Hobo Elf

Who's ready to pay 18 dollars for a different paint color?
Path of Exile![]()
Who's ready to pay 18 dollars for a different paint color?
Who's ready to pay 18 dollars for a different paint color?
Post this on Reddit and watch the amount of dipshits justify this with flawless logic like, "don't like it, don't BUY it"
I can totally see Bethesda doing that. Or taking the game offline completely because no one is playing it and offering a digital copy of Skyrim to everyone who purchased Fallout 76 to apologiseEither that or pull a No Man's Sky in like a year with an huge update, telling the game is good now.It will be Free-To-Play in less that 8 months
Don't worry, Bethesda will hire Jason Schreier to write negative articles about people being unhappy with Bethesda and why their games being buggy and unplayable are a good thing.I can totally see Bethesda doing that. Or taking the game offline completely because no one is playing it and offering a digital copy of Skyrim to everyone who purchased Fallout 76 to apologiseEither that or pull a No Man's Sky in like a year with an huge update, telling the game is good now.It will be Free-To-Play in less that 8 months
Something I definitely can't see is Bethesda getting their engine workable in a year, or figuring out how to do combat all of the sudden. They haven't been able to do either of those two things for the last 16 years. Although if they weren't so up their own ass they'd probably get id Software to help out with combat.
After this game and all the backlash over them still using the same fuckin' engine it's sure going to be funny when Starfield comes out using the same shit engine again. This game and Bethesda's own hubris is going to fuck their shit up, it's hilarious.
Post this on Reddit and watch the amount of dipshits justify this with flawless logic like, "don't like it, don't BUY it"
Well, if you'd follow this advise you'd save yourself 104 pages worth of time shitposting about something you hate
dont forget to rate me with an angry button on the way out
Why does it matter in 76, it's a brand new game with a brand new engine.FOV Slider: We haven’t supported FOV sliders in our previous games as it is known to break a lot of animations and causes a lot of clipping to occur onscreen.
Everything else having to do with turning Fallout into an online game has been negative, however. While I am starting to get a hang on combat, VATS remains incredibly pointless and weird with it no longer being in slow motion because well, we’re on a live serve. I miss the ability to quicksave before exploring dangerous zones, and getting in over my head to be killed and have to go find my body and junk again is incredibly irritating. And then there are server issues, like how I was about to take over an airport in some kind of public event and then I was just…booted from the game and ended up far away from that place with the activity ended. Or how I just paid 100 caps to “secure” a workshop where my claim will expire the moment I log out (or am booted). Do I get my money back, then? I’m guessing not.
In short, everything about the online aspects of Fallout 76 are net negatives for me that detract from what could otherwise be a pretty solid and fun single player experience. And so far, you can play it that way and have a good time, minus these online issues.
And suddenly many known Twitch streamers are playing and streaming this piece of shit while faking real enthusiasm for the game.
Well, I think streaming the game while playing with a group of friends is probably the best thing you can get out of it.And suddenly many known Twitch streamers are playing and streaming this piece of shit while faking real enthusiasm for the game.
They might just actually be that stupid/have such shit taste.
They might just actually be that stupid/have such shit taste.
I think Juicehead (one of those YouTubers) said something like "I really like the game, and believe me, I don't just say that because my monetary livelihood depends on the success of this game."They're npcs, they play the hottest and newest thing there is, doesn't matter if it's good or not, they don't have any personal preferences or god forbid standards.