Lmao, i wake up this morning and first try this happens:
Fuck it, i can't deal with this RNG bullshit just pretend i did a not hit run you can see how far i got with this and there's not much else i can show, at this point it's all about gambling on luck.
Moving on the Draconic Tree Sentinel then.
I'm subscribed to your youtube channel and these videos pop up in my feed. Please look at the wiki page I linked you on buff categories. You're doing better with this now but you're still overwriting your crab with bloodboil aromatic. Its not a big deal, crabs are cheap and its better than overwriting the bloodboil and wasting the time you spent farming the mats for it. But it triggers me. Also bloodboil only buffs physical damage. Some of the damage on your lightning scaled greatsword is physical but its not the best body buff to boost the damage of this setup.
To reiterate my previous post, the most recent ONE of each of these count:
- Body buff
- Aura buff
- Weapon buff (be aware that some weapon arts count as weapon buffs and are lost when you swap it out, others do not and could be unique or aura buffs. The only way to know is to look up the wiki page for that WA).
- Shield buff
- Health regen buff
- Stamina regen buff
All of these stack:
- Unique buffs (like your jellyfish shield WA, certain other WA's and most crystal tears for your mixed physick)
- Passive effects from talismans
- Passive effects from clothing
- The bonus from your great rune
Just bookmark this page and if you want to add a new buff to your regime check what category it will be replacing. Sometimes overwriting your buff is what you want to do (I do it all the time in PVP) but that should be a choice you make based on your circumstances.
Edit: Removed suggestions for build/tactics. I'm sure you have reasons for your setup and prefer to keep it.