> do those "texture optimisation" mods on the nexus actually don't degrade the visuals way more than intended by their authors ?
The actual issue is that "texture optimization" is a misnomer when they're actually removing optimizations by taking the file out of the texture-optimized BA2 and forcing the engine to load it as a loose file. So, the entire file has to be read in order to access the lower mips. The whole point of the texture BA2 optimization is that the lower mips are split from the higher mips. This means that for nearly all things you are using much less VRAM until you get close, when the higher resolution mips need to be loaded.
The "texture optimization" mods are undoing all of this work by forcing the entire file into VRAM regardless of distance.
If a texture is being loaded on a building 5 cells away, it only needs one of the lowest mip levels. Let's say it is split up in the BA2 like so:
Chunk1: Mip0-1 @ 2048 and 1024
Chunk2: Mip2-6 @ 512 through 32
Chunk3: Mip7-11 @ 16 and below
The game loads only the Chunk3 containing Mips 7 through 11, so the 2048x2048 file is essentially being treated like a separate 16x16 file at that distance. Chunk1 and Chunk2 are not loaded.
These so called "texture optimizations" are taking the 2048x2048 file and reducing it to 1024x1024, and then adding it as a loose file. This loose file is always loaded fully into VRAM regardless of distance. So this house 5 cells away is now taking up ~666KB with the 1024x1024 "optimization" instead of **312 bytes** with the optimized BA2, assuming nothing closer than that house is using the same texture. That's ~2000x the memory.
If you were halving the texture sizes and then sticking them into an optimized BA2 maybe then there would be some kind of argument.
We could also look at some of the "incredible fabrications" of the mod:
> Vanilla textures are HUGE 2048x2048 (2k) ground textures and 2048x2048 plant textures 4096x2048 tree textures and so on (for example) most computers cannot handle this.
2K is suddenly huge? And for TERRAINS of all things? Ludicrous. This person probably doesn't even know the term "texel density".
> I have replaced the high-resolution textures with properly compressed and resized textures
With no description of what was wrong about the compression before nor any kind of quantification of the extent to which it had to be fixed. Translation: 99% of them were already properly compressed, but I'm putting that word here to make it sound like I'm doing more than I really am.
> seeing massive improvement!
> a VERY good fps boost
> it is the BEST fps boost you can get
** Citation Needed **
> So apparently leaving vanilla files in my mod is against the rules. so ill be editing about 5600 files or looking into why they are "exactly identical to vanilla" so to say the least ill be very busy for the next little while..
Padding numbers? Either way it was funny. You claim it's not removing any optimizations yet there were **5600 files** identical to vanilla.
Anyway, yes, if you're taking almost all of the game's textures and making them 1/4th the filesize, you might eventually break even with the tradeoff between the loss of optimizations and the overall lower size of all the textures. Needless to say this doesn't change the fact that the mod is removing said optimizations. That cannot be argued against.