-Skyranger is too damned fast, being able to cross the atlantic in two hours.
Considering you will have supposedly only one base/team that's a necessity.
No. I fucking refuse to accept that. It should have that capability only after you've started pimping it out with alien tech, even if you only get one.
So they have a magical hypersonic skyranger? Without using alien tech to stop the crew from being turned into red smears on the cargo hold? The Firestorms probrably reach FTL.
Not to mention that the UltraSecret Black Budget Project to Stop a Fucking ALien Invasion has... one base. And a bunch of satelittes. To protect the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD! That's fucking ridiculous. Most funding nations would scream because the player put a base in another country/continent. What if the aliens decided to knock down your satelittes? Where are your radars and hyperwave decoders now, bitch? Oh yes, aliens attack the base, everyone dies, all the data and loot goes with it, ZE END, Earth is doomed, enjoy a boot stomping on the face of the human race, forever.
Holy fuck, retarded. SO MUCH RETARDED!