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Game News First work in progress screenshot of Wasteland 2 revealed


Dec 4, 2010
am i going to be banned for saying i think it looks kinda shitty? to be fair i was prob hoping for something more falloutish and less cartooney. obviously this isnt fallout 4(3?) though so I guess that was a false hope


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
You know what's going to happen. People will call this game shit for next 4 years or so, before it gets recognized as a good game. This is the Codex.


Oct 12, 2011
You know what's going to happen. People will call this game shit for next 4 years or so, before it gets recognized as a good game. This is the Codex.


None of us will be holding this screenshot up as proof of it's greatness, though.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
I don't know, hope inXile hires some good artists and they make the game stand out (positively). And add more detail.

This looks nice to me graphically wise: Shadowrun Online

They are also early in their development. And it has vivid colors that W2 is aiming for. And its isometric 3d.


Apr 14, 2009
I don't know, hope inXile hires some good artists and they make the game stand out (positively). And add more detail.

This looks nice to me graphically wise: Shadowrun Online

They are also early in their development. And it has vivid colors that W2 is aiming for. And its isometric 3d.

That is gorgeous.


Oct 12, 2011
I don't know, hope inXile hires some good artists and they make the game stand out (positively). And add more detail.

This looks nice to me graphically wise: Shadowrun Online

They are also early in their development. And it has vivid colors that W2 is aiming for. And its isometric 3d.

That is gorgeous.

Everything is so shiny and radiates this annoying brightness!


Apr 14, 2009
I don't know, hope inXile hires some good artists and they make the game stand out (positively). And add more detail.

This looks nice to me graphically wise: Shadowrun Online

They are also early in their development. And it has vivid colors that W2 is aiming for. And its isometric 3d.

That is gorgeous.

Everything is so shiny and radiates this annoying brightness!

Ok. Is not perfect, but at least it looks competent. Now, please spare me of pathetic comments...
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
Gritty grim grimdark with bloom on top and typical BSB consolized glowy icons and interface? :lol:

This is why I don't give a shit what people think that much, and hope they don't either. It's not the same to play a game as look at a couple stills. You're just used to the same retarded shit over and over.

Screenshot is generally a little too bright and shiny and there's some stuff that could be better but people act like it's total shit, who at the same time thing the shadowrun online stuff is good.

Don't be a moron. Of course bloom, consolized glowy icons and interface are shit. I was talking about how art and look of the game looks more competent than what I saw at first screenshot of W2 (generic unity assets).
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
Well yeah it DOES have style and that's what people are largely complaining about. It's got vibrant colors. Problem is the colors don't all go well together, it's too bright, water doesn't look good. Some people don't like the scorpitron and I agree it should look more distinct. Ground textures could be better but are not bad.

Color is good, especially for fallout. What I don't like is it's not enough color range, but desaturating it makes things look like complete crap as that's the real problem, not enough color variance.

Typical game today has a set formula for art that is 100% due to bad engines, bad artists and being quicker and cheaper. That's overdone overdirty textures that are usually projections from photos, skin projected from photos, paintovers for 2D art. Complete shit. Then you take that shit (as linked above by you) and add in postprocessing, cookie cutter icons down with glow (cheapest/lamest UI you can do) and call it a day. The "benefit" is that no one has to be an artist to make a game like that, like what you showed. It's just mass production crap.

Anything has more heart and soul than that, and yes that include the WL 2 shot. It's not stunning but it's not anything to get in an uproar about and the actual complaints people who are complaining have show they have no idea what they're talking about. Like you can adjust an image in photoshop with a filter to "correct" its "problems", fucking ridiculous. Especially when you are making it even more monotone when the problem is it's too fucking monotone already.

But I'm a moron what do I know, right?

See, this is some constructive criticism. But I don't know what "distinct art" we'll get, since the point of choosing unity was so that they can buy pre made assets and make the game quicker and cheaper. I guess we'll have to wait for more screenshots and hope they know what they're doing. Because no matter how good is the game, if the graphical presentation is bland it won't sell, and nobody wants that. And yeah, scorpitron looks shitty, they should learn something from Wasteland 1 art direction (scorpitron looked much cooler, not like a rusted tin can, and even in the concept art it looked much cooler and impressive).

And I'm sorry I called you a moron, but your tone was also quite demeaning.


Apr 18, 2008
Well yeah it DOES have style and that's what people are largely complaining about. It's got vibrant colors.


Just give it up and go to your awesome programming skills, because you have no idea about art or style. Your knowledge and understanding of those terms equals that of any other schmuck on the street.

It's not stunning but it's not anything to get in an uproar about

You and your Doc Savage alt are the only ones getting in an uproar. Some people said the image is too saturated, that's all, and then you got in xtreme butthurt mode and started whining, screaming and making retarded claims and assumptions because OMFG COLORS IS ART.

Like you can adjust an image in photoshop with a filter to "correct" its "problems", fucking ridiculous.

Correct the problem of oversaturation. That's all. And get it through your fucking retarded brain, you don't do "style" if you pull the saturation slider to the max. If the image had "style" it would have it even with a lower saturation.

But I'm a moron what do I know, right?

A butthurt moron to be exact.


Oct 12, 2011
Don't be a moron. Of course bloom, consolized glowy icons and interface are shit. I was talking about how art and look of the game looks more competent than what I saw at first screenshot of W2 (generic unity assets).

Yes, it certainly looks more competent -- everything ties together well.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
Ah, to be young and get all butthurt when someone doesn't love your favourite game as much as you do... Good times, good times...

Favorite game? You mean Wasteland 2, a game both not developed or played by me or anybody else thus unable to be loved at all? Yeah. Makes sense.


Apr 18, 2008
Yeah right I saw your retarded shit posts earlier, really detached guy.

Deep stuff man. And would you mind pointing out what was retarded? I remember just saying that the image is oversaturated and gave examples of other games where there are colors but they don't blind you with them.

But what can you understand when you think "vibrant" colors is a style.

And btw, learn the difference between vibrance and saturation:

Desaturated image: http://i.imgur.com/d59AX.jpg
Desaturated image with vibrance added: http://i.imgur.com/bFYTo.jpg
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
Here's another vid of Shadowrun Online, and while I don't give a shit about that game (don't care much for multiplayer) I must say they hit the spot of a futuristic cyberpunk city pretty well. Especially as I heard that they are also using Unity. Don't know how true is that though. Consolised and glowy crap aside...

But I do have a feeling that after they really make some progress in the making of W2 and not just some mockup screenshot that I will be pleasantly surprised.
In My Safe Space
Dec 11, 2009
Codex 2012
Guys, it's Wasteland 2, not Fallout 2. It's supposed to be colourful.

The problem is that it makes my eyes hurt.
In My Safe Space
Dec 11, 2009
Codex 2012
You will get used to it, though. You've turned it up to adjust to the games of today that are all faded out and dim to hide how shit the assets are.
I don't play "games of today". And I can play the original Wasteland without any eyehurt.


Oct 12, 2011
I can't play the original Wasteland without any eyehurt, sadly.

Well I can. Full screen. :smug:

I'm fine with color, really. It just doesn't have to be neon. It doesn't have to have this inner radiance that sucks all the color and detail out of things laid near or atop it.

To sum up: neon orange bad. Orange goodokay.

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