Its not altered truth, its just omitted context. Like in that Asmongold thumbnail posted a couple of pages back, which says 20k players launch. Its not a lie that at one point it had 20k. It reached multiple times that much, but its not a lie that it was at 20k for a time. So technically he isn't faking the data, and technically can't be called a liar.They are not lying they just alter the truth
I've also seen people post this is Bioware's biggest launch on Steam ever. Objectively true, but of course decieving, as this is their first direct-to-Steam launch ever. All their other games came after years of exclusivity elsewhere.This is very funny, because Inquisition wasn't on steam until years after release, just to remind ppl here.
I expect this line will be used a lot by people who want to praise the game, because it is technically true and they aren't technically lying. We could see it in an investor call too.
Who knows some journo might get a lucky promotion to a WaPo hack, with all the resignations these daysThey are not lying they just altering the truth
Well, we don't know the console numbers plus sales on their fanboy store + EA pass numbers. But yeah, it's pretty weak for such a mainstream game.Veilguard had peak 70k concurrent players. I say it reaches around 100k.
Now let's compare it to other RPGs released in recent years:
Baldur's Gate 3 875k
Elden Ring: 953k
Starfield: 330k
Doesn't look good for Bioware's newest sweet baby.
Starfield was available on GamePass since day 1. All the games mentioned got console releases (though for BG3 it was somewhat delayed, compared to PC release).Well, we don't know the console numbers plus sales on their fanboy store + EA pass numbers. But yeah, it's pretty weak for such a mainstream game.Veilguard had peak 70k concurrent players. I say it reaches around 100k.
Now let's compare it to other RPGs released in recent years:
Baldur's Gate 3 875k
Elden Ring: 953k
Starfield: 330k
Doesn't look good for Bioware's newest sweet baby.
The IP could've easily been revived with a game that ticked all the right boxes for the general public like BG3 did; the reason it's a dead IP now is because they just kept releasing slop and turning it into political propaganda. Many series can survive one or two bad entries, but that depends on devs making a good new installment before the IP holders tell them to pack their bags. This was the opportunity to do a good job and revive the Dragon Age IP but they missed the mark badly, again, and there won't be a new one.As foreseen, Dragon Age is a ghost IP. Its value completely depleted overtime (albeit it took a first deadly blow as soon as DA2 released anyway).
The only reason IP owners cling to these dead brands is due to nobody at EA being ready to take the responsibility and explain that something supposedly worth much is actually worth nothing. Because those sorts of assets are only supposed to gain value over time, the only explanation for a loss thereof is someone fucking up to a critical extent.
Working on this, you probably couldn't criticize or question the whole barve/pronoun garbage in a meeting without having to deal with HR.They should have done a spiritual successor (new flagship IP) to DA: Origins with this level of presentation (minus the goofy faces) and without the endless woke pandering. Having fags (Zevran), strong female characters (Morrigan) and minority groups repressed (elves) is not an issue if done properly (both Origins and The Witcher do it decently, for example).
Who am I kidding, the current year (((BioWare))) wouldn't be able to pull it off even if the managers greenlight the project.
Should have just done a remake without tinkering with the story and dialogs, probably would have more players than this turd.
But the prophecy said Muricans coming home from work would defeat the chuds...That's what we call Mr. Floppy around these parts
The writing is so safe and sanitized that ironically using the repression of minorities as one of the game's themes would be forbidden, lest your risk triggering someone. I guess that's why you only could be a City Elf in Origins and never again. The Dalish are the focus now. Strictly speaking, Inquisition had a City Elf companion in Sera but that hardly counts since she's fully assimilated and hates being an elf and would rather be considered human.They should have done a spiritual successor (new flagship IP) to DA: Origins with this level of presentation (minus the goofy faces) and without the endless woke pandering. Having fags (Zevran), strong female characters (Morrigan) and minority groups repressed (elves) is not an issue if done properly (both Origins and The Witcher do it decently, for example).
Who am I kidding, the current year (((BioWare))) wouldn't be able to pull it off even if the managers greenlight the project.
Should have just done a remake without tinkering with the story and dialogs, probably would have more players than this turd.
Wrath of the Righteous even peaked @ 46K. Try comparing the budget between the 2 games.Veilguard had peak 70k concurrent players. I say it reaches around 100k.
Now let's compare it to other RPGs released in recent years:
Baldur's Gate 3 875k
Elden Ring: 953k
Starfield: 330k
Doesn't look good for Bioware's newest sweet baby.
Yeah but I think the Americans went and said:But the prophecy said Muricans coming home from work would defeat the chuds...
What good are top surgery scars if you can't create a pornstar with huge fake tits.Who is the target audience for those 'surgery scars' anyway? It's from a cosmetic operation. Surely actual transgender people don't want them.
Might as well have black playing characters start with less money and worse equipment and be denied access to certain game areas.
This is what rpgs always wanted to be about.
This is what rpgs always wanted to be about.
Couldn't he just press 4. (Back)??? Is he stupid?
This is what rpgs always wanted to be about.
Couldn't he just press 4. (Back)??? Is he stupid?
This is what rpgs always wanted to be about.
Couldn't he just press 4. (Back)??? Is he stupid?
Look at his face. Does that retard look like he can read?
This is what rpgs always wanted to be about.
Couldn't he just press 4. (Back)??? Is he stupid?
Look at his face. Does that retard look like he can read?