Made it to Anor Londo last night. Blighttown was still cancer, but I’m doing way better this run than my previous DS attempt.
However, DS has been much harder than ER for me so far. I can maybe agree that bosses seem easier, but ER lets you hop bonfires around at will meaning you almost never have prolonged sections of gameplay that must be completed in one bonfire, and moving past sections is more tricky in DS. Areas are also way more cramped in DS making it harder to maneuver, so getting overwhelmed or ambushed happens more regularly. Statuses also get applied more rapidly. As such, I’m dying way, way more than I did in ER.
Ha the good olde days where from would ambush you in a corrodior too tight to swing your weapon :D
Did you already do the anor londo archers on the walls section ?
Nah, I *just* got to Anor Londo.
Also, just to highlight how bad I am at these games:
After doing Gaping Dragon, I ran around the area trying to find the way to Blighttown. I decided to try jumping down the water shaft, promptly dying with my 32k souls. Panicked and tried rushing back, got cursed by the basilisks and died and since I'm playing blind, had no idea where to find a purging stone. So for 1½ hours I ran around underleveled (due to "missing" the 32k souls) and with half HP until I finally found the purging stone @ undead lady in firelink. If there was ever a humbling experience in a video game