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Fallout Fallout General Thread

The Jester

Mar 1, 2020
Master's Army destroyed Hub.
Et tu

Baron Dupek

Jul 23, 2013
Was looking for an older version of Lootable Armor mod that let you grab Adv Power Armor MK2 from bodies (especially those at crashed verbird in Klamath), but for some reason is absent in recent version. Something about "balancing" or whatever... in a game where MK1 PA is available in the first hour if you are lucky with random encounters.
Turns out it's in the vanilla Restoration Project, not upgraded one from github.
May 11, 2007
Belém do Pará, Império do Brasil
I ought to one day try to do a "Mutant Invasions Everywhere" game in Et Tu. Imagine the Vault Dweller getting out of the Vault and there's Super Mutants everywhere. Survive through the few non-mutant invaded locations, scavenge what I can, take from the remaining human encounters out there, fight Super Mutants, fend off animals and such, level up by fighting things in the wilds, and just try to save the Vault with what I got. Go with Stronger Mutants too, just to make it even harder.

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