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Eador Genesis


Dec 4, 2010
Well I'm basing this off of what one of the russians in this thread has been saying (buggy mess). Its here somewhere


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I bought this on gog's sale and it ate my whole weekend. Game is p addicting.


Dec 4, 2010
Yes because its literally one of the best strat-rpg's ever made despite its annoyances. The worst one being the fact that the early game is way to fucking hard in relation to mid and late


Mar 8, 2008
Just started this shit...and it's just way too addictive. I've wasted hours up hours on it.

I find the game to be quite trolling though. So I've met my first Master in a shard, he was nice to me and didn't attack me, so I just moved on to kill the local lord...and then the fucktard immediately declared war on me. Ok, big deal...but then I realized that all his provinces' guards are level 6+ undead groups (something like 5 skeletons + 4 zombies + 2 ghouls). I sent my warrior with the best troops to try take one over and I failed miserably. Being swarmed over by undead - with Skellies having 15 HP - within only level 4-5 tier 1 troops was no fun at all. Realizing that I cannot win at all I ragequitted...

Seriously, what did I do wrong? I thought that town guards are supposed to be basic resistance against harassments, not armies of dead that can kill off my main armies. Even town guards like 11 thieves were lethal. And those guards are all 7+ level. Even slingers are lethal because they can double shot.

This tediousness reminds me playing King's Bounty on the hardest difficulty.

I really, really like the game's art and music, surprisingly good for a supposedly one man's work. And the world design and writing are really superb, perfectly blending the 4th wall with the in game world, and providing lots of great flavour.


Aug 15, 2008
Skeletons and thieves are no match for a properly built warrior; even at high level they just don't do enough damage to get through the DR. The key is getting decent equipment (especially armor) and spells. Get enchanted weapon&armor; a couple of astral energies is a good idea as well. You can solo a shitload of stuff that way even with a fairly inexperienced hero.

The cookiecutter build which makes things easy when you're noobish is a warrior + a healer + 2 swordsmen. In the beginning have your swordsmen tank and parry while your hero attacks; defend your healer. After a couple of fights and hero levels most of the stuff thrown your way won't be a problem - just watch out for T2 and higher units and magic users which can eat your swordsmen alive; boost resistance if you can.

The worst guard party early game you can encounter are the adventurers; you really need a strong bro to take them on. The good thing is you can (and should) hire them as well to protect critical spots. They're pretty OP to be honest, being an effective cockblock for way too long while being too cheap and easily available; I hope that they (along with other guards) will get a rebalance in the half-sequel.

Another tip is: don't play the campaign on expert or higher unless you're Russian/masochist or are very well versed in the game's mechanics and want a more munchkin experience. While expert does offer a more "fair" challenge and is generally more difficult it also limits you in ways that are just not fun and forces you to "optimise" by sticking to one of very few viable opening army/hero builds and sometimes doing completely anticlimatic and gamey things like starting each shard with pillaging your home province to gain extra gold. In early campaign expert means pretty much either going for a healer/swordsmen based build I described above or using a lot of barbarians. Most of the T1 units are pretty useless because they're too hard to keep alive long enough to improve and T2 or higher units are unavailable unless you luck out and find a monster den of some sort or a summoning spell.

Competent will give you enough of a challenge anyway.


Jul 16, 2009
level 6+ undead groups (something like 5 skeletons + 4 zombies + 2 ghouls). I sent my warrior with the best troops to try take one over and I failed miserably. Being swarmed over by undead - with Skellies having 15 HP - within only level 4-5 tier 1 troops was no fun at all. Realizing that I cannot win at all I ragequitted...
That's the easy guard. The difficult one is Minotaur guard. (Or phoenix...)

BTW what idiot ragequits?
Seriously, what did I do wrong?
Nothing. You just need to accept it.

that can kill off my main armies.
No vampires, why are you complaining?
Even town guards like 11 thieves were lethal.
11 thieves are lethal.

This tediousness reminds me playing King's Bounty on the hardest difficulty.
That's correct description. However it would last long.


Jun 17, 2012
Is there a thorough tutorial somewhere about how to fix the slow-downs/jerkiness in this game? I know someone mentioned using a CPU throttling program, but there were no links, and I am lazy.


Mar 8, 2008
I think I get why I sucked at this game:

- The bad habit of savescumming I used in practically all other strategy games has declined my brians and more importantly, patience. I like how the game gives you massive score penalty when reloading one turn back, or even give you permanent resource penalty if you restart a shard. This kind of semi-roguelike settings really force me to think thoroughly of my decisions before carrying them out (and as you see, I didn't do well in this regard).

- I tried too much using Wizard and Commander as starting heroes, which was probably not the best decision at all in the early game. It seems that both really need at least tier 2 spells and/or troops to shine, otherwise in the early game, when all you can use are tier 1 stuff, and the maps are all so small, these two classes are massively gimped. Warrior and Scout are on the other hand very easy to use.

- Speaking of wizards, I actually had my wizard doing a great job in the first couple of shards, summoning imps and zombies to kill stuff. Then I found I got the "Untrustworthy" or something title, and realized there's karma in the game. So I changed my wizard gameplay style to not using summons at all...but then I was lost because I didn't know how to play it effectively.

- Not knowing the main know-hows of the game. For instance, my warrior got stuck and swarmed fighting the undead guards because his stamina ran out (and yeah, warriors are fucking tanks), and that's because I didn't know using Astral Energy (it finally comes to my mind thanks to Monocause mentioning above). I lose one shard because I hired the 2nd hero (a wizard nonetheless) in like the 4th turn, and then I realized I could have put that 500 gold into building troops and conquer provinces with better results. As you may imagine, in that game I got stuck with two low level heroes doing nothing because I had no money to hire troops to do quests, and the upkeep dragged everything down.

- I was playing on Skilled, which means neutrals are much weaker than what the real troops are, that's one of the reason why I found thief or undead guards so surprisingly hard to kill compared to the neutral guards and got caught off guard. However if even Skilled is raping me so hard, I can't imagine playing Expert with my current (limited) knowledge about the game.

The game itself is really fantastic. And from what I've read most from the in game dialogue or tutorial messages, "learn from your mistakes" is one of the main game theme here.


Dec 13, 2012
The game itself is really fantastic. And from what I've read most from the in game dialogue or tutorial messages, "learn from your mistakes" is one of the main game theme here.

Do not hesitate to use "return to last turn" button while you're learning to save time. Stat score is not important and you can start new fresh campaign later if you like big numbers, or you can grind huge shards for high score (fast expansion before ending shard). Stat score is somewhat good for experienced player who will not grind or use other means to get high score intentionally. It's more like additional fun text to read after your victory or defeat.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
- Not knowing the main know-hows of the game. For instance, my warrior got stuck and swarmed fighting the undead guards because his stamina ran out (and yeah, warriors are fucking tanks), and that's because I didn't know using Astral Energy (it finally comes to my mind thanks to Monocause mentioning above). I lose one shard because I hired the 2nd hero (a wizard nonetheless) in like the 4th turn, and then I realized I could have put that 500 gold into building troops and conquer provinces with better results. As you may imagine, in that game I got stuck with two low level heroes doing nothing because I had no money to hire troops to do quests, and the upkeep dragged everything down.
I found getting a 2nd hero as early as possible to be very helpful. If nothing else you can just grind exploring and some of the weaker locations (ruined towers with goblins seems to be the easiest). To get some levels.

The main bad part of the game is not having a bestiary. It's kind of cool to learn that getting attacked by Gargoyles damages your weapons on your own, but when this leads to a TPK it really sets you back.


Jul 16, 2009
Well considering you can resurrect the main hero, at least you'd be smarter next time. Considering main character has bit memory loss, a result of his own stupidity, it's actually quite in character behavior. (Another result of main character's stupidity was that Zarr. A party of poker where bets were not sane.)


Dec 5, 2012
I've been playing exclusively the campaign but i tried a couple of random skirmishes vs AI and i must say ... wow with all cheating from the campaign gone AI is so weak. It is true what the russian fellow who knows a lot about the game said; i should have started with skirmish maps first.


Mar 8, 2008
It seems that with the help of one turn back, and using a little more brains and patience, the game isn't that impossible to manage after all. It is still possible to say, keep the first swordsmen alive all the way until endgame veteran, you just need to know how the game works and which kinds of tactics I should use. Even minotaurs are killable with tier 1 troops and spells.

Warrior really kicks major arses. He could solo trolls with ease, minotaurs with a bit of micro, though unfortunately not ogres yet. Otherwise he could f10 pretty much all the normal guards. Btw from using him I also learned a lot of game wisdom, especially what kind of creatures has what weakness and how to deal with, and which mobs can be soloed or not, e.g. soloing 4 giant spiders without poison immunity is suicide.

Another big learning experience is that stamina and morale management really make or breaks an army. Messing with enemies with Slow or even Fatigue can be even more useful than Webbing them. Ah yes, speaking of magic, REALLY all spells have its uses in most of the battle, for instance I had my Wizard's spell slots filled with at least 12 different spells - all tier 1 nonetheless - and to my surprise, I could empty them in almost any big fight, and bring out good effect out all of them. That's so unlike other games in which a lot of spells may never see any use at all in the whole game.

For now I still have some trouble keeping troops like shooters and healers alive, even veteran healers got easily killed by slingers which was very rage inducing.


Jan 28, 2011
I picked Eador up awhile ago and am now near the end of the campaign. I've been playing on Overlord because I suffer from hubris, and relying exclusively on semi-solo warriors because I feel that handling the battle tactics in my tactical battle game is beneath me. It's been going pretty well. I win most shards without reloading, and half without losing a battle with the main hero. (The "strategist" achievement seems to require either luck or gimping my playstyle, since low-level scouts can be killed by bandits during province exploration.)

I saw that earlier in the thread, some people were asking about strategy on the higher difficulties. I don't know if you've all moved on or figured it out by now, but if it's still of interest, I could talk about that. Solo warriors are possibly the least variable hero, but they still have some complexity to them.


Heresiarch, it sounds like you're learning well. Warriors and scouts are just better in the early campaign, and stamina is really, really important for them. It's usually preferable to rest or cast Astral Energy if you'd otherwise be engaging at <5 stamina.

Warrior tactics: As you noticed, getting surrounded can be very bad. You should abuse the borders of the battle map to limit the number of enemies who can attack you, thereby conserving stamina. When you start soloing fights, you will get very familiar with the "last stand" position: Warrior in the upper left hex, where he can only be meleed by two other hexes; it conserves stamina, maximizes use of parry, and maximizes the number of enemies you attack rather than counterattack.

(Don't try to use this positioning against T3 melee or significant ranged; it's meant for basic human enemies or low-level undead.)

Against the 9 thieves gang, you should check stats for each individual thief at the start of the battle and prioritize the ones with poison.

The adventurers guard is annoying early; you need mobility, high HP, good defense, and some resistance to solo them. This usually isn't feasible until your mid-teen levels; if you need to fight them before that, bring chaff. (Or wait around; on most shards, the AI eventually upgrades them into a horseman+barbarian guard that's quite a bit easier to take down.)

For hard-hitting melee mobs (ogres, trolls, minotaurs), vampirism+round attack is your uber-combo. It can refill your HP from near death.

I only play single-player, but I haven't come across a fight that a warrior can't handle with the right gear. I did build one warrior that managed to solo a 7 dragon fight (all in double digit levels, all with 145% HP), which I believe is the worst that SP can throw at you.


Mar 8, 2008
I was wondering, why couldn't I build x, y, or z??? Then I checked through the building tree...

Before that I thought the game sucked a bit because I could only have one castle and one race (humans) to use. Now I realised that around 3/4 of the stuff can't be built in a single game because a lot of them are in direct conflict with others. And counting in the massive amount of cost of anything besides tier 1 stuff, I think each game only 1/5 of the stuff can be built.

And that's just concerning creature lairs. If we count in magic, foreign quarters, and equipment shops, and choose to specialise into one or two for strategies, the variety of outcomes seems to be amazing with each gameplay.

Finally, because troop and spell slots are both limited, you really must do choice & consequences when picking a strategy to go with.

Man, this game, despite being made by one man, is simply overflowing with fantastic designs!


Dec 13, 2012
Now I realised that around 3/4 of the stuff can't be built in a single game because a lot of them are in direct conflict with others

Well, it's not true. You have to choose troops, magic, equipment and path of war or path of peace (only 1 temple), other buildings are the same. Only troops (guards) and magic can be very different, in other areas there are optimums.

But to play effectively you'll have to know build order very well, so it will not be boring - it'll take a long time to master building and developing your stronghold.


Dec 4, 2010
I was wondering, why couldn't I build x, y, or z??? Then I checked through the building tree...

Before that I thought the game sucked a bit because I could only have one castle and one race (humans) to use. Now I realised that around 3/4 of the stuff can't be built in a single game because a lot of them are in direct conflict with others. And counting in the massive amount of cost of anything besides tier 1 stuff, I think each game only 1/5 of the stuff can be built.

And that's just concerning creature lairs. If we count in magic, foreign quarters, and equipment shops, and choose to specialise into one or two for strategies, the variety of outcomes seems to be amazing with each gameplay.

Finally, because troop and spell slots are both limited, you really must do choice & consequences when picking a strategy to go with.

Man, this game, despite being made by one man, is simply overflowing with fantastic designs!

Took awhile but that eador effect has claimed another soul


Mar 8, 2008
I've preordered it already. 4 weeks are a long way to go :/

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