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Who's ready to pay 18 dollars for a different paint color?

Mobile filth
Who's ready to pay 18 dollars for a different paint color?
In the first Fallout, the first hub players will encounter is Shady Sands. Shady Sands starts as a humble village that is taken care of by a kind but relatively toothless community; it later blooms into the heart of the New California Republic, the largest democracy in the reborn America. When I think about Fallout, I don’t think back to the iconic Brotherhood of Steel or Enclave helmets. I don’t think about how scary Deathclaws are, or how much I like fighting waves of super mutants. I think about Shady Sands, and the New California Republic, and what it took to rebuild a democratic federation in a land where war never changes.
Fallout 76’s early game seems frustrated that I’m focused on the vision of building my own little Shady Sands with friends in the heart of West Virginia. The game dangles jangly keys in front of me. Don’t you want to talk to the Mayor of this settlement? Don’t you want to see what the Overseer found? My quest log fills up with prompts, but I’m rarely interested. Instead, I’m looking to see if there’s a way that I can plant roots in this game and settle down to build something long-lasting. There’s so much potential there, but it’ll take a village of players to really unlock the best possible Fallout 76 experience.
Sooo women pick male characters to look at their firm asses for x amount of hours. I am honestly surprised by that information.I just pick a male char.
I think their art direction has been going this way since Nuka World.Ok so I admit I bought it, I thought maybe some really trash mmorpg helps me distract myself from, you know.
So well, it's worse than I thought, 5 minutes in the game is already a trainwreck.
The women models are so godawfully ugly, it's like they just reached into the sjw can and pulled out the most hideous monsters ever seen. And I can't be bothered to model a head looking somewhat like me like I usually do so whatever, I just pick a male char.
But look at this three colored freak:
What is this, he's brown, then purple on the forehead and... orange?! on the head?! And that's an unmodified preset head lol
Jesus this might turn out as either the best or worst 40 euros I ever spent![]()
All that is missing is a tophat and a monocle.I think their art direction has been going this way since Nuka World.Ok so I admit I bought it, I thought maybe some really trash mmorpg helps me distract myself from, you know.
So well, it's worse than I thought, 5 minutes in the game is already a trainwreck.
The women models are so godawfully ugly, it's like they just reached into the sjw can and pulled out the most hideous monsters ever seen. And I can't be bothered to model a head looking somewhat like me like I usually do so whatever, I just pick a male char.
But look at this three colored freak:
What is this, he's brown, then purple on the forehead and... orange?! on the head?! And that's an unmodified preset head lol
Jesus this might turn out as either the best or worst 40 euros I ever spent![]()
RAGE2 also looks like that.
Jesus christ hahaha
Straight from the movie Face Off
Really funny is that with the exception of the channels from paid bethesda shills (The shills invited to Bethesda's event are specially terrible.), the other usual popamoler suspects are ripping Bethesda's retal cavity. It seems that for once, Bethesda's retardation isn't exclusively noticed here on the codex.
Of course, we aren't talking about people with fine tastes here, for most of them, Fallout 76 could have the same shit gameplay it has but if it had amazing production values, it would be magically 10/10 material. It seems that Bethesda underestimated the competition and thought they had their audience of retards locked but the competition can put out much better graphics, better animations, better story or on another words, the only things popamolers care about, and they are pissed off that Fallout 76 is just a lazy asset flip of Fallout 4 .
This game will have zero staying power and will be free to play (Why would someone even play this crap for free is a mystery though.) on a year unless Bethesda relaunch this game, player retention is the sole reason companies do those online milking machines, you can't sell a paint job for 20 dollars to people that aren't playing their game and, on these days, half the income of large publishers come from those microtransaction schemes.
The game will probably sell alot but will still flop hard because the goal was the sweet microtransaction money. Why have a bunch of studios working on the same game to just sell the same amount of copies that Fallout 4 did (talking best case scenario here)?
So, basically you nuke the fissure site to summon special boss and tough enemie to fight and collecting loots.
And there are some people still claim that using nuke in Fo76 is as dark as exterminatus in WH40K.
Cuck.I bought it
Think of them as dung beetles. They love their shit.Really funny is that with the exception of the channels from paid bethesda shills (The shills invited to Bethesda's event are specially terrible.), the other usual popamoler suspects are ripping Bethesda's retal cavity. It seems that for once, Bethesda's retardation isn't exclusively noticed here on the codex.
Of course, we aren't talking about people with fine tastes here, for most of them, Fallout 76 could have the same shit gameplay it has but if it had amazing production values, it would be magically 10/10 material. It seems that Bethesda underestimated the competition and thought they had their audience of retards locked but the competition can put out much better graphics, better animations, better story or on another words, the only things popamolers care about, and they are pissed off that Fallout 76 is just a lazy asset flip of Fallout 4 .
This game will have zero staying power and will be free to play (Why would someone even play this crap for free is a mystery though.) on a year unless Bethesda relaunch this game, player retention is the sole reason companies do those online milking machines, you can't sell a paint job for 20 dollars to people that aren't playing their game and, on these days, half the income of large publishers come from those microtransaction schemes.
The game will probably sell alot but will still flop hard because the goal was the sweet microtransaction money. Why have a bunch of studios working on the same game to just sell the same amount of copies that Fallout 4 did (talking best case scenario here)?
The issue with Bethesda games is that for every person who says the game is shit, there are another three persons who say the game is shit but buy it anyways. I understand people loving Fallout 76, preferences are preferences. What I don't understand are the retards who say it's shit but play it nonetheless.
Why does it matter in 76, it's a brand new game with a brand new engine.FOV Slider: We haven’t supported FOV sliders in our previous games as it is known to break a lot of animations and causes a lot of clipping to occur onscreen.
They might just actually be that stupid/have such shit taste.
Hey hey people.