Thread's getting stale, no new memes? This turd is so boring it's even boring to laugh at it.
Agree. Problem is that even if you can let the flashy combat and the graphics carry you, everything you heard is true - it just gets really repetitive, increasingly contrived, and the endless
mandatory enforced positivity becomes increasingly insufferable. Literally every combat you'll have companions squirting out praise "OMG GOOD JOB ROOK" at everything you do ... bitch, this is 500th generic skeleton I've smashed in a day, it stopped being impressive in the first half hour.
I did muster up the energy for another dive and ... lemme just say that when that, ah .... controversial character shows up, I was gobsmacked at how badly she was handled, that someone would write a self-insert character and make them so utterly insufferable. She's a straight up cunt about everything right from the jump, dropping the "yeah, I wear lots of things.
You don't get to tell me who I am" literally in the second conversation you have with her.
And she's a high school student. You suffer through her mission, return to base, and there's a whole scene where her mom - repeating this, her
mom - says she'll join the team, which she whines about The entire scene gives you a good sense of how incredibly unlikeable she's written: