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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


Jul 14, 2023
What have been people's favorite slices/bits of the DLC? Off the top of my head:
-the new traps in the dungeons
the huge flamemouth golem, the basilisk projectile, I do wish this did heavier damage as it closed in on you
-I loved the vertical design and encounter design of the Specimen Storehouse, all the way to the very top
I like that Radahn seems to be the only boss to really punish going for a summon ASAP. He can close the distance so fast and erase you if you try it without care.
-navigating the overworld, as in, reading the map and going, I wonder how I get there, is cool. Still not a fan of invisible walls or easy to miss ladders tho...fuck that got me
My favourite bit is the Dragon Communion questline, two really good fights (Senessax and Bayle) and Igon's VA is great, I still have 'CURSE YOU BAYLE' in my head.


Jun 22, 2013
That's why you have to speed through the game on release now, the huge amount of new players that ER brought in that cry about difficulty has made From too nerf happy.
IMO the fact that the nerf is only felt IF the player engages with the playspace and explores and acquires the progression items, is a based way of doing things


Oct 24, 2019
Will do, though i'm sure the boss will be nerfed by the time i get around playing this so it won't "count" lel.
You can always play a pirate copy of the game with the base version, if you don't mind not having online unless you use the seamless coop mod, or even install manually the "vanilla" version patch and play offline

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
That's why you have to speed through the game on release now, the huge amount of new players that ER brought in that cry about difficulty has made From too nerf happy.
IMO the fact that the nerf is only felt IF the player engages with the playspace and explores and acquires the progression items, is a based way of doing things
The upgrades are the same as leveling up in a normal playthrough. It's got to be nearly impossible to beat some of these bosses without doing it. You're losing 80% of your damage and defense if you skip these upgrades. The last boss already one hits you at level 180 with 60 vigor, heavy armour and +19 scatmans.


May 21, 2011
IMO the fact that the nerf is only felt IF the player engages with the playspace and explores and acquires the progression items, is a based way of doing things
Why? Aren't the players that explore a lot and play slow going to be auto affected by the nerf?
It is what it is I guess... when retards like azmodan start getting involved it all goes to shit.


Jun 22, 2013
IMO the fact that the nerf is only felt IF the player engages with the playspace and explores and acquires the progression items, is a based way of doing things
Why? Aren't the players that explore a lot and play slow going to be auto affected by the nerf?
It is what it is I guess... when retards like azmodan start getting involved it all goes to shit.
Clarification: the nerf is keeping in spirit of encouraging the player to explore the world and net those items. The nerf isn't felt independently. The opportunity for tryhards who want to do level 1 stats, level 1 weapon, naked, no scadutree, is still there. Of course, you could still collect the nerf items and never use them in the bonfire.

TLDR: just saying this was a smart way of doing it versus just slapping a flat nerf on the bosses as is. They opted to adjust the DLC exclusive progression system itself.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
They buffed early game power level which is also nice because finding those last 2-3 levels of upgrades is a pain in the arse with a map this big.

I just finished the 1 hit main bosses video and they all have 1 thing in common. He cheeses the bosses to the point where they don't enter phase 2 or don't do their big attacks. It's dodging the basic combo and then bursting them down from weapon arts after stacking a bunch of buffs. This has always been possible in From games (making the game easy mode) but it's not something I personally enjoy and it's not the way most people play. The final boss has an obvious weakness I had known about but refused to use because it trivilizes him and it's not in my play style. If you want to use it then you can bleed him out, skip everything but his basic combo and get a very shallow experience from it. You can always comet azur your way to victory in Elden ring, it's always going to work but that's not what people are complaining about. They're complaining the traditional Roll+melee weapon/shield and using what you enjoy isn't viable compared to spamming weapon arts. You could Flame of the redmane the entire game to death pre-nerf but none of us look at that style of play and think "that's how From intended this to be done!" and trust me, I did that shit and it wasn't nearly as interesting as the Dark soul trilogy where you had to dodge stuff not just infinitely stagger it.


Oct 24, 2019
Another "good" thing (depending on your side of the debate on the quality of fights) is that none of the bosses patterns or AI has been touch, so mechanically they are just as hard. If anything, this change may also help to aliviate the need to search for bleesings on replays, as the highest increase of power will be early on, so a skilled player going at it a second time can ignore more of the later ones.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
It's got to be nearly impossible to beat some of these bosses without doing it.
Queue some nolife streamer finishing a SL1 no-damage run, naked, without the blessings, armed with a modded-in broken laddle from DS2.
They always do. But what those videos don't show is they spent 6 months grinding that run to pull it off. I've seen the Dark souls trilogy no hit run and the guy looks dead inside


Nov 5, 2007
Either fully commit to the style of character action combat you are clearly trying to ape, or take a step back and descale this bullshit

Well, they made Sekiro, showing that they clearly understand how to make a combat system that rewards engaging with enemy move sets, rather than simply avoiding them.

Sekiro sold about half of what DS3 did.
Or maybe it's just because Sekiro and its Simon says QTE combat was pure shit.

Val Doom

Apr 18, 2024
Saw someone mention the Mesmer soldier spear and decided to give good old spear and shield a try since the longest time. Rather enjoyable so far

I'm playing this so slowly that I don't have much of an opinion on the DLC so far other than that the performance has become ass. From 60 FPS in base game to huge drops to 30-40 range and a couple of total black screens. I have the latest driver but it didn't help much

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
One question, are there larval tears in SotE? If so, how many, give and take?
There are, and I know from running around myself that there are at least 3 and supposedly 9 in the game as a whole according this dude.
Which is one thing that is legit retarded. The expansion encourages you to try different builds so why tf are there finite larval tears? You should be able to farm them.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
One question, are there larval tears in SotE? If so, how many, give and take?
There are, and I know from running around myself that there are at least 3 and supposedly 9 in the game as a whole according this dude.
Which is one thing that is legit retarded. The expansion encourages you to try different builds so why tf are there finite larval tears? You should be able to farm them.
Absolutely. Plus I blew all my tears during my 200+ hours NG run and if I discover now I need to change my build for the DLC I'm fucked. Either doomed to aimlessly run around with an unsuitable build, hoping to randomly find a tear, or just peruse the walkthrough like a little bitch.


May 21, 2011
Clarification: the nerf is keeping in spirit of encouraging the player to explore the world and net those items. The nerf isn't felt independently. The opportunity for tryhards who want to do level 1 stats, level 1 weapon, naked, no scadutree, is still there. Of course, you could still collect the nerf items and never use them in the bonfire.
Yeah but the people that play let's say 3-4 hours per day and explore properly will face most of the game nerfed. All because some streamer with a lot of followers played till exhaustion and got broke by the game.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Clarification: the nerf is keeping in spirit of encouraging the player to explore the world and net those items. The nerf isn't felt independently. The opportunity for tryhards who want to do level 1 stats, level 1 weapon, naked, no scadutree, is still there. Of course, you could still collect the nerf items and never use them in the bonfire.
Yeah but the people that play let's say 3-4 hours per day and explore properly will face most of the game nerfed. All because some streamer with a lot of followers played till exhaustion and got broke by the game.
From were doing this before streaming really took off. They have always released poorly optimized games with stupid balancing then toned everything down and gave you extra souls after. It's pretty standard.
So are the news the game is getting nerfed real or not?
The post patch is much better than before. You're going to get about +15 in a normal full exploration play through. If you want more you will need a map and a few hours to search around. I felt like +19 was about right so shifting that downwards and making the increases small was the right decision to make. I don't think it's fair to expect any one to find all of the upgrades with how vertical the map is and how difficult it is to travel up and down.


Feb 20, 2021
Not if it's possible to adapt and overcome (and it is).
By that standard it is literary impossible for From (or any studio really) to make a truly busted boss as long as it straight up does not have infinite HP. Hell, with that mentality they could make a boss that instantly hits you for 20000k upon entering the arena and it would still be fine because you should just adapt and pop the invincibility flask before entering the fog.

The fact that something is not numerically impossible is not a benchmark for good design if anything the fact that people need to pull of the "its not impossible" argument is a tacit admission that it is bullshit but they just don't want to admit to it. It would be like arguing the housing market in Murica is not fucked because you can still get a shack in the middle of nowhere for less than 10k and live off of roots and mosses.


Feb 20, 2021
You can always play a pirate copy of the game with the base version, if you don't mind not having online unless you use the seamless coop mod, or even install manually the "vanilla" version patch and play offline
You do not need to pirate shit. Just go to YT and learn how to merge regulation.bin files. Then you just have to download the 1.12.1 regulations and merge then with whatever will be the current version. Unnerfed in an instant and you get to keep whatever additions that might come in the meantime.

Only downside is you have to stay offline.

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