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Game News First work in progress screenshot of Wasteland 2 revealed


Jul 16, 2007
I can't play the original Wasteland without any eyehurt, sadly.

Well I can. Full screen. :smug:

I'm fine with color, really. It just doesn't have to be neon. It doesn't have to have this inner radiance that sucks all the color and detail out of things laid near or atop it.

To sum up: neon orange bad. Orange goodokay.
It's kind of strange since I can play the original Quest for Glory games without any problems and they use the same palette as Wasteland (I even prefer them to the VGA ones), I think it's some kind of colour + interface combination.


Sep 5, 2009
It's not a bad image, it seems good enough for a modern game but there is something that I think is missing. Good, high-resolution textures. Without them graphics look a bit muddy but I'm guessing that's just because it's a WIP. As a PC gamer, the presense of clean, crisp textures (or their absense) is the first thing that I notice in game graphics and it bugs me when they are not up to par.


Apr 18, 2008
Comments from retarded Jack Burtons of the world:

Don't listen to the people that want the game to be in greyscale, make it as colorful as you want!

Alternatively, go even further than grey scale and just render the game as a bunch of black and white blobs.

DERPE DERP :retarded:

Ion Prothon II

Jan 10, 2012
Ołobok Zdrój
Codex is like a pit filled with demonic hounds, howling and bitting everything, including one another when shit gets boring.
Tomorrow Fargo will climb down and throw new scrap of meat! :lol:


Custom Tags Are For Fags.
Nov 18, 2011
Valley of Mines
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Mar 13, 2012
Lost Hills bunker
Great lets all vote on everything, and make sure it comes out shit.

A retard who has the name FeelTheRads is not worthy of a vote, or a guy named general maxson. If you weren't a WASTELAND fan you should really shut your fucking hole. Especially since most fallout fanbois aren't real RPG fans. Oh, I like wu tang clan so I'm into rap hehe. Nevermind I never finished any other RPG in my life.

WTF are you talking about asshole? I love Wasteland. I just don't want it to look like Toy Story (ugly and it looks soulless).

And second, Fargo himself mentioned at least 100 times he wants Fallout (1,2) fans too and that people that loved those games, should love what he offers at W2.

Now, who the fuck are you to decide who gets to vote or not? I paid for it, I have the right to vote. Don't know what your problem is anyway dude, cause I said I don't want it to look bleak like Fallout 1,2 (except in some areas, it should look bleak and desert-y). Let them have their style, I just can't agree if that style looks shitty.

And they already said they want fan input, but they won't let us vote on every insignificant thing, but only in major things like the way they are going with art direction etc. And that's a good thing in my book.

So, the question is WTF do YOU want?


Apr 18, 2008
I want FTR to shut his ignorant hole, I thought that was clear.

You're the only one who has proven himself to be an ignorant.

From retarded "vibrant colors is style" to braindead "you only play popamole and just want everything to be grimdark" you've gone through all the platitudes that a pleb of your caliber is capable of.
Go and visit Bethesda's forums. You'll find like minded individuals there. I'm sure you'll enjoy arguments the likes of "you just want Fallout 3 to be Fallout 1".

Who is this drog person?

Genius programmer who hates Fallout and Vault Dweller and claims nobody has played as many RPGs as him. :roll:

I don't think anything short of a ban could satisfy this desire.

You too, EG? :(


Apr 5, 2010
Is this screenshot they were talking about? When are they going to post a new screenshot so we can get angry about it.

edit: Oh, they've changed the models in this one. I guess this is the new screenshot.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
B is best as it is balanced, A a close second (pretty colorful, like the original, but I prefer a more balanced option). C looks like a parody of the "needs more grey" guys.

Also: isn't this Burton fellow an alt of Knotanalt? I thought that had already been established.

Perhaps they just use the same computer . . . or DU tricked us.

This post is especially eerie to me because the alert feature says it is quoting me, and I spent most of the day outside.

brb, changing door locks

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