This whole buff discussion makes it look like you need a PhD in buffing, but in reality you don't. My thought process was this:
- fighting Messmer, he hits me hard
- after 5 tries, he still hits me hard
- hmm, the game sold him as a Flame guy and he is using a lot of Flame stuff
- was there a whole school of incantations related to Flame?
- (checks inventory of incantations for flame stuff and looks for the words 'increase fire resistance'
- finds 'Flame, Protect Me'
- uses 'Flame, Protect Me' -> quick status check before and after -> fire resistance goes from 63% to 85% --> makes me happy
I don't give a shit about other buffs at this point. Flame Protect Me is the only thing you need to make Messmer WAY more manageable, and I don't think it required any crazy research. The other thing that helped is realizing that the attack he is doing at the start of phase 2 takes few seconds, which is enough to re-cast it.
This is actually one of the best things in From games for me - the game forces you to rethink your strategy and THINK at certain points. I needed to drop my dual Colossal Sword setup for this fight and adapt (regular Greatsword instead), and there is nothing wrong with that. Less equipment weight allowed me to drop Arsenal talisman and combine FP regen + fire resist talisman, so another win.