Try using the features of the forum as they are intended to be used instead of COPEING & SEETHING like a Twitter tranny because someone pointed out your massive retardation.
Also ELEX's combat is literally inspired by the Souls stamina-management combat archetype. I am actually impressed how in denial you are concerning this.
Gothic 3 release date, October 13, 2006. Combat has a stamina system.
Dark Souls 1 release date, September 22, 2011. Combat has a stamina system.
Elex is by Piranha Bytes. Gothic is by Piranha bytes. To claim that Elex combat is modeled after Dark Souls again reveals how lacking your knowledge of RPGs is. Perhaps RPG Watch would be more your speed?
King's Field (From Software the creators of Dark Souls) - 1994. Combat with stamina management.
Gothic 3 - 2006.

Do you lose in every aspect of your life or is it just when up against me?
Your argument is non-sensical. That only means that Dark Souls combat is based on King's Field combat. It has nothing to do with Elex combat being based on Dark Souls, and if you had ever seriously played either Gothic/Elex or King's Field/Dark Souls, then you would understand this. The combat in the games only has the most peripheral of similarities given that both combat systems are real-time.
Dark Souls combat is very twitch based, and your stats/skills are not as important as your ability to twitch with a controller.
Elex is the anti-thesis of this, with combat power being very much stat/skill based.
That's not to say that Dark Souls combat doesn't have any affect from stats/skills and that Elex combat doesn't have any twitch/reflex aspect.
But it DOES mean that the combat systems in these two games have fundamentally different basis, and as a result they are fundamentally different games.