Btw, we need a new LSTools version. We as in you know, you make it, we use it, kind of we.
Have asked in their forums as well, anyone finds/makes one that's compatible, do post a link pwease.
Edit: Impressions thus far? Overal, i'm reaaaally enjoying myself!
+ Tactician is just a bit easier than i'd have hoped, but still satisfying for my tastes. Finally dying! I sincerely hope they aimed for a higher difficulty curve, and simply underestimated our abilities. Might be me and my S&M tendencies (am also single, just saying), but this makes the goofy 'flavour' of D:OS all the more pronounced, trial and error has a whole new meaning ^^
+ Loot-wise, i see your rng hate and share it, but frankly it doesn't bother me here. In some degraded form or manner, it actually suits this game. Connotations, lol. And if you RTFM, it's not like you need the gear. Same with motivation (eg exploration), plenty without the loot carrot guiding me onwards.
+ Cannot share the crafting UI complaint someone made a couple of pages back. I like my lists and dedicated UI windows just fine, thank you. For me it's been an improvement. In tangible ways at that. I no longer need my Recips.pdf file open in the background
(same with inventory management btw. If you think this is inventory managing, you got some news coming your way)
- Speaking of 'background, game cannot be alt-tabbed if in fullscreen mode. Why?
- "Story" improvement is minimal. Feels more like a glossing over, if you ever had an article or manuscript of yours pre-edited by a team of assistant co-eds, you'd know what i mean. Is it the combined outcome of the team as was plus its new members? Or is it the fruits of a ghost crew's efforts while everyone else slaved away in the D:OS II pre-alpha? If the former, bad..bad tidings..
- Some of the voice-actors have been needlessly shuffled between NPCs. Major mistake. When you have story-centric NPCs with a pre-existing VA, you should not proceed in changing it. If your fans connect to something, don't fix touch it if it ain't broke.
- Dialogue C&C cheesing for maximum benefits. Coupled with the story quality level, the RP potential remains at an ultimate low.
- Am finding old ways of breaking the system fixed (good), but new ways having crept in. Am finding builds that seemed to fall behind before,continuing to appear as UPed in this version