Some of the more relevant stuff from the stream:
Early in the stream they mentioned doing something community related with the Warhorse team? Not much detail.
Also mentioned the RPG Developer Coordination Cabal
There's a new examine system where you can look at NPC skills and abilities. This was partially implemented in the first version but underdeveloped. Now it has a dedicated interface. How much you see is tied to your skills.
The AP costs for skills have been reworked to make some of the weaker skills cheaper and more enticing to use. Also the master skills seem to require more AP than standard ones so you might have to save AP to use them.
The duplicate fireball/ice bolt type skills have been replaced with different and new skills.
In addition to the backstab indicator changes, the character indicators have been spiced up.
Rock paper scissors is still in. People on the stream loved it

. Crappy dialog mini games confirmed for future Larian Titles.
Quest items no longer need to be on the character who is directly doing the quest, it checks the whole party inventory.
Ran into a funny oversight/bug where they were trying to break out of jail, he handled an item owned by the jailer and was caught doing so. Then the Jailer yelled at them for it like they always did. Dialog ends and another one immediately starts where they attack the players because they had just broken out of jail.
Hardcore mode is called Tactician mode. - Wizards will clear elemental surfaces.
Honor mode has single save and auto deletes it if you die.
Q&A from chat:
Q: How many features go to PC - A: All of them.
Q: How much will it cost (new copy obviously) - A: Unknown
Q: Customize console controls - A: PS4 allows customization natively, Xbox ?
Q: What changes to story - A: Vague answer about repeating information for pacing purposes to keep you interested. Reducing temporarily dropped plot threads. Some sort of majestic ending sequence.
Q: Animal talking, whose idea was it - A: Swen
Q: Adjust font size - A: Unsure
Q: Can you use two monitors for separate screen co-op on a single PC - A: No
Q: New character customizations - A: Yes, more are coming. (didn't sound like a lot to me though)
Q: Transfer saves between platforms - A: No
Q: Cheevos? - A: Yes