then came a good old bombshell. i was asked if i had any memories of past lives. i do believe in past lives, i think it's a pretty valid cycle given how many cultures believe in it. so i told her no, i didn't, but i did believe in it. i should never ever have said that. it was like inviting the vampire into my house. jen's attack was swift and sure.
she began in a flurry explaining things to me. how there are alternate universes (do you grant me that? sure, there could be.) and in those universes, maybe just maybe, video games actually happened. i thought it could be plausable, cause i like imagining anything's possiable. through all this and all this flurry, she tells me that she thinks in a past life i was zack from ff7. think about it, she said. you're both country grown. you both have that instinct of dragging off friends who could be left behind. you'd take a bullet for someone, right? you say you don't believe in magic or any of that, and he wanted to be a mercinary. for all of his five or six lines, you have a similar speech pattern. you even live in a basement like he was locked in one, and you hate it.
addle your brain with freshman idiocy and vodka, and this will suddenly make sense. sure, maybe. i'm not him now, i said. but it was possiable.
'you were our zack' she says. by 'our' i later found she meant a large group of people whom had been similarly lead to the conclusion that they had maybe been video game characters at some point in time. there was an 'aries', a 'cid', my then-significant other became 'red xiii'...etc. they lived with an overweight dislikeable man they called 'ghast'. for those unfamiliar, these are all characters in the game.