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Divinity Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Okay yeah, getting the rogue's speed up to 11 lets her backstab with only 3AP, which makes her shine more as DPS. I still prefer the archer with glass cannon though, as she still attacks more due to not having to move and her special attacks are devastating. You can hit 5 targets for full damage, or even hit one target like 6 times if you are in the right spot. It's crazy. She can also make shit explode or stun enemies all day long with special arrows. Archers are really OP, at least in a party with a tank, rogue and support mage.

Anyway... game's more open than I thought it was at first, but only because it's so easy. There's a clear route to follow if you want to fight enemies your level, but if you're okay going a level or two above yours then you'll have lots of options. I guess that would make the hardest mode more linear, but on classic mode it's a piece of cake. I'm near the end of act 2 and never realized I skipped a big area with the goblin mine, so now I went back to do that and I'm slaughtering level 12 goblins at level 15. Previously I beat lots of snow mountain enemies who were level 13-14 when I was level 12. It's a decent amount of variety.


Oct 21, 2019
Okay yeah, getting the rogue's speed up to 11 lets her backstab with only 3AP, which makes her shine more as DPS. I still prefer the archer with glass cannon though, as she still attacks more due to not having to move and her special attacks are devastating. You can hit 5 targets for full damage, or even hit one target like 6 times if you are in the right spot. It's crazy. She can also make shit explode or stun enemies all day long with special arrows. Archers are really OP, at least in a party with a tank, rogue and support mage.
DD char with glass cannon better than w/o it, duh! :D But of course keeping melee dude with GC alive is more trickier than ranger so yeah, convenience again.
Anyway... game's more open than I thought it was at first, but only because it's so easy. There's a clear route to follow if you want to fight enemies your level, but if you're okay going a level or two above yours then you'll have lots of options. I guess that would make the hardest mode more linear, but on classic mode it's a piece of cake. I'm near the end of act 2 and never realized I skipped a big area with the goblin mine, so now I went back to do that and I'm slaughtering level 12 goblins at level 15. Previously I beat lots of snow mountain enemies who were level 13-14 when I was level 12. It's a decent amount of variety.
Not really, no. First levels - sure, are tougher on tactical but after ~9-12 it becomes a breeze anyway once you'll get most important skills. And regardless of chosen difficulty, in D:OS as in many other RPGs first levels are much more significant in general. So, whilist you should've set tactical in the first place, you're not losing some incredible challenges to overcome or whatever.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
So, whilist you should've set tactical in the first place, you're not losing some incredible challenges to overcome or whatever.

I just have a strong aversion to trash mobs with HP bloat, but yeah I probably should have I guess. Only fight I had that was anywhere near challenging was the skeleton king dude.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
I usually take breaks in the middle of long RPGs to play some action games, but I'm not sure I can go back to this one bros. I'm at the immaculate camp or the mines, and the story is just so fucking boring. Storyfag! Yeah maybe, I dunno. I don't need an amazing story if the gameplay is good or the world is cool, but this banal shit boring stuff drives me up the wall. Every dialog box I want to end ASAP, there's no motivation to see what comes next... I guess it's just not my style of writing or presentation, I dunno. I'll probably look up a walkthrough and see how close to the end I am, but at 60 hours in if I need another 40 or more, I think I'm done.


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
I usually take breaks in the middle of long RPGs to play some action games, but I'm not sure I can go back to this one bros. I'm at the immaculate camp or the mines, and the story is just so fucking boring. Storyfag! Yeah maybe, I dunno. I don't need an amazing story if the gameplay is good or the world is cool, but this banal shit boring stuff drives me up the wall. Every dialog box I want to end ASAP, there's no motivation to see what comes next... I guess it's just not my style of writing or presentation, I dunno. I'll probably look up a walkthrough and see how close to the end I am, but at 60 hours in if I need another 40 or more, I think I'm done.
You don't need another 40 hours, but consider that, after the one you are already going though, you need to clear another entire map (it's not as big as Cyseal, but it's still another 10-20 hours).


The mines are the worst part of the game. I don't know what's wrong with Luculla Forest, but other than the spiders I didn't find clearing that map that fun, and the sequence within the mines is a pain in the ass. I think it improves somewhat in Hunter's Edge / Phantom Forest.

Also I think the spiders in Luculla are the last time this game can be hard, even in Tactician. Having slow forced upon me made me rage, and yet when I look back I think those were some of the most fun combat encounters in the game. The last time the game demands you to switch up your strategies.


Jun 7, 2019
It's funny how forced limitations tend to make for encounters that are annoying when you're fighting them but once you're past them they tend to become some of the more memorable fights in the game.
Whether you remember them for a good or bad reason is of course a matter of personal opinion, but I still think it's funny how suffering adds to the memorability of a fight.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Also I think the spiders in Luculla are the last time this game can be hard, even in Tactician. Having slow forced upon me made me rage, and yet when I look back I think those were some of the most fun combat encounters in the game. The last time the game demands you to switch up your strategies.

I made the mistake of playing on default and have had literally one tough fight the whole game, with the skeleton king dude.


Dec 22, 2015
Not Europe
I'm replaying this 3 years after playing classic and this feels like a more generic and boring version of original sin 2. The initiative system is about the same and all the Quests and enemies are boring so far. I don't remember the original being like this.


Dec 22, 2015
Not Europe
Initiative is way better in DOS1, just from not having the round robin turn order system.

generic and boring version of original sin 2.

This may be sacrilege.
In the enhanced edition i'm playing, the game still shuffles order of characters per turn. Also, Orcs are boring as hell and there hasn't been any interesting quests.

Another thing I was going to bring up is stealth, it's extremely simple in this game to a fault especially going back from DOS2. Most rpgs would just do a stat check for pickpocketing but this game has some stealth mechanics you'd find in a typical stealth game without the interesting AI or the repercussions after stealing. At least DOS2 made you run away after stealing because the person you stole from would know that someone robbed them.


Jun 7, 2019
Initiative is way better in DOS1, just from not having the round robin turn order system.

generic and boring version of original sin 2.

This may be sacrilege.
In the enhanced edition i'm playing, the game still shuffles order of characters per turn. Also, Orcs are boring as hell and there hasn't been any interesting quests.

Another thing I was going to bring up is stealth, it's extremely simple in this game to a fault especially going back from DOS2. Most rpgs would just do a stat check for pickpocketing but this game has some stealth mechanics you'd find in a typical stealth game without the interesting AI or the repercussions after stealing. At least DOS2 made you run away after stealing because the person you stole from would know that someone robbed them.
I believe DOS1 dynamically shuffles the order based on initiative or your speed stat or something like that. If you suddenly get slowed/hasted or some other buff that affects those stats it's going to immediately adjust the turn order. I don't remember the exact details but it's definitely not fixed round robin like in DOS2.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
In the enhanced edition i'm playing, the game still shuffles order of characters per turn. Also, Orcs are boring as hell and there hasn't been any interesting quests.

Yep, like I wrote above I took a break and am having a hard time going back to the game because I find the story and quests so fucking boring. Not sure where you're at but at 60 hours in it doesn't really get any better at all.


Dec 22, 2015
Not Europe
In the enhanced edition i'm playing, the game still shuffles order of characters per turn. Also, Orcs are boring as hell and there hasn't been any interesting quests.

Yep, like I wrote above I took a break and am having a hard time going back to the game because I find the story and quests so fucking boring. Not sure where you're at but at 60 hours in it doesn't really get any better at all.
Act 1 Cyseal. The main characters here are banal shit boring. I swear there were only two party members recruitable in the original version now you can get 4. The Braccus rex revival thing is pretty damn generic and boring, I can't believe Larian finds this guy interesting. I'm already missing the party from dos2.


Jan 8, 2009
There isn't any writing worth reading in the entire series, there's not much to compare. Your choice is really down to which one lets you throw more barrels around and make things explode. It's just that the first time playing, Cyseal did a decent job of making you think like there are going to be some quests and mysteries worth knowing more about.


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
Ive got my hands on enhanced edition, and they still havent added party inventory for solo play. Same for barter when you have to chose character with best trade skill, transfer stuff to that char and then sell...


Nov 21, 2012
I'm asking to who have played both classic and enhanced.
I want to replay this game sooner or later, i've played it just once, enhanced and tactician.
How is classic compared to enhanced? I mean especially feeling, balance and this stuff. I can find the changelog by myself but i wanted an opinion on how they actually feel different.
If classic is shorter with less stuff is not a minus for me.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Tactician is more interesting I'd say. The difference is they "nerfed" some things in the EE, like attacks from stealth and such. There's also full VA (which I always mute). If you want an easier experience which is overly simple to break the difficulty of by accident, go for classic. If you want better encounters and a more even difficulty curve, go EE. There are also mods that bump the difficulty of the EE even more.


Jun 7, 2019
I'm asking to who have played both classic and enhanced.
I want to replay this game sooner or later, i've played it just once, enhanced and tactician.
How is classic compared to enhanced? I mean especially feeling, balance and this stuff. I can find the changelog by myself but i wanted an opinion on how they actually feel different.
If classic is shorter with less stuff is not a minus for me.
I've seen a lot of people on the Codex recommend classic for reasons that completely elude me. Mind you that I haven't played classic since the game actually came out so I'm not too familiar with its differences compared to the Enhanced Edition outside of the EE additions like throwable consumables, rewritten ending, full voice-over etc.
Personally if I was given the choice to pick between the two I'd pick Enhanced just because of the Tactician mode, but since it sounds like you've already done that then maybe it'd be worthwhile to try out Classic just to see the differences?


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Original DoS1 is better. I don't know about the enhanced version of DoS2 though. I didn't like it enough to care.

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