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Jan 4, 2023
Hope you like playing as Nero in DMC5.

Nov 23, 2017
Hope there's an HUD option to turn off those jarring damage values and combo reports

Yoshi-P went on a rage because he doesn't like the term jrpg.
End of SkillUp video around 28 minute.

No idea what he's talking about (especially since he thinks the term jrpg was invented in 2008) but its kind of a hilarious case of butthurt. Dude seems to be swayed on high level decisions by opinions of *expections* rather than actual game design convictions.

That's why I said prime flip-flopper becasue that sounds like it could change at any minute. Don't even mind that too much.

Maybe he visited RPG Codex years ago?

It’s not exactly a surprise some Japanese RPG developers (many of which sound like they were into classic CRPGs) might take umbrage with the term JRPG given how JRPGs were thought of by some later CRPG developers and a segment of (now) older CRPG fans. It is kind of funny that the Skill Up guy is totally confused by this.
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Jan 21, 2023
Japanese have their own denonimations for games. Maybe mr P. experienced a bit of culture shock. I read this game is supposed to be a "change" of sorts, but they also said the same about 15. Every time I see that "a game for newbs and veterans alike" I die a little inside.


Mar 28, 2014
Seems to me that after nearly 20 years they are going back to what made FF sell in first place. Absolutely insane massive execution coupled with decent gameplay.

The last time they did that was FF9. Everything since FF9 was just downgrade in form. 15 tried to do that as well but they fell short with only few grand scenes while rest of the game was early access garbage.


Feb 1, 2021

Only had time to watch the first 10 minutes, but so far I am not too thrilled. You don’t have any control over party members? Wtf? I had expected them to at least have that.

That was already a thing in 15 at launch.

I haven't played FF7 Remake, but I'm pretty sure they let you play as other party members in that game.

And even if the game is a direct "fork" of the FF15 system and unrelated to FF7R, I still feel they should add full party control. No reason not to with the amount of production value and budget these games have, and the fact that many other party-based action JRPGs with smaller budgets have it.


Dec 21, 2010

Only had time to watch the first 10 minutes, but so far I am not too thrilled. You don’t have any control over party members? Wtf? I had expected them to at least have that.

That was already a thing in 15 at launch.

I haven't played FF7 Remake, but I'm pretty sure they let you play as other party members in that game.

And even if the game is a direct "fork" of the FF15 system and unrelated to FF7R, I still feel they should add full party control. No reason not to with the amount of production value and budget these games have, and the fact that many other party-based action JRPGs with smaller budgets have it.

Personally not a fan of switching in action based combat as its kind of shit in general and most of the time ends up disorienting busywork (Hated it in FF7R for similiar reasons).

The more you go to action the shittier it is. So, unless the different party members actually work like classes you can choose I'd rather see the time spent on expanding and getting the playable charachter right.

* Another reason turn-based is superior. :obviously:

Only had time to watch the first 10 minutes, but so far I am not too thrilled. You don’t have any control over party members? Wtf? I had expected them to at least have that.

That was already a thing in 15 at launch.

And 15 was meh/shit no matter who you played.


Feb 1, 2021

Only had time to watch the first 10 minutes, but so far I am not too thrilled. You don’t have any control over party members? Wtf? I had expected them to at least have that.

That was already a thing in 15 at launch.

I haven't played FF7 Remake, but I'm pretty sure they let you play as other party members in that game.

And even if the game is a direct "fork" of the FF15 system and unrelated to FF7R, I still feel they should add full party control. No reason not to with the amount of production value and budget these games have, and the fact that many other party-based action JRPGs with smaller budgets have it.

Personally not a fan of switching in action based combat as its kind of shit in general and most of the time ends up disorienting busywork (Hated it in FF7R for similiar reasons).

The more you go to action the shittier it is. So, unless the different party members actually work like classes you can choose I'd rather see the time spent on expanding and getting the playable charachter right.

* Another reason turn-based is superior. :obviously:

I think it would add variety to the gameplay. Provided each party member's gameplay was unique and related to their identity and background (perhaps a system analogous to classes, like you mentioned).

There's no disputing that turn-based is superior but they are never going to do a turn-based FF again.
Nov 23, 2017
Seems to me that after nearly 20 years they are going back to what made FF sell in first place. Absolutely insane massive execution coupled with decent gameplay.

The last time they did that was FF9. Everything since FF9 was just downgrade in form. 15 tried to do that as well but they fell short with only few grand scenes while rest of the game was early access garbage.

Insane execution was still going on up to Final Fantasy 13. That first trailer for 13 that comes out in 2006...there wasn’t really anything that looked that good visually in 2006. Even when it came out a few years later, there wasn’t exactly much else that looked better.

Final Fantasy’s biggest problem has probably just been the infrequency at which they come out now. In the thirteen years between Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 13 there were like ten new Final Fantasy games released on consoles, and a good deal of the old ones got these nice PSX rereleases. On top of that Square (especially in the PSX years where they were teamed up with EA) had a number of other well regarded RPGs. So both Square themselves, and Final Fantasy as a series were well regarded. In the thirteen years between Final Fantasy 13 and now, there’s only been seven big FF titles on consoles...two of which are called Final Fantasy 14, and two of which are spin-offs to the not well received Final Fantasy 13. Even Final Fantasy 15 was a leftover of those 13 spin-offs and that came seven years after the original Japanese release of 13.

Final Fantasy 13 sold well, but after the reaction it got, it’s crazy they didn’t just rethink the spin-offs. Final Fantasy staying in 13 for a whole console generation, basically two console generations, totally fucking the series for them. For someone that was like 10 or 12 when Final Fantasy 13 came out, I’ve got to imagine on average Final Fantasy meant nothing to them as a kid, and means nothing to that person in there 20s.
Feb 3, 2022
Seems to me that after nearly 20 years they are going back to what made FF sell in first place. Absolutely insane massive execution coupled with decent gameplay.

The last time they did that was FF9. Everything since FF9 was just downgrade in form. 15 tried to do that as well but they fell short with only few grand scenes while rest of the game was early access garbage.

Nothing about this screams Final Fantasy. Turn based combat? Controlling a party of characters? Exploration? A focus on gameplay over being a moviegame?
Nov 23, 2017

Only had time to watch the first 10 minutes, but so far I am not too thrilled. You don’t have any control over party members? Wtf? I had expected them to at least have that.

That was already a thing in 15 at launch.

I haven't played FF7 Remake, but I'm pretty sure they let you play as other party members in that game.

And even if the game is a direct "fork" of the FF15 system and unrelated to FF7R, I still feel they should add full party control. No reason not to with the amount of production value and budget these games have, and the fact that many other party-based action JRPGs with smaller budgets have it.

The system here seems totally unrelated to Final Fantasy 15. Different team. Also a different team from FF7R. This game they brought in one of the combat designers from Devil May Cry 5 and Dragon's Dogma...and it looks very Devil May Cry but with the move execution of Dragon’s Dogma. Dragon’s Dogma didn’t have fully controllable party members either.


Mar 4, 2009
Perkel's post is the most retarded thing I've read in a while. He does shill for Star Citizen as well so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


Mar 28, 2014
Nothing about this screams Final Fantasy. Turn based combat? Controlling a party of characters? Exploration? A focus on gameplay over being a moviegame?

Have you even played FF 7-9 ? That is the "golden era" of FF that was all about high production spectacle. I mean literally in 8 you had whole interactive battle fmvs with your characters running through battle. Cleyra vs Odin from FF9, Alexandria destruction in FF9.

FF games always had mediacore gameplay (sometimes even good) but they were actual spectacle to see.

They were the very definition of "best graphics make game".

Still to this day there isn't any game that comes even close to spectacle FF9 gave people. I mean literally in that game like 4-5 cities get destroyed on massive scale with high production fms running in tens of minutes for that.

I mean literally the era ended when Squaresoft figured out that they are so good at making CGI that might just as well make proper movie. They sunk shitload of money for it and that lead to Square needing to merge with shitty Enix ending Squaresoft era.

Insane execution was still going on up to Final Fantasy 13. That first trailer for 13 that comes out in 2006...there wasn’t really anything that looked that good visually in 2006. Even when it came out a few years later, there wasn’t exactly much else that looked better.

You mean literally the game where Square-Enix said that they can't do HD towns because they are to expensive and literally made whole game one corridor ? Game did have some nice FMVs but that was shadow of what Squaresoft could do in game like FF9.

I am probably one of the few people who liked FF13 but even i don't claim it is some sort of gem or can hold candle to something like FF9.
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Feb 3, 2022
Have you even played FF 7-9 ? That is the "golden era" of FF that was all about high production spectacle.

Yes I've discussed the slow transformation of FF into moviegames at length before, but even then FF9 - the epitome of the moviegame of the three games you listed - still adhered to the fundamentals of the franchise. Turn based combat. Controlling a party of characters. Exploration (even if by this point there wasn't that much anymore). And the game did become about actual gameplay over watching cutscenes once you hit disc 3.

FF games always had mediacore gameplay

Nobody would have given a shit about the first 6 FF games - given a shit about this franchise - unless the gameplay was as good as it was.
Jan 21, 2023
ATB isn't true "turn based", it's an hybrid between real time and turn based. IIRC it was designed because management wanted it to be more dynamic than just turn based, and that's what they came with. It's turns without pause in between; most likely Japan's answer to RTWP. The way the little bars fill up at the bottom makes the player think it's turn based, but it's not.

9 was actually a bit of a backtrack to the old FF settings, with the old character avatars (black mage, white mage) in game for nostalgia reasons. Everything you mention is already there in 7 and 8. 7 is actually very much a traditional FF game once you leave the city. It even has an overland map just like the S/NES games. X was the point of no return for the series, and a continuation of VIII's full on anime philosophies.

I remember japanese fans classifying it as such:

fans of 1-6
fans of 7-10
and a bunch of games made for people with friends, when FF players (and gamers in general) don't have any


Jan 10, 2017
This is a Final Fantasy aimed primarily at the modern (westernized) Playstation audience, isn't it?

The slow pacing and bland combat feels very similar to other AAA Playstation titles.


Jun 25, 2020
This is a Final Fantasy aimed primarily at the modern (westernized) Playstation audience, isn't it?

The slow pacing and bland combat feels very similar to other AAA Playstation titles.
The combat maybe, but "slow pacing" is a defining trait of FF games or even jrpgs in general.


Apr 8, 2015
Hope you like playing as Nero in DMC5.

So Eikon's are kind like Dante's style switching, but even more impactful to the PC's gameplay - I say this because in the footage shown, they seem to be altering not just the the moves of the "Style Action" input but also the magic input, the sword moveset and even some properties of the PC itself (the jump with the wind eikon seems more intense)
Also the Titan Eikon "Style Action" seems to be essentially Nero's Buster Arm mixed with Dante's Punch Devil Arm
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