Fellas, her tits look plenty big to me...
"But each of them were the size of her head before and now both combined wouldn't even be that big!" is the reaction you'll get.
This is one of those things where I think it would have been better to keep quiet about and just release rather than explain things given the anticipation from all over. The "everything is political" types have wound up getting many of their opponents to see things the same way, if only preemptively. Aweigh is right even if for different reasons, this isn't a big issue, it's that issues are made so big now the expected fight over it is large.
I mean, I've always found it odd how the later renditions of Cloud made him more Oriental looking when he always came off looking Caucasian. Even in the art around the game he comes off that way, so you can't just say people are reading into distorted pixel faces too much.
But that doesn't come up. Whatever people's opinions are about it are minor and there's no larger fight to be fought over such issues.
You're all complaining about her shrunken tiddies, while they gave a Kung Fu girl pencils for thighs.
Thick Thighs Save Lives.
That actually brings to mind something else: Tifa is established to have been trained as a fighter from an early age, so it's not odd that she fights so well, even if it is a stretch.... but how is Aeris going to fight? Her attack style in the original is clearly one done by an inexperienced, "average" girl who isn't a fighter that just comically jumps at enemies and whacks them with her staff. This extends to her Limit Breaks being support so she suddenly wasn't doing crazy ass moves like everyone else did in theirs.
Is she suddenly now going to be doing things competently, spinning her staff and dodging expertly in an exciting way to not make her a drag to watch in these cinematic battles? Same with Barret who barely moved using his gun and did so in a manner that expressed his stubborn, inflexible personality that is the same reason why he's fighting Shinra out of his bar.
I think this is digging to the bigger problem that this kind of remake fucks shit up because the game wasn't originally designed for it and the way it once expressed little things, like the personalities of each character by how they fought in battle, is undone by transplanting them to a combat system not built for them.
The joke is that they are going to make Barrett's Red XIII's tits really huge.