Gameplay video as well interviews with several developer/programmer/designer fellows:
0:26 - Cinematic crapfest alert.
0:35 - "not a remake, but a reimagining" - Is there some holy manuscript all these jojo's are using these days?
0:50 - Cinematic crapfest alert.
1:19 - "finding the fun things and eliminating things we don't care so much for" - Uh-oh.
1:51 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
1:57 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
2:03 - "we said how can we simplify that and free up all that headspace that takes up in the players head" - Oh boy!
2:10 - "turned time units into a simplified version where the player has a number of moves" - Um, same shit as before bruh, jus less maths! See? SEEEEE?
2:11 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
2:41 - Cinematic crapfest alert.
2:43 - "The other big thing I think that we did was we aded cover to the game" - No, not cover as in anything that can be useful in a strategy game, but "cover" as in something that looks cool in a cinematic kind of way. Form over function in pure form here.
2:49 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
2:54 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
2:59 - "In some ways we feel like we made the game more... (awkward pause, puzzled look on face) tactical?" - Talking about the cover system. Yeah, that's the ticket, we made it more takkktikal!
3:07 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
3:08 - "Players get really uspet when we take control away from them, well we do that every other turn" - GLAM-CAM goodery? Jesus fuken christos!!! This guy says it like its a good thing.
3:12 - "there is a very
cinematic approach we are taking to this game" - annnnnndddd there she goes....
3:15 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
3:22 - "We are leveraging the 3D and the tech we have available" Holy shit did I step into a time machine and travel back to 2001-2003 era when every other dev studio out there was pimping this cool new invention called "dah 3D!!!"
3:30 - "The
GLAM-CAM was our way of kind of making a turn based strategy game...umm, sexy" GLAM-CAM? GLAM-CAM?! WTF? SEXY?
3:36 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
3:37 - "Take the camera and put it in the envoirment in a way that kind of
gotcha out of the normal game play mode" - Speaking of GLAM CAM and how it basically interupts gameplay every other six seconds from the looks of it.
3:40 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
3:49 - "When your soldier goes to take a cool shot the camera can drop in and we got these great dramatic scenes where your sniper is lining up a super long shot and you'll see it (camera) follow it right down the barrel." GLAM-CAM FTW? No?
3:43 - "Allows for intimate connection" - More "GLAM-CAM" shittery.
4:01 - "GLAM-CAM" POSE ALERT!!!!!
4:07 "It increases the drama" Again, "GLAM-CAM".
4:09 - "..the GLAM CAM..," Muthafuka! Say it again, say it again, please mofo, do it, just do it one more time!!11!!! Make my mutafukin day!
4:15 - "Get the camera down there so the player can see comabt from their soldiers perspecitve" = How can we bring this closer to a popamole CoD/FPS shootan title and guarantee more $$$$?
4:19 - Cinematic crapfest alert.
4:34 - Flat is a challenge? Guy goes on how vertical base constrution... wait, WTF?
5:33 - Cinematic crapfest alert.