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Capcom Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen


Apr 14, 2009
Bow users will prorobly be a bit more interesting in a 60FPS+mouse control environment.
Does pc port support keyboard+mouse control or keyboard only?

Read the fucking news.

Besides the better visuals, PC users will be able to play the RPG with a mouse and keyboard, but also with controllers like the Xbox One or Xbox 360 ones.


Nov 10, 2014
Bow users will prorobly be a bit more interesting in a 60FPS+mouse control environment.
Does pc port support keyboard+mouse control or keyboard only?

Read the fucking news.

Besides the better visuals, PC users will be able to play the RPG with a mouse and keyboard, but also with controllers like the Xbox One or Xbox 360 ones.
Thanks. And, I'd like to see you try to read the fucking news in my country.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
I've only played this a little in my Xbox 360 and I found it very interesting but superhard, much harder than Dark Souls. My Xbox died soon and I didn't have the chance to go further, but surely I will now.

Question: Is it a skill game or a level/gear game? What matters most?
Well, I suppose stats matter most, because enough of a gap can make things either nigh impossible or completely trivial. However, the vast majority of things will be in the range where both you and the monster can deal significant damage to eachother, so skill will be important unless you really min/max and grind like hell. Strategy and preparation are significant factors as well- properly raised/designed pawns and characters are far far more effective than haphazard ones, and the game has a lot of consumables that can make things much easier, if you spend the time to acquire them.

I don't look forward to the Mage and Sorcerer grind just so I can play Magick Archer again. For the 10th time. :negative:

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I didn't even mind those parts, what annoyed me was grinding up the physical classes so my sorceror could have decent carrying capacity etc.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
Sorcerer is a pretty awful grind early on since he only starts to get the big boy spells at rank 6. He's a gimped Mage until then. And, like I said, I've done it way too many times for it to be fun anymore. Unfortunately it's just something I'll have to do.
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Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
I'm of the opinion that you should enjoy the ride. Its much more satisfying to walk through the whole game + BBI with the same character, perhaps not even reaching the highest levels, than grinding for 100 levels so your Mystic Knight has the best possible Magic Cannon or whatever. Early Sorcerer levels are cool, especially killing Ogres with Lassitude.


Jul 7, 2011
Just learned that this game is coming to PC, I ignored it before as a console exclusive.

Should I care? Should I want this game? It looks like the last few pages have some people I respect talking about how good it is, so I'm interested. Sell me.

If you like fantasy and hack and slash/action, buy this fucking game. It does not get any better for that kind of thing, especially with Dark Arisen, which is a tremendous dungeon crawl. I may come off like a big weaboo when I say this, but Japan is better at the kind of things the game does better than other fantasy ARPGs in this day and age. Control, motion, animation, character agility, responsiveness, polish. What it does worse (story, writing, although hardly by a large margin) is besides the point. The game is about kicking asses and taking names and looking awesome while doing it, and getting your ass kicked quite a bit. If you grew up with the arcades, 16 bit consoles, fighting games, character action games (e.g. Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden), etc. then you know what I'm talking about. And while not the most graphically impressive game, the designs look great in an archetypal way, like a really good/tasteful artist illustrating the DnD monster manual. Extensive itemization, random loot, innovative Pawn system, best real-time spellcasting ever, challenging, lots of side content, class change/job system, Fashion Dogma.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Well, there is a good variety of spells for one thing. Even among basic attack magic, they operate in different ways; fire shoots simple balls of fire, lightning strikes from above, etc. Higher level versions do more creative things, like conjure lightning whips to wield temporarily or conjure massive ice spikes that not only cause damage but serve as physical structures to block things or serve as footing. Of course, there are other spells as well, like stat buffs, healing magic, status ailments, weapon enchantments, etc.

Spells can be charged to different levels once unlocked, so you want to channel for as long as possible. But after you release the channeling, there is still a period where you are casting and can still be interrupted before the spell is actually fired off; so it can be risky to leave it to the last second.

There is also a system for combining the efforts of multiple people casting the same spell. A team of 4 sorcerors all casting the same spell can be incredibly powerful, literally turning the battlefield into an endless storm of deadly magic where nothing can even fight back. It's hard to pull off though, most pawns aren't trained properly for it.

The system for aiming spells is also quite good, you can choose both auto-aiming modes where you lock onto enemies (or parts of enemies, for larger foes) and ground based AoE targetting for better control in circumstances where you want to send a spell right between a group of enemies, for example.

Edit: Spells also consume stamina just like physical actions, and managing that stamina can be a big part of effective spellcasting. Though it gets rather gamey when it comes to using consumables to restore stamina, that aspect is honestly rather broken.


Jun 1, 2011
Can spells hit your party though? It looked like a pawn was still fighting the mobs in the middle of that twister. You also had all those fireballs flying randomly everywhere. Can that damage your party? Seems it would be difficult if it did with the computer AI being shit.

Warrior question. Are Warhammers as good as Greatswords? I'm looking at the weight and noticing Warhammers weigh about twice as much. Does that make it less viable?

Gentle Player

Jul 1, 2011
There is no friendly fire system. The only detriment to allied spell-casting is when a pawn casts Maelstrom and obstructs your view of the field.


Nov 24, 2015
Can spells hit your party though? It looked like a pawn was still fighting the mobs in the middle of that twister. You also had all those fireballs flying randomly everywhere. Can that damage your party? Seems it would be difficult if it did with the computer AI being shit.

Warrior question. Are Warhammers as good as Greatswords? I'm looking at the weight and noticing Warhammers weigh about twice as much. Does that make it less viable?

No friendly fire. That said, I do believe you can drench your party members with water or oil if a flask you chucked breaks in their general vicinity. Water's not much of an issue but oil can fuck them up if you happen to be fighting fire-based enemies or enemies that use fire spells.
Don't quote me on this but I do believe some of the best Warrior weapons in the game are hammer type weapons. Too bad Warrior is a pretty shitty class compared to all the others.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
You're forgetting the part where your pawn enchants your weapon with the powers of darkness- to help you fight the undead. Because the holy enchantment you were already using was clearly inferior.

Edit: Your comment about water/oil reminded me of the other cool part of the elemental system- wet enemies are more vulnerable to ice and lightning attacks, oil drenched enemies can be set on fire. Sadly being set on fire falls off pretty quickly as a viable source of damage, along with poison. I mean, enemy hp never bloats so much that it's completely useless, but you're in for a long haul if you think you can burn/poison something to death when you can't dish out decent damage with your actual weapon attacks. Though by that point, you may have access to a skill that lets you do more damage to burning/poisoned enemies, so it balances out.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Well, there is a good variety of spells for one thing. Even among basic attack magic, they operate in different ways; fire shoots simple balls of fire, lightning strikes from above, etc. Higher level versions do more creative things, like conjure lightning whips to wield temporarily or conjure massive ice spikes that not only cause damage but serve as physical structures to block things or serve as footing. Of course, there are other spells as well, like stat buffs, healing magic, status ailments, weapon enchantments, etc.

Spells can be charged to different levels once unlocked, so you want to channel for as long as possible. But after you release the channeling, there is still a period where you are casting and can still be interrupted before the spell is actually fired off; so it can be risky to leave it to the last second.

There is also a system for combining the efforts of multiple people casting the same spell. A team of 4 sorcerors all casting the same spell can be incredibly powerful, literally turning the battlefield into an endless storm of deadly magic where nothing can even fight back. It's hard to pull off though, most pawns aren't trained properly for it.

The system for aiming spells is also quite good, you can choose both auto-aiming modes where you lock onto enemies (or parts of enemies, for larger foes) and ground based AoE targetting for better control in circumstances where you want to send a spell right between a group of enemies, for example.

Edit: Spells also consume stamina just like physical actions, and managing that stamina can be a big part of effective spellcasting. Though it gets rather gamey when it comes to using consumables to restore stamina, that aspect is honestly rather broken.

I'd only add that

A) each of the High Level spells have an identity of their own. Gicel is a giant ice spike, Maelstrom is a tornado, Bolide are meteors and Seism is an earthquake. Each of these deliver damage in different ways and from different directions, which adds to the complexity of the game. Sometimes a spell of the perfect element just can't reach a flying dragon or strike the armored cyclops in the right places.

B) From a strictly action game pov, the spells have real weight behind them. You aren't just pew pewing magic arrows at people.


Nov 24, 2015
Edit: Your comment about water/oil reminded me of the other cool part of the elemental system- wet enemies are more vulnerable to ice and lightning attacks, oil drenched enemies can be set on fire.

I actually never knew that being drenched in water also caused weaknesses to certain attack types, that's pretty neat.
I think you can also use water to extinguish an ally in case they've been lit on fire. Although that feature is pretty much useless due to the fact you can just pause the game, hand them one of those incineration dousing flasks and have them auto-use it the moment the game continues, compared to taking out a flask of water, painstakingly aiming it at a moving ally and then throwing it at them, all in real time. Still, it's the attention to detail that matters.


Nov 24, 2015
Going by vanilla, I disagree entirely. With no min maxing, Warrior is on par with MK and Sorcerer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Warrior is a shitty class on their own, but they feel outclassed by others. I especially noticed this while going through Bitterblack Isle (which I assume is included in the version PC is getting).
My main issue with them is that they only get access to 3 skill slots for whatever reason, severely crippling their versatility. Two of your skills slots are pretty much taken already, because escape slash is mandatory if you don't want to eat damage left and right due to your sluggish nature, and the supercharged smash thingy if you actually want the high damage output Warriors are supposed to be famous for.
Plus, a lot of their skills feel pretty samey. Even Fighters, who are also purely melee, have proper options to deal with airborne enemies, while Warriors are basically forced to frantically jump around doing midair slashes hoping they'll hit something in the process. They have a taunt in a similar vein to the Fighter's shield bash, but it's a lot less effective IIRC. Not to mention that would mean sacrificing your last skill slot on a fucking taunt.

TL;DR Please give the class 6 skill slots to work with like literally any other class, this would remedy pretty much everything


Jun 1, 2011
I was looking at Mystic Knight, it looked like it focused more in tanking damage than dealing damage. Was looking at Assassin, seems they can deal out quite a bit of damage but are very squishy when it comes to taking damage. Comments said that bosses can take them out in one or two hits.

The Fish

Feb 25, 2014
There are a few tricks you need to exploit in order to make best use of the magic knight. It's been a while since I played but if I recall correctly the dark magic sword buff and the magic cannons work well together. The magic archer is a little funner and easier to use if not as overpowered. The non-hybrid classes should all be noticeably weaker but the sorceress has its moments.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
have proper options to deal with airborne enemies, while Warriors are basically forced to frantically jump around doing midair slashes hoping they'll hit something in the process.
I agree with most you say, Warriors do feel like one trick ponies often, but when it comes to Harpies and such a Warrior with max reach (height) and their two handed blows can easily take everything down.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Magic Archer is easily the most overpowered class, their self magic buff skill is insane, and doesn't even use up one of their attack slots. They also get the best variety of pure magic elemental attacks, and sacrificial arrow is just pure bullshit on anything not immune to darkness. Rebound arrow is also just disgustingly good in BBI, due to the close quarters and the number of enemies weak to lightning.

Sorcerors would probably be second in my opinion, but they require a lot more knowledge about how the different spells work. But if you get your stats high enough you can literally turn on Fulimination and just walk enemies to death. It's rather hilarious killing off 3 Garms at once just by standing somewhere. And Maelstrom is just bullshit. If it hurts anything at all it's basically a win button.

Then again, I never got the hang of the parry timing stuff for mystic knights. I'd imagine if you are good at that they are the most OP class by far. But magic cannon spam is highly overrated.


Nov 24, 2015
I agree with most you say, Warriors do feel like one trick ponies often, but when it comes to Harpies and such a Warrior with max reach (height) and their two handed blows can easily take everything down.

What two handed blows are you referring to? I can't remember the Warrior having any vertical reach on his attacks, most of them being a stab or something similar to a horizontal sweep. Been a while since I played though.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
I just use Mystic Knights as heavy artillery. Defense be damned, just drop Great Cannon sigils on the ground and rip through the FPS and enemy alike with your magical homing missiles.

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