The aim ratios are really annoying, especially in the beginning. Your best shooters can't hit shit unless they stand a few meters from the target and Thin Men hit you 80% of the time half across the map, with majority of the shots critical to boot. High cover doesn't make much difference and low cover is a joke, you might as well stand in the open, strip naked and spread your cheeks. I don't remember the original UFO too preciselly but I don't think it was as ridiculous. Your early guys were much better (after all, they should be the best all the world's Tier-1 special forces has to offer ffs) and the early aliens actually missed sometimes.
And then the game gives you MECs, SHIVs, plasma snipers, improved medkits and slaps a Titan armor on you so you can literally play XCOM like CoD. An action TBS. Konsole Kids dream. And worldmap-wise, in the beginning countries are withdrawing like crazy and there isn't any money for anything but halfway through you cover all the rest with satelites and are making many hundreds a month so there's literally no challenge.
I'd say the difficulty curve is way more absurd than in original. I'm so glad I trial pirated it first, I don't know what those guys at Firaxis are smoking but they aren't buying it with me money anymore.