There's plenty of rumors like this, I've heard my share regarding cheats. A lot of guys hack then blame literally everything else for the ban.
Don't trust random strangers on the internet, obviously, but here's how it went for me:
So far, I've been playing SP-AKI exclusively in the last year and last time I checked, I can still access the game.
Here's how it goes:
Once you've downloaded the lastest release with the original patcher and run the game once, you basically copy the whole Eft folder elsewhere (separate partition if you're particularly paranoid. I wasn't) and the mod doesn't interact
with the original game files in any way. I think SP-AKI only checks if you've got the legit registry keys, because they're anal about not enabling piracy. They seem intent to stay on the dev's good side to keep the project up.
In turn, I don't think the devs have any real way to detect any modified files unless they agressively spyware your shit.
Don't do anything stupid, like leave the mod running after you start the patcher, and it should be fine.