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Dragon's Dogma II - "They’re masterworks, all – you can’t go wrong"


Jun 13, 2019
If this will be anything like the previous Capcom releases, then there's a good chance we might get a demo by like 8th of March...
We got a demo for MH Rise a month before release, so it's very possible.
Nov 23, 2017
Monk vocation when

I’m thinking there’s going to be some kind of monk hand-to-hand class. The Wayfarer emblem, which lets you switch between all the weapons, is black. So I’m going to guess there’s some kind of hand-to-hand one with a white emblem since it has nothing.

It also looks like there could be a lot of Vocation combinations. Two of them we’re seeing are Sorcerer combos, and the two colors in the Trickster Vocation don’t match any of the Vocation colors that have be revealed so far.



Dec 6, 2021
I'm pretty sure what you see there is what we've got, dude. The game is out in a month. The wayfarer is very obviously the "final" vocation.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I'm pretty sure what you see there is what we've got, dude. The game is out in a month. The wayfarer is very obviously the "final" vocation.
That seems unlikely. It'd be very strange of them not to include pure upgrades to the archer and thief vocations, at the very least. And if they're not revealing those, they're probably concealing some other stuff as well. There's also a weird asymmetry here; why 4 base vocations but 5 advanced ones? This isn't just a matter of autistic number crunching; the vocations in the first game overlapped the way they did to cut down on development costs by reusing assets between vocations. It'd be very stupid of them not to make use of that this time around.


May 1, 2023
Can't wait!

You see a white woman, a negro and a furry and you get excited... Is FFXIV and BG3 not enough degeneracy for you?
Sorry but I'm actually gonna need you to buy this and play it for me buddy, you're the only guy in this thread I trust to give me a reliable sitrep on the quality. Everyone else seems to be afflicted with some kind of creepy Dragons Dogma hypnosis which I find extremely unsettling but you're obviously immune to its effects.


Dec 6, 2021
I'm pretty sure what you see there is what we've got, dude. The game is out in a month. The wayfarer is very obviously the "final" vocation.
That seems unlikely. It'd be very strange of them not to include pure upgrades to the archer and thief vocations, at the very least. And if they're not revealing those, they're probably concealing some other stuff as well. There's also a weird asymmetry here; why 4 base vocations but 5 advanced ones? This isn't just a matter of autistic number crunching; the vocations in the first game overlapped the way they did to cut down on development costs by reusing assets between vocations. It'd be very stupid of them not to make use of that this time around.
Instead ask why they would hide assassin and strider if they were in the game. The trailers and other footage clearly showed the trickster and mystic lancer classes long before they took the time to introduce them and explain what they are, but there's no footage anywhere of any missing vocations. Why would they go out of their way to conceal things as mundane as archer and thief 2.0? Those classes don't exist in Dragon's Dogma Online, which is where they're taking all the new ideas from in this sequel.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
What class are you all planning on playing? As well as your pawn.

Myself, likely a fighter to start with, with a mage dps/healer as pawn.

Probably assassin with a support mage pawn, but raining down meteors as a sorcerer also on the table.
I have bad news about your first plan.

Ye ye I know, I meant the thief in this one of course. He even got that parry kill move, without the "slow - mo"
Nov 23, 2017
I'm pretty sure what you see there is what we've got, dude. The game is out in a month. The wayfarer is very obviously the "final" vocation.

There’s no way those are all the Vocations. Every main Vocation has its own corresponding color, with the Advanced Vocations having a darker shade of color than default Vocations in this game. They’ve only shown three hybrid Vocations, two of which are the same Vocation (magic/blue) crossed with something else, and one of them has two colors that don’t even correspond with any default Vocations that have been seen. If the two colors in the hybrid Vocation correspond to two default Vocations we haven’t seen yet, it’s possible there’s still 9 (or 17) more Vocations they haven’t even been shown off yet...10 (or 18) if there’s some white emblemed hand-to-hand Vocation that’s the polar opposite of the black emblemed Warfarer Vocation. It’s made sense too, all weapons, all colors, is a Vocation with a black emblem, so maybe there’s a no weapons no colors melee Vocation of some type.

Even if the Trickster hybrid Vocation is some kind of outlier, and the two colors in its emblem have no connection to two yet to be seen default Vocations, meaning there’s only four defaults, that’d still mean there could be 8 regular hybrid Vocations we haven’t seen yet, and 2 advanced Vocations.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I'm pretty sure what you see there is what we've got, dude. The game is out in a month. The wayfarer is very obviously the "final" vocation.
That seems unlikely. It'd be very strange of them not to include pure upgrades to the archer and thief vocations, at the very least. And if they're not revealing those, they're probably concealing some other stuff as well. There's also a weird asymmetry here; why 4 base vocations but 5 advanced ones? This isn't just a matter of autistic number crunching; the vocations in the first game overlapped the way they did to cut down on development costs by reusing assets between vocations. It'd be very stupid of them not to make use of that this time around.
Instead ask why they would hide assassin and strider if they were in the game. The trailers and other footage clearly showed the trickster and mystic lancer classes long before they took the time to introduce them and explain what they are, but there's no footage anywhere of any missing vocations. Why would they go out of their way to conceal things as mundane as archer and thief 2.0? Those classes don't exist in Dragon's Dogma Online, which is where they're taking all the new ideas from in this sequel.
So, given that advanced vocations are gated behind primary vocations... do you think thief is just a pointless deadend that unlocks nothing? None of the revealed advanced vocations feature daggers, after all, or have green in their emblem.

Even assuming there isn't a hybrid for every possible crossover, it's utterly retarded to think there just flat out isn't an advanced vocation that uses bows or knives.

I think there'll be at least one more basic vocation, and rather than every possible hybrid, we'll have something like 5-6 basics, the 5-6 advanced versions of those, and then a dozen or so hybrids. The colours on the trickster are highly suspicious, but it could mean either missing basic vocations or it's some more complex hybrid... but the emblem being split in half points to the former. If they're clever they'll make the relationship between the basic vocations and the hybrids form a pattern like zodiac affinities or somehting, though that'd be hard to do given that some are much more logical than others; I'd struggle to think of 5 different logical hybrids with archer for example.

They're probably concealing the more obvious ones because they're nothing really new and don't want to hear a bunch of hissing and booing about how it's all recycled. Nobody is going to be impressed by a fucking improved archer vocation, and if they release videos for every last vocation, they'll kill the surprises and people will just tune out and stop caring after a while.

Also, footage like this isn't shat out the door 3 minutes after the game is capable of producing it. The last few trailers we've seen are probably from a build of the game from a year ago, after getting punted back and forth between devs and marketing. "Ooh, the lighting is wrong on this demo, do it over so you can see the scales on the lizardmen." "Our analysts are showing that we need a token fat black woman in the party, change the warrior into one of those" "Oh another game came out and we need to show we have lightning attacks too because they had lightning and if it's not in the demo people will thing our game has no lightning". 8 months later it actually gets released. So many of the vocations likely were still being workshopped while these trailers were getting made. It's not like they make all the vocations and then do the monsters later or something, and even something trivial like the way stowed weapons clip through the model whiling running could be an excuse to hide it from public eyes. People are insanely petty when it comes to visuals.
Nov 23, 2017
aren't they literally said there are travellng masters with speshul vocations?

The masters are just how Vocations are unlock now, as opposed to them automatically being given to you like in the first game.

But what they’ve shown of Vocations so far, it can be inferred they line up with how things worked in the first game, despite how you gain access to them being different. If they didn’t, the hybrid Vocations would probably not be billed as hybrids, and every Vocation emblem would probably just have its own color.

They’ve shown four default Vocations. They’ve shown two advanced Vocations where their emblem color corresponds to a default Vocation, but the color is darker than the default now. The two advanced Vocations we’ve seen are also from the previous game, which is probably why they’ve already shown them, but with Strider being split into two different Vocations, that means the Advanced Vocations for Thief and Archer will be something new to this game. I think I saw something saying Archer could use both Short and Longbows, so if that’s true the Archer Advanced Vocation could be built around something else. I could see the advanced version of the Thief being some claw/Katar weapon, and a Hybrid Thief Archer being some whip sword Urumi type thing.

The Trickster Vocation would also seem to imply there’s two totally new default Vocations (and so two Advanced Vocations) completely apart from the four default Vocations they’ve already shown off that are ground in the first game...which is probably why they haven’t been shown. The Trickster Vocation tells you there’s something there, and the two colors tell you it’s different from everything they’ve show, so you just have to guess at what the two Vocations that make it up could be.


Jun 7, 2019
I believe they've said that advanced vocations will be unlocked through special quests and I find it difficult to imagine they'd go to this length to implement advanced vocations only to have like 3 of them in the game. With that being said I don't think we'll see dozens upon dozens of new classes since the colour schemes for the new additions feels kind of random.
I'll be pleasantly surprised if we end up with every possible combination based on the current colours, but I personally expect there to only be the red/blue/yellow hybrid and advanced vocations that we've come to expect from the original game with the remaining ones being outliers.


Apr 29, 2007
Part of me thinks that there won't be any more vocations other than what they have shown because Warfarer is essentially a "create your own" vocation.

But another part thinks that they will want to preserve the symmetry and basic-advanced-hybrid scheme of the original, which means that there are 2 new basic vocations that they haven't shown and a whole bunch of advanced and hybrids. The basic vocations would be what makes up the trickster - pink and purple. I think logically, one of them would be some sort of priest or cleric (because the trickster uses a censer, which is something used in rituals) and another one is a summoner (because the trickster summons illusions). If this is the case then mystic knight is still on the table because it could be a cleric + mage hybrid.


Oct 24, 2019
If this is the case then mystic knight is still on the table because it could be a cleric + mage hybrid.
Interestingly, in Dragon's Dogma Online instead of Mystic Knight there were Mystic Shields. While they used the same type of shield, the wielded Wands instead of swords and had more of a support role, enchanting weapons, grabbing the monster attention and counterattacks. It did feel closer to a clerical archetype

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
. I think logically, one of them would be some sort of priest or cleric
I could see it being a barehanded/monk type vocation as well. Staves are in the game, but a class that uses a staff as a weapon instead of a spellcasting tool would be interesting, and monk or a hybrid thereof would be a good way to do that, and fist/claw weapons are another popular weapon they could use. Also, mages are basically already clerics, but splitting off their support magic to another class would be a good move.

I've got my fingers crossed for summoner being in the game, as I tend to enjoy those (at least when done well... I've seen a lot of crappy summoners that summon some shitty familiar that barely does anything) but I could also see it being something like a ninja or psion class.

Druid would be another archetype they could fit in somewhere.


Apr 29, 2007
. I think logically, one of them would be some sort of priest or cleric
I could see it being a barehanded/monk type vocation as well. Staves are in the game, but a class that uses a staff as a weapon instead of a spellcasting tool would be interesting, and monk or a hybrid thereof would be a good way to do that, and fist/claw weapons are another popular weapon they could use. Also, mages are basically already clerics, but splitting off their support magic to another class would be a good move.

I've got my fingers crossed for summoner being in the game, as I tend to enjoy those (at least when done well... I've seen a lot of crappy summoners that summon some shitty familiar that barely does anything) but I could also see it being something like a ninja or psion class.

Druid would be another archetype they could fit in somewhere.
Seeing as how they split strider into thief and archer it's actually quite possible they might split the mage as well. Didn't they say in an interview that they wanted to make the classes more specialized?


Apr 8, 2015
The Wayfarer emblem, which lets you switch between all the weapons, is black.
I don't think it's a combination of any vocation or even an advanced vocation (seeing as those don't have not as an elaborate engraving)
I think it's simply an unique late-game/end-game vocation

I'm pretty sure what you see there is what we've got, dude.
I'm pretty sure they're just not revealing everything about the game before it's even released
Nov 23, 2017
The Wayfarer emblem, which lets you switch between all the weapons, is black.
I don't think it's a combination of any vocation or even an advanced vocation (seeing as those don't have not as an elaborate engraving)
I think it's simply an unique late-game/end-game vocation

I'm pretty sure what you see there is what we've got, dude.
I'm pretty sure they're just not revealing everything about the game before it's even released

You get black by combining a bunch of colors, each Vocation has its own color on its emblem, the Warfarer emblem (a Vocation that lets you combine [switch between] Vocations) is black. That’s what I was saying.

I didn’t say the Warfarer is an Advanced Vocation. It would seem to be a Vocation that exist outside of the normal Vocation spectrum. That’s why I’m also guessing there’s a polar opposite Vocation that has a white emblem and is just hand-to-hand without any weapons. If there’s a black one that let’s you switch between multiple weapons on the fly, there may very well be a white one with no weapons.

The Advanced Vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2 seem to share the same color on their emblem as the default Vocations they’re advanced from, but a darker color. The Fighter emblem is red, the Warrior emblem is dark. The Mage emblem is light blue, the Sorcerer Emblem is blue.

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