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Fallout 4 Pre-Announcement Bullshit Thread [GO TO NEW THREAD]


May 5, 2012
I've been wondering if a similar scenario to what happened with F3 and New Vegas is possible; if Obsidian would still jump at the opportunity of creating a follow-up game to Fallout 4, with the Metacritic mess and whatnot that they experienced with NV.
Of course they'd jump at the opportunity, it'd be paying work.

Fixed for proper codexian formatting and to rehash the butthurt.

Nuclear Explosion

Despite many problems ( shitty engine, level scaling, way too much combat, way to much hiking, crafting is pointless, combat system is so-so, most locations are full of trash mobs ) FNV is best fallout game when it comes to quest design, story, c&c,, faction play, npc ( one npc for example craig boone have more depth than all npc from fallout 2 combined). Setting wise is second only to fallout 1 imo. And it is the best fallout game graphics wise.
There, I said it.
I agree with most of what you said but there is no way that it looks better than the first two games.
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Apr 9, 2013
New Vegas at night it looked stunning IIRC. The tower of Lucky 38 lighten up at night looked pretty amazing from the outside of the city where it was dark.

Sorry, Can't seem to find a good vanilla quality picture similar to the one from memory so I might have used a mod.


Source -- Taken with the Nevada Skies Mod
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Jan 10, 2008
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Bubbles In Memoria
I might or might not have the energy to resume work on mine, but someone has to make me 10 years younger first.
Despite many problems ( shitty engine, level scaling, way too much combat, way to much hiking, crafting is pointless, combat system is so-so, most locations are full of trash mobs ) FNV is best fallout game when it comes to quest design, story, c&c,, faction play, npc ( one npc for example craig boone have more depth than all npc from fallout 2 combined). Setting wise is second only to fallout 1 imo. And it is the best fallout game graphics wise.
There, I said it.

Asides from being kind of shit, New Vegas is the best game you guys!


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
I find it odd how stealth in recent Bethesda games is... better than Stealth in most stealth games.

Thiaf comes to mind.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
I got around combat in New Vegas by playing as a technical pacifist - if the game gave me any way to avoid an encounter, whether through stealth, a speech check or just not aggroing NPCs by getting too close then I took it. If you spend most of the game avoiding combat, you'll have stockpiled so many stimpaks and so much ammo that if you do find yourself forced to fight it'll be over very quickly.

Also, obviously, if you recruit Boone you never have to fight your own battles again.

EDIT: Also, in defence of Fallout 1/2's combat, it required a minimum amount of planning and could be at times intense, while New Vegas's combat is almost universally dull and unengaging. Project Nevada patches it up as much as possible but it can only do so much.
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Apr 9, 2013
Also, obviously, if you recruit Boone you never have to fight your own battles again.
Doesn't he drags you into pointless fights with the legion? Boone for a pacifist kinda doesn't make sense. Veronica does pretty good with the a Power Fist for close combat and ED-E does pretty good damage with his laser after upgrade for long range combat.

Project Nevada patches it up as much as possible but it can only do so much.
Hardest difficulty with hardcore mode in game and realistic mode[?] (in PN mod) will make companions die pretty easily and quickly especially against Cazador. Most times you'll get one-shotted with energy weapons IIRC. Project Nevada or JSawyer's mod makes explosives pretty deadly tho so mines and grenades become pretty valuable for large groups.

I really enjoyed some of the fights, with companions things get very hectic but solo you could plan things ahead and I kinda found that pretty fun. The hardest parts I think were in Dead Money against the Ghost soldiers and paying attention not to trigger the bomb while escaping or fighting them. Scorpions in Old World Blue were pretty tough IIRC with a giant Cazdor[?] trapped behind a gate that one-shots you as soon as you open the gate.

About the robotic scorpions in OWB you could sneak and deactivate them I think for instant win without making a fuzz if you have the perk to do so.


May 1, 2014
NV at least gives you an option to play as pacifist. It's not the world, where 99% of population is after your blood.
I hated companions ai, they are more bearable with classic companion configurator mod. Option of making them truly passive is great.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
Also, obviously, if you recruit Boone you never have to fight your own battles again.
Doesn't he drags you into pointless fights with the legion? Boone for a pacifist kinda doesn't make sense. Veronica does pretty good with the a Power Fist for close combat and ED-E does pretty good damage with his laser after upgrade for long range combat.

Telling him to wait before you enter Legion territory works fine, he even offers to stay behind when approaching Cottonwood Cove and Nelson, and you don't really encounter any other Legion members until the later stages of the game when your reputation with them drops low enough for them to send assassins. Unless you piss them off early, but the only ways to do that that I can think of are killing Vulpes in Nipton or attacking Nelson as soon as you find it.

I usually end up clearing Cottonwood Cove with the radioactive barrels after getting the slaves out, and you get an NCR squad to clear out Nelson so the only time you really have to fight the Legion is at the Fort if you choose to assassinate Caesar, and Boone (along with Rex or ED-E) goes suitably apeshit to save you from having to get involved in much fighting yourself.

Project Nevada patches it up as much as possible but it can only do so much.
Hardest difficulty with hardcore mode in game and realistic mode[?] (in PN mod) will make companions die pretty easily and quickly especially against Cazador. Most times you'll get one-shotted with energy weapons IIRC. Project Nevada or JSawyer's mod makes explosives pretty deadly tho so mines and grenades become pretty valuable for large groups.

I really enjoyed some of the fights, with companions things get very hectic but solo you could plan things ahead and I kinda found that pretty fun. The hardest parts I think were in Dead Money against the Ghost soldiers and paying attention not to trigger the bomb while escaping or fighting them. Scorpions in Old World Blue were pretty tough IIRC with a giant Cazdor[?] trapped behind a gate that one-shots you as soon as you open the gate.

About the robotic scorpions in OWB you could sneak and deactivate them I think for instant win without making a fuzz if you have the perk to do so.

Yeah, the ghost people were really cool, and the villa seems to be designed to allow you to slip past them or at least escape them relatively easily. The beartrap fist one-hit-kills them with a reasonable unarmed skill too.

I hated the robot scorpions. I just got Roxie and let her go at everything while I gave almost-useless supporting fire from a distance.


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Jan 10, 2008
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Bubbles In Memoria


Jun 4, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
Fallout New Vegas combat also sucks.
So does the combat in Fallout, Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, and Arcanum +M

Gotta remember, though, how the underlying mechanics in those games work and what people tend to appreciate in an RPG (mainstream sheeple aside). Certain shortcomings on execution tend to be looked past (not left uncriticised, though, as it should be) if the premise is in the right place.

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
What I liked about Fallout: New Vegas, was that I acted like a jerk without killing anyone. My rumor was very evil. The non-lethal playthrough was more or less a test playthrough to see if it was possible. Like most people, I'd take a party-based isometric game any day of the week. Did it in hardcore mode. i was surprised that some quests were doable this way.



the compressed sandbox design (which in my opinion does a great disservice to the feel of the implied scope of the storyline and the world as there is this underlying feeling of "apocalypse in da hood" where everybody's a neighbor)... basically everything inherited from Fallout 3.
They compressed the map from something like 12000 - 15000 km² (real world) to 40km² (in-game).

It is hard to feel immersed when everything is so compressed, which is a problem that every Bethesda game has. Even suspension of disbelief doesn't really work, because the extremely high compression of the world is simply retarded. The map system in Fallout with points of interest is much more plausible and believable.

EDIT: Also, in defence of Fallout 1/2's combat, it required a minimum amount of planning and could be at times intense, while New Vegas's combat is almost universally dull and unengaging. Project Nevada patches it up as much as possible but it can only do so much.
Pretty much this.

Also the underlying mechanics just aren't very good. Once you have 10 perception, power armor and two or three good guns, then you are already god of the wasteland. Not Obsidian's fault though, there is a limit to how much you can band-aid Todd Howard's retarded design.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Fallout New Vegas combat also sucks.
So does the combat in Fallout, Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment, and Arcanum +M

Seems like a prerequisite for a good cRPG is that it must have bad combat.

Yeah yeah let's pretend Fallout 1/2 combat is the same exact quality as PS:T, Arcanum and FO:NV.


Combat in Fallout 1 and 2 was not good. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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