Magnat, your post is so incredibly dumb; I refrain from quoting it because you probably want to delete it and pretend that it never existed - you have my sympathies for that.
Now I don't know how situation's like where you live, but let me explain how psychotherapy works here: It's free of charge for the client, the health insurance pays for 25 sessions or more if necessary. So here your antisemitism already falls flat on the nose. Do you know who pays big money? The therapists. Once you got your psychology or medical degree, you have to go through a several years long expensive training, including holding several hundred supervised and unpaid therapy sessions, before you are allowed to call yourself a psychotherapist and help people. This is because health care wants to ensure people are actually qualified to offer therapy, instead of just prescribing pills or telling people to 'just toughen up, lol'.
By the way, do you know how Mr Shekelberg actually makes big money? Let me tell you: By generously prescribing Feel-Good pills with minimal time investment for consultation.
As for your second paragraph: Depression is a mental illness.
I wasn't talking about your 'here', comrade; so yes, I stand by what I said. Private practices that are open to one and all without any medical referral are a scam and I am against them. Just because you have institutionalized, insurance-paid whining sessions in the West does not make it an universal phenomenon (though I do applaud that it offers the possibility for consultation when it is needed). My main issue with the willy-nilly promotion of therapy going around nowadays is that it promotes a culture of victimhood and removes the self-accountability of people for their own shortcomings in life. I acknowledge the fact that depression is a mental illness, yet most of those that claim to be depressed are simply mushy-wushy, woe-is-me crybabies trying to mask their innate inferiority by way of a medical label (or even exalt it as a virtue, as many self-diagnosed retards do online).
As for your point on psychiatrists 'generously prescribing Feel-Good pills', that is just as much a part of my critique of unnecessary therapy. By applying this sort of misguided biological determinism to human behavior, you end up making a pathology out of every deviant behavior, even when it is a result of poor thought rather than poor (mental) health. So yes, therapy is more often than not a mistake and a fraud when applied to the life issues of the entire population.
Look, I understand your position and even agree in parts, but the thing is:
-You're not talking about psychotheraphists
-you're not talking about depression.
The former is a protected occupational title in most jurisdictions, you can't just open a shack with a sign reading 'Prof. Magnat, sanitary installations and psychotherapy'. I'm as sceptical towards self-proclaimed counselors, guides or whatever that recommend family constellations or bach flower therapies as you are, but actual psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists have a higher standard.
As for the latter, I can't diagnose whether OP - or actually anyone - has depression or not, and I doubt you can either. But since this thread is about games for people with depression and not 'games for people that are mushy wushy woe-is-me crybabys tryiong to mask their inferiority by a medical label', why not just go with that premise and talk about, well, depression?