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Game News First work in progress screenshot of Wasteland 2 revealed


Dec 12, 2009
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Has anyone noticed it needs more orange/brown?


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
A simple "Before/After" rendition. I think you guys will see what I mean:


Crooked Bee

(no longer) a wide-wandering bee
Jan 27, 2010
In quarantine
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire MCA Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
For those of you who have been wondering about how the current workflow is organized and what InXile's milestones are, here's what I've been told by Fargo:

Brian Fargo via email said:
The best production process is pretty fluid so I hate to commit to exactly how things roll out but I can tell you that 90% of the writing/design will happen by October. Scripting will start in about a month from now on the levels that are done. I plan to have all levels in and scripted by April thus leaving another 6 months for iteration and play test. The only reason we have the ability to have an accelerated production schedule is that the tools and user generated assets offer us a huge head start over the old ways of doing things. In addition, I am not having to make milestones to prove we are making progress which shaves another 25%. But I have been offered an fantastic and unique opportunity to make something special with Wasteland so I will not let the game go it isn't ready and I will have lots of beta testers to make sure that doesn't happen.

I hope that sounds realistic enough to you guys. ;)


Mar 2, 2012
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014
and user generated assets offer us a huge head start over the old ways of doing things

What are user generated assets? Is there a community of Unity hobbyists that add to some stock library?


Mar 7, 2005
and user generated assets offer us a huge head start over the old ways of doing things

What are user generated assets? Is there a community of Unity hobbyists that add to some stock library?

At the very least, you are looking at two in that picture above. The cacti and the rusted out cars would be for sale in their store. Have a look around Daz3D, if you want to see what he means by "user generated assets".


IMO, Unity3D and Daz3D are following close to the same business model.


Mar 2, 2012
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014
and user generated assets offer us a huge head start over the old ways of doing things

What are user generated assets? Is there a community of Unity hobbyists that add to some stock library?

At the very least, you are looking at two in that picture above. The cacti and the rusted out cars would be for sale in their store. Have a look around Daz3D, if you want to see what he means by "user generated assets".


IMO, Unity3D and Daz3D are following close to the same business model.

Oh, there's a market for in game assets.

I don't follow many indie games, so was only aware of the idea of proprietary engines and assets. I see some exciting possibilities for mid-sized developers using this business model.


Mar 7, 2005
I'm still not convinced it will be a big deal. There's been stock art since forever but anyone making something decent won't just jam it in there, so hopefully the "for testing purposes" stuff is true, but then we are looking at the things right now in their screeners so...urg?

I have seen off the shelf stuff used in commercial games, so it wouldn't surprise me if they will be using a lot of this stuff. Stock art wouldn't work in a game like Fallout, because Fallout has a unique style. Wasteland on the other hand, was never about a 1950s vision of the future, so they might get away with a vanilla style.

I am skeptical about the usage of these kinds of assets, as it is the kind of thing garage developers use, because they don't have the money for anything better. Stylish and original art lifts a good game into the big leagues in my opinion. If I had the money, I would find the best artist I could, with his own unique style and make him project lead. If only money grew on trees. :)


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Too colourful and cartoony.
Should match the look and palette of :obviously: official art instead:


What the duce ?
Green radioactive water with green fumes :roll:
Also this.


Everyone who's into post-nuclear games have played STALKER already. Even FO3 didn't rely on such heavy-handed and plain dumb visual cues for radiation.

Has anyone noticed it needs more orange/brown?
Left: orange.
Right: lemon-lime.

Thinking about it, has anyone ever seriously thought about tapping the furry market with a game?


Subscribe to my OnlyFans
Jan 10, 2008
location, location
Bubbles In Memoria
Shouldn't I? He's given us three of the Codex top 10 RPGs. ToEE wasn't too shabby either. Is there anyone who's done more for the genre? Anyone who speaks with more authority?

So basically being a fanboi of Tim Cain is good, being a fanboi of this brian guy is BAD BAD BAD.

Cain gets about ten times the credit he deserves. Fallout is a good game but highly overrated, sort of like anti-scifi is scifi lite but some people jump all over it. It's atmospheric and got cool characters and in general stuff that's cool.

The Sistine Chapel is kinda cool and has paintings and shit but also like, overrated, and there's a naked dude there, so, like, eww, y'know?

Vampire is barely (if at all) even an RPG. It carries through on just cool factor. And guess what that's not what Tim Cain provides anyhow so how the fuck does he get this insane amount of credit for that, at least from you and a few other pathetic fanbois. He deserves about 10% credit on fallout, and fargo deserves at least that because HE STARTED THE FUCKING PROJECT AND NAMED IT.

Tim Cain wrote most of the game engine.

Son, in real life, there are "namers", and there are "doers"...

Also he did it to make the first WL 2 originally, so we know he was going for something good from the start.

Son, in real life, there are intentions, and there are actions... and intentions are like assholes.

Everyone has like, 5 of them.


We get it you think Cain's great, we really do at this point. That doesn't mean the people others think are great aren't. Fargo is about 20 times more important in game history and RPGs than Tim Fucking Cain could ever pretend to be. He just is and it's fact, and you are just another blind fanboi.

Fargo is a good manager and a genius PR guy whose name was on a lot of backs of Interplay CD cases.

My opinion of you has now gone from "slightly misguided" to complete joke. I'm beside myself wondering how the holy hells someone can possibly jump on people who defend Fargo and company, especially over such stupid attacks on such very preliminary "this is some assets in-engine" screenshot[...]

The only zeal I see here is in people attacking VD over his realistic remarks.

My trolltake on the project was somewhat different, but along the same lines - the game as initially envisioned and advertised cannot be made in 18 months.

You hero worship some guy and even make a game based on supposedly what's good about his games. Except that lots of people think it kinda sucks, so maybe it's not that cain is so good or that the things you think make a good RPG are so important, maybe it's just your opinion. And it is. You are wrong. A few people vocally agree but most think you are a fool.

What an adorable little gaslight! Awww...


Jul 27, 2012
It doesn't look that bad and I am sure he is listening to feedback. I would tone down the colors and add more detail, which is probably what they are doing. Also, the characters to me look a little too "fraily" in my opinion it would look better if they were bigger. Think how the new ShadowRun looks. Otherwise it should be fine, still getting it. They should keep updating us.


The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008
Doc's Sewage said:
(...) It's ok to fanboi Tim Cain because he's GOD, but fargo is just some turd so no apologies! (...)
Learn to read with comprehension. I don't see anyone calling Fargo incompetent (or worse), at least not in this thread. Some of us question his optimism though. You do like to blow things out of proportion. don't you? When a drop of your piss lands at your feet you say that you're swimming in cesspool?

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