Good Sir
The gist in EU4 natives is that you can't just ethnically cleanse provinces for easy colonization, no sirree. Instead, natives stay there until succesful colonization, before that they're a constant thorn or threat to the colony (excellent improvement IMO). This means you will need that stack in provinces with colonization in progress, so they can send the natives packing when they rise up.I just shipped over 10k troops to keep the goddamn locals from killing my colonists.
i cleaned house with 4000 men and a Conquistador, mostly the provinces around Chesapeak.
Yeah you can. It's an option when you have the army in the province. Costs quite a bit of military power to do though, and your province won't get the .2 tax increase per thousand natives.
yeah i noticed that, thats why i didnt clean out more then 2-3 provinces around my colony.