If you are going to shit on someone's work make sure it isn't with totally unfounded criticism.
I'm not shitting on it. I give my honest impression. There is a difference.
Only five bullets from a box, and only 2 from a dropped weapon? Ah, right, I get it. You're not supposed to use ammo to take down enemies, but only to open things, I guess. So you probably shouldn't spend points on upgrading pistol and rifle beyond "trained" and get the first perk.
Pistol Ammo Counts:
Vanilla = 6.
GMDX = 5. Also adds armor piercing ammo boxes.
Vanilla: randomized 1-4.
GMDX: randomized 1-4.
So what is your criticism here, ignoring the fact that less ammo is a good thing as in Deus Ex you were absolutely swimming in it?
Ok, if that's true, it's less of a difference then I remember. And I do like the armor piercing ammo.
I get the GEP gun, leave the dock, get the first crate and crawl to the corner... where there is a plant in the way. Which is a recurring theme: on many places you cannot hide behind the corner anymore, because there's a plant or lamp there now. Hm.
What is this I don't even know. Can someone point out my supposed mistake here?
Well, I don't know if it is a mistake, but it is certainly different. I tend to hide behind a corner and lean to take a peek. This makes that difficult.
When crawling around the plant, I immediately get spotted, and the enemy throws a flare in my face. Nice. I run back to the dock to shake them off. Paul and the bot start shooting. They even run up the ramp and come back a minute or so later. And most enemies are dead. I walk to Headquarters, and see more dead bodies everywhere. Yep, half the enemies of this level are now gone. That's some impressive aggro range.
Firstly, that's hyperbole. There's ~30 enemies on that map and at most five or six died from the immediate area in that firefight. Secondly yes, aggro range is greater on higher difficulty levels. Still not totally realistic levels but more realistic and challenging than vanilla. Don't like the so-called "artificial difficulty" this provides, play on a lower level.
Well, I'm pretty sure I made a few piles that together held more than 10 NSF guys. Ok, so it's not half. But it was impressive (dead bodies as far as I could see) and I'll bet that was why you relocated the bot at the other side to Headquarters. Because I wanted to run a train to that bot, but it was gone.
Anyway, when the bot is destroyed by using up all my ammo on it, it's time to get some more healing from the medbot in the container. But, it's empty! Grr! Ok, let's restart on medium difficulty, because I guess that was a feature from realistic and hardcore. But, after repeating the above (and shrugging off most of the bullet hits), it is still empty after two uses. Bah. Ah, well, another reason why you should sneak around everyone and only use weapons that don't use ammo.
Are you sure you're playing the right mod?
Yes, that's the medbot. It held two charges and then was empty. I read the perks and your description, but that said somewhere that it was only for Realistic and/or Harcore mode.
Ok, I've got a GEP gun, let's take out the security bot at the entrance of the statue. Although... I cannot. The GEP gun has no scope and no tracking, so I am totally incapable of hitting the bot with it. Bummer. One more useless ranged weapon.
In the vanilla game did it come with a scope by default? No. It did come with lock-on tracking, yet this comment implies all guns are useless as they don't have tracking in that case, as it works the same as all other guns. It also has laser guidance and remote steering once you mod it. "Useless" apparently. Maybe I should restore lock-on tracking in the easier difficulties for the tards.
Consider me a tard, I would like it :D
And btw, I think restricting the amount of food and drinks to just a few is stupid as well. Yes, you can get probably 30-50 hitpoints by eating and drinking everything there is in a level, so I understand that it is totally OP. Not.
Why is it stupid? You left that out aside from the assumption I added this semi-realistic game system solely because I perceived it to be OP.
Well, if I would have wanted to restrict it, I would also have increased the healing amount a lot, because otherwise the food items aren't worth anything.
Ok, there's a few enemies left between me and the dock at the other side, so I take them down (shoot one with a tranquilizer dart and take out the other(s) when they come running). And I cannot find the one with the sniper rifle. Hm. How did I miss that one? Ok, restart and try again, this time on realistic again. And, after repeating the above, I'm sure the NSF guy that normally has the rifle, now has a pistol. Grr. Ok, well, they're not that useful anyway, with the severe ammo shortage. But I really like being a sniper!
Then you should have picked the sniper from Paul. That's the point. C&C.
Yes, ok. But I tend to master rifles ASAP, simply so I can shoot turrets, sensors and doors. Because I rarely kill NSF guys (perhaps a few snipers). And sniping from rooftops, across the level.
I also have a problem with leaving anyone standing or not exploring everything. I take down or kill all enemies and I backtrack to all the locations on each level. Completionist.
Ok, so I took a break, downloaded the SDK, puzzled a bit to have it work with GMDX and started fixing the things I didn't like. And noticed that you change a lot of things in code everywhere. So, I changed the classes for the ammo and such, but had to find the places in the code which override it.
The code and especially the comments are interesting. With that mindset, I don't think programming is for you.
// Ok, first take care of grenades, we want random 1-4
// Now other ammo (NOT grenades), give them 1-4 random
// For grenades, we want just 1
// And now the grenades: I hate special cases!
// I really hate special cases!
// Did I say I hate special cases?
// I *REALLY* hate special cases!
The complaining of special cases in particular is vanilla. Consider that GMDX is also built on top of HDTP and vanilla. I rarely comment myself.
Well, at least this assumption isn't totally unfounded. I'm not sure if programming is for me either, but I certainly don't think games criticism is for you. Fact check before you spew baseless bullshit. There's a reason this mod is universally loved here.
Ah, ok. Although in that piece of code, it says GMDX two or three times. But I guess the original designers, and/or the HDTP and/or the Shifter guys did the other comments. Sorry!
But it's why I don't like DX:HR as well: while, technically, you can play in multiple ways, realistically the game/mod goes a long way discouraging anything but stealth play with only non-lethal take downs.
What if I told you that my preferred playstyle is combat and I designed the mod to cater to myself first and foremost? Stealth players: don't let that dissuade you. As a designer everyone has a preference, and I did everything in my power to make a better stealth experience.
Well, as I said, I like most of it, and let's say that we both like to play in a different way. Or, in many different ways, in my case.
And I guess I'm a minority on this board, as I don't want my single-player games to be as hard and challenging as possible. I want them to be entertaining. And Deus Ex is the best Sandbox there is, to me. To try lots of (crazy) stuff.
But anyway, keep up the good work!