175 is about average for the base game on a blind play through.You're not turning an effective caster into a dex bleeder on a whim. And hitting the softcaps for a faith arcane build for example takes you over lvl 200. The difference between soft and hardcaps is closer to 25% so it keeps almost linear with the stat increase.
I usually finish the first blind run considerably overleveled and was 180ish when I finished the game, you're not flying past softcaps even in dlc.
The issue isn't the 1-2 hits as older bosses could do that. It's the cinematic attacks can 1-2 hit you and there's no way to prepare for them. I know a boss is going to attack me with his swords. I don't know phase 2 starts and the area explodes, 5 quick attacks come from all angles and then a flame AOE fills the floor with lava. It's the exact problem the Midir had where his huge laser just melted you and you had no way to predict any of it except to grind the boss to that point over and over. Having to spend 10 minutes to learn to dodge 1 instadeath attack sucks and this DLC has that problem.So now FS game combat being a trial and error is bad? Those hipsters come up with new ways to stand out faster and faster nawadays.
It is when bosses have loads of HP and can kill you in 1-2 hits. I wasn't bothered by it in Dark Souls 1-2, started hating it in subsequent Souls games. But I wouldn't expect From Soft fanboys who will never play better action games to understand. You people just don't know any better.
Soft cap is 60 in Elden ring and in the DLC you're barely going to level. You need so many runes to level you almost never have enough except for boss fights. Your not getting much from your runes so you will gain like 10 levels in the DLC. You have no direction to level things. except to get those small things like 12 faith for weapon requirements.The softcaps are at like, 40 last I checked. Level 180 is enough to go past that on multiple stats.
Like, how is this even a fucking discussion. I've done this shit multiple times. Switching from a heavy infusion to a frost/bleed/poison one without changing my stats had pretty trivial impact on the damage numbers. You're not losing that much damage unless your build is something retardedly lopsided like 80 points in multiple stats. Only casters justify that and they have enough build variety in their spells. Just pick different spells.
The issue isn't the 1-2 hits as older bosses could do that.
The softcaps are at like, 40 last I checked. Level 180 is enough to go past that on multiple stats.
Depends on what level you enter at, but I leveled 60 times in the DLC (120 to 180). Even starting at 180 should get you more than 10 levels.
Soft cap is 60 in Elden ring and in the DLC you're barely going to level. You need so many runes to level you almost never have enough except for boss fights. Your not getting much from your runes so you will gain like 10 levels in the DLC. You have no direction to level things. except to get those small things like 12 faith for weapon requirements.
Which is..?There is one lore tidbit that could be a Gloam Eyed Queen hint, but that's all.
For what it's worth nothing in the DLC 1 or 2 shot me aside from the mentioned super moves, which while bullshit are a minor part of a few fights and don't happen that often. People crying about being 2 shot by regular boss attacks are playing wrong by not leveling vigor or not getting the blessing items.The issue isn't the 1-2 hits as older bosses could do that.
I don't like older bosses who do that either. If an enemy is that lethal than he also needs to be glass cannon type who dies fast himself. If it kills fast but dies slow in my book that is the lamest way of increasing difficulty, I never liked that in any game. I am not one of those people who think that more difficult always equals better and if that makes me a bad gamer then so be it.
Thanks. Yeah, that confirms Melina as the little sister who saw the Erdtree in flames and went on to concretize the prophecy. But I still struggle to see how that relates to GEQ? Edit: frankly, this even trounces the "Melina is GEQ" theory for me, since the GEQ was 1) supposedly a Queen, 2) killed by Maliketh for her Destined Death. If Melina really was GEQ she couldn't be Marika's daughter. It seems GEQ is another, vague character not touched upon at all by the DLC.Messmer drops a kindling item that mentions a younger sister that also had 'visions of fire'. Soft confirms Melina, who also serves as kindling, as a daughter of Marika.
In my opinion it's also a point towards the Melina as GEQ theory as apart from the GEQ we know all the Empyreans are children of Marika/Radagon, and it further relates Melina to fire.
Anyway, why Miquella goes to this Shadow land again? What's his/her objective and motivations?
I am afraid the Mimic is overrated when it comes to mage builds. I've seen it use the spinning skill on the Carian Scepter instead of casting spells. Comet Azur is only really good when you are on Terra Magic, use the no-FP consumption tear, and the boss is stationary. The Mimic never does that, and again, on bosses, you will struggle because it isn't enough. The AoE will roast your summons, or even slaughter them in melee, like the last boss. There are so many summons and weapon types, but in the end, only a few builds are viable to finish that DLC.Doesn't matter when you have Mimic tear casting it from one side and you the other.I am afraid not. Comet Azur had its range nerfed badly. It will work on some of the easier bosses, on overworld drakes and dragons, for example, but not on the ultra-aggressive and fast-moving DLC bosses. I have seen melee builds doing considerably more damage than this. My sorcery build is easy mode for clearing PvE content, but it doesn’t shine at all on bosses.You can always comet azur your way to victory in Elden ring, it's always going to work but that's not what people are complaining about.
What utter bullshit. My mentality is that I'm good at Souls games and I expect the game to challenge me with tough but fair boss fights. I expect to get stuck for an hour+ on a few fights and there will be bad hit box rage moments and a lot of sucker punches until I finally succeed. I'm having fun at times but I'm also not at others because From keep pushing boundaries for no reason. The Furnace golems are 100% pushed fire golems from the base game. 2 staggers to drop them would have been challenging, but it's 3 staggers and you have to drop them twice. When their jump is extremely difficult to dodge. It's not tough but fair at that point, it's bullet sponges with hard to dodge attacks who can 1 shot you if you try to run away from them.Re: all the whining. I recommend trying to let go of the idea that you're supposed to be good at these games. Try to enter into the same mindstate you had when you first started with Souls games, when everything seemed impossible. You will have fun again.
Not trying to internet tough guy here but I am probably in the top 1% of souls players. I've been at this since the original Demon's Souls and I've done challenge runs (and not youtubers spamming save states to reload bosses instantly challenge runs). If I get stuck on a boss for an hour that's a serious challenge for most people and getting stuck on the last one for nearly 10 is an unreasonable challenge for most players. I'm good at these games and I have the determination to grind it out even when I'm getting my ass kicked. I don't expect people who started with Elden ring to have an easy time even with the very first non-main boss you find to the left of the DLC entry point. I didn't expect people to have an easy time with a giant katana faggot who randomly iframes your shit and is hyper aggressive.1h+ on few fights means game is too easy. And you keep repeating sponges which hasn't been at all my experience in this DLC. If anything the bosses I fought so far died too fast.
Funny thing you are not supposed to dodge any of that. The way you deal with them is that you jump over the fires. I only know this because I saw it on Youtube because when you look at it you are still physically in contact with the flame but I-frames carry you through.When their jump is extremely difficult to dodge.
The single stamp is easy to jump but the double foot jump I could never find a way to dodge.Funny thing you are not supposed to dodge any of that. The way you deal with them is that you jump over the fires. I only know this because I saw it on Youtube because when you look at it you are still physically in contact with the flame but I-frames carry you through.When their jump is extremely difficult to dodge.
Cool, thanks. So plot of the DLC: everybody thought Miquella was pure like Baldr, but instead he was Loki all this time. Is that it?You can only ascend to Godhood in the Shadow land. Marika did it there and his objective is to do the same.
No. Play the game instead of begging for lore.Cool, thanks. So plot of the DLC: everybody thought Miquella was pure like Baldr, but instead he was Loki all this time. Is that it?You can only ascend to Godhood in the Shadow land. Marika did it there and his objective is to do the same.
Also, can we say the the Lands Between is Mount Olympus while Shadow Land is Hades? Or Valhalla and Hel? A mythological divine realm and it's "land of the dead" annex/counterpart?
There's ways to cheese them and 1 shot them but that's not part of the discussion because it's not how the game is being played by most people.
From threads would be so much better if you stopped posting in them. Collecting 5 different buffs, a hidden armour set and beating a super boss to get a spell to 1 shot bosses is not reasonable and it never will be. It's not retarded to not know you have to suck off a tranny to get their nose hair and give it to an NPC hiding at the bottom of a well but only between boss 4 and 5. If you weren't a scrub posting on the forum rather than playing the game. You might even know there's a boss fight that punishes players for not doing From's shitty quests now. Meaning the game is harder if you don't find random items and talk to people at the right point in time. Because we all know From should punish you for not caring about poorly written characters who say nothing relevant than laugh.There's ways to cheese them and 1 shot them but that's not part of the discussion because it's not how the game is being played by most people.
If most people are retarded how is that FromSoft's problem?
So you can stack up enough damage to even go so far as be able to one shot bosses, but since "most" players are too stupid to do the things that need to be done to get to that point, the bosses need to be brought down to a point they would present zero challenge to anybody actually following the upgrade mechanic properly.
So you're against respecs so player decisions actually matter and they can't respec to use broken weapons to steam roll bosses. I got it.I don't like that way of thinking. One you start excusing poor decision-making by the player soon everything will be dumbed down.
More like respecs takes away the consequence of your actions and thus depersonalises your character. And it goes both ways. Bad players will never learn to be good if they get to respec every time they make a mistake. While power-gamers get a fancy new toy to cheese and cheat on the game system and never having to engage its challenges.So you're against respecs so player decisions actually matter and they can't respec to use broken weapons to steam roll bosses. I got it.
You might even know there's a boss fight that punishes players for not doing From's shitty quests now. Meaning the game is harder if you don't find random items and talk to people at the right point in time. Because we all know From should punish you for not caring about poorly written characters who say nothing relevant than laugh.
No.You might even know there's a boss fight that punishes players for not doing From's shitty quests now. Meaning the game is harder if you don't find random items and talk to people at the right point in time. Because we all know From should punish you for not caring about poorly written characters who say nothing relevant than laugh.
Damn, I always leave absolute majority of their shitty quests untouched. That boss is at least optional, I assume?