right spot on the map to target it for AOE effect.
These might be down to the gridless approach taken by Larian.
Yes and the subhumans littering the forum are sure to dismiss everything as a minor issue unworthy of Larian's attentionBro, they read the threads here. I guarantee they know about it.
Actually the place isn't that bad. There'a lot of valid criticism and as long as you aren't throwing a tantrum chances are you will get a sensible discussion. Of course the recent influx of new Players also brought some retards, but that can't be helped.Yes and the subhumans littering the forum are sure to dismiss everything as a minor issue unworthy of Larian's attention
Is anyone else tired of hearing Arya Stark talk about potatoes everytime they walk by the market in Cyseal?
Doctorchaos said:So Divinity Original Sin was the great new hope in RPG's. It's beautiful to look at and the first area of the game is challenging but possible and has a lot to offer, and then you move on to the second area and it goes downhill faster than a rollerskating Jew on Coupon Day. They really should have let the Beta and early release crowd into this zone because it's 100% utterly fucked. How fucked you say? Well if this game stood next to Traci Lords the universe would regrow her hymen to attempt some kind of balance. This game is fucked more than a single parent teenage girl with daddy issues and a zero tolerance to alcohol. It goes from best game ever to worst pile of steaming bullshit with a speed so fast your monitor will shatter from the sonic boom. I've just made the 22nd attempt at one combat, the last 7 of those on easy difficulty level but no matter what you do the mobs just pull out non stop utter fucking bullshit like stun, freeze, knockdown, cripple and slow (yes all possible in one fight) and your saves vs all this are fucking useless. And without a pause option it's utterly impossible to get buffs on all 4 of your toons because the inventory system is useless and the quickslots are too limited and fiddly to scroll through in a hurry so by the time you've buffed your last toon the buffs on the first one are expired. Oh and in case you're wondering this IS the easy fight option. I'm level 10 trying to take out level 12's not a big difference you'd think for supposedly epic heroes but oh no those motherfuckers cannot possibly be beaten not with a constant barrage of bullshit debuffs. The only way I can think to destroy them is to drag every single goddam exploding barrel on the level to one point and fireball it when they're all close enough but that would still involve sacrificing 2 party members to get them all in position. The ONLY other advancement path available is to take on level 14 mobs and that's not even remotely possible. And NOPE you cannot just say "fuck this shit" and go grind because mobs do NOT respawn and I have killed every goddam thing that can be killed and done every possible quest so I'm at maximum possible level, so until they introduce a patch where swearing at your monitor gets you a fuckton of XP then I'm stuck at this level until I bypass the impossible combat and get to another impossible combat. And levelling speed is PAINFULLY slow from 10 onwards so even if I could manage to get through this stupid fucking level I'll still be woefully underpowered to take on those level 14's.
Consider me officially ragequitted this motherfucking game until later patches balance it out and make it work.
Larian forums are fine.